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Posts posted by walaalkis

  1. Targeting the waiter , the Barbara ,the taxi driver and the small children.

    What kind of religion these people follow ? I wonder what Hadith or Quran they read that tells them

    to kill innocent people. I am sure , its probably written by one them . They are part of the fighting for control

    for Somalia , religion is one tool to pretend they are true followers of Islam.


    Somalis fight for many years but using this extremist tactics are tooooo extreme for Somalis.


    Take it to Iraq or something .



    TFg troops and Alshabab are part of the greater problem to kill and finish off what's left of Somali people .


    I think Alshabab are well armed and financed by enemies of Somalia , TFg are financed and well armed by African union ,eu and America and I am sure Kenya would love part of Somalia for its own same goes for ethiopia .


    TFg are filled with uneducated qabiil infested old men and anyone hopes of ever getting peace from TFg and Alshabab is just

    day dreaming . I hope we get strong leaders who are for the people and not kiss aszes for African union and for coloniasm.

  2. _47201812_3_fighting_kateshaw.jpg

    Somalis are no different from hyenas, they are selfish arrogant loud rude unciviled and most destructive people

    On earth. They dont carry the brains to share and live peacefuly with rest of thier kind.


    I speak of those who are against the will of the people. Who are obstacle to our success . We need to put those people aside.

    It's disappointing we don't point the figure at them. Qabiil always gets in the way .

  3. Buuhoodle: (Sh. M. Network) Iska horimaad muddo socday ayaa la sheegay in uu dhaxeeyay Ciidamo ka tirsan Maamul la magacbaxay Somaliland iyo dadka deegaanka Buuhoodle ee gobolka Togdheer sida ay Idaacadda Shabelle ee Magaalada Muqdisho u xaqiijiyeen dadka deegaanka ah. Inta la’ogyahay hal ruux ayaa geeriyooday sadax kalena way dhaawacmeen kuwaasi oo sida la sheegay ahaa dhinacyadii dagaalamay, waxaana Max’ed Xasan Max’ud oo ka mid ah Waxgaradka gobolka Togdheer uu u sheegay Shabelle in weerarka ay soo qaadeen ciidamo ka tirsan Maamulka Somaliland islamarkaana ay Madaafiic ku garaaceen dad shacab ah oo ku sugnaa degmada Buuhuudle ee gobolka Togdheer. Nabadoonka ayaa sheegay in dhinacoodu uusan qasaaro kasoo gaarin dagaalka, hase ahaatee waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay in qasaaro badan ay gaarsiiyeen Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland oo uu sheegay inay kusoo duuleen deegaankaasi. Maalmihii dambe ayaa xiisad dagaal oo u dhaxaysa Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland iyo dadka deegaanka ah waxa ay ka taagneyd deegaanada gobolada SSC, waxaana dagaalo marar badan halkaasi ka dhacay ay qasaaro badan gaarsiiyeen dadka shacab oo ku nool deegaanadaasi.

    Looks like this will be long battle for both sides

  4. Carafaat;785847 wrote:
    Bob, maxaa dhacay. Adi ma ila adid. Inta macawiis iyo dacas xirto aa lug ku maraa meel kasta. Horey aa u smeeyay. Cid wax ku dhihisa ma jirto, macaa meel kasta shaaha laguu qaadaa.

    That's what I am also looking forward to . Alshabab might stil do is tricks attacking innocent people and TFg gangs might turn the

    guns on themselves. But all I care is too my country again . I won't be afraid and pretend like west is my true home.



    Alpha , I think qaldaans make more noise compared to xamarawis .

  5. Hadii ilaah somaallya nabad ka dhigo.


    In hopes turkey establishes direct Flight to mogadsho , I will definately visit my old neighborhood.

    No more thinking transit to Kenya or Dubai , this will be good for all .


    Everyone is scared to put thier foot in mogadsho, we will die at least better to die in homeland .

    While I am at it go to liido beach and eat some fresh fruits from afgoye.


    There should be group travel from this forum to denounce our fear of visiting Somalia.

  6. One has to wonder , why is that Europe ,America and Israel are one side and rest of the world bow down to them ?

    Are they trying to fulfill a prophecy ? North Korea had proceeded with nuclear weapon us,eu and Israel did not panic.


    If Iran is not allowed to have nuclear power for peaceful purposes ,Israel should give the Palestinians freedom.

    Muslim nations have to stand up and defend other slamic nations for this kind of scenario.

    Iran might be Shia and all, but they are truly strong Islamic nation with dignity. They don't kiss xxx

    like Arabs .

  7. Mogadishu (RBC) Unmanned drone, which is thought to be American surveillance drones has fell down today on Friday in part of Somalia capital Mogadishu, residents told RBC Radio.

    The unmanned drone knocked down at Badbado IDP camp which is on Dharkenley district, south of Mogadishu.

    “It was this noon, we saw a white small aircraft flying over our camp and in minutes we saw it fell down here”, Ahmed Abdi a resident in Badbado IDP camp told RBC Radio.

    No one was hurt at the crash.

    Somalia government officials and the African Union forces [AMISOM] reached the camp who then took the crashed drone.

    “After we realized that this was a drone we just called the government. They came and took it”, Nafisa Ali, health officer at Badbado camp also told RBC Radio.

    There was no immediate comment from Somali government security and the AMISOM command. But local sources insist that the drone was belonged to United States.

    It is the second drone crash in Mogadishu in three months time.

    Last year Washington declared that it has set up new base for its surveillance drones in the neighboring Ethiopia.


    Perhaps the pilot in the LA control centre felll sleep from over night drinking madness. These idiotts need better tech

    If they going to spy.

  8. Gaalkacyo: (Sh. M. Network) Maamulka Glmudug ayaa digniin u jeediyay Maamulka Somaliland, iyadoo Somaliland loogu baaqay inay faraha kala baxdo arrimaha Galmudug




    Wasiir ku xigeenka arrimaha gudaha ee Maamulka Galmudug Axmed Max’ed (Axmed Baasto) ayaa war uu siiyay Idaacadda Shabelle waxa uu ku sheegay in Maamulka Somaliland uu yahay mid inta badan gaar ah isaga saara Maamulada ka jira dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo tilmaamay in inta badan loogu yeero shirarka wada tashiga ah ee Maamul goboleedyada ay ka qeyb galayaan, wuxuuna ku eedeeyay in mar waliba ay gaar isu taagaan taasi oo uu sheegay in Soomaali ay kala jar jarayso.




    Axmed Max’ed (Axmed Baasto) ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu tilmaamay in Maamulka Galmudug uu yahay mid la mid ah Maamulada kale ee ka jira dalka, Somaliland aysan awood u laheyn inay ka hadashay aayaha Galmudug, wuxuuna ugu baaqay Somaliland hadii mar kale ay faraha lasoo gasho arrimaha Galmudug ay jawaab cad ka bixin doonaan.

    interesting news , I guess everyone now is going against one clan in the north. Somaliland specially reer habel need urgent

    resolution. They are getting more enemies by the day. Is not good thing after all somalis need peace not war and hatred for one another.

  9. Kooxo hubaysan oo Digtoor caan ah ku dilay Gaalkacyo


    Gaalkacyo: (Sh. M. Network) Kooxo hubaysan ayaa Koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo waxa ay ku dileen Dhaqtar caanka ahaa Magaaladaasi, iyadoo dilkaasi kadib Ciidamada ammaanka ee Galmudug ay sameeyeen howlgallo baaritaano ah oo ku aadan dilkaasi. Dr.C/qaadir Max’ed Keynaan oo ka mid ah dhqaatiirta ka howlgalayay Koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa xalay waxa ay kooxo hubaysan ku toogteen Xarunta Caafimaad oo si gaar ah loo leeyahay oo lagu magacaabo Daarul Shifa. Kooxo ku hubaysan Bastoolado ayaa la sheegay in Dr.C/qaadir ay ugu galeen Xarunta oo ku taala Xaafadda Astan Hobyo ee Koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana rasaas ay ku dhufteen dhaawac kasoo gaaray loo qaaday Isbitaalka guud ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo halkaasi oo la sheegay in markii dambe uu ku geeriyooday. Kooxaha weerarka ku qaaday Dr.ka ayaa la sheegay inay ka baxsadeen goobta, waxaana daqiiqado kadib halkaasi gaaray Ciidamo ka tirsan Maamulka Galmudug kuwaasi oo howlgallo ilaa iyo iminka aan cidna lagu soo qaban ka sameeyay xaafadda uu dilka ka dhacay ee Astaan Hobyo. Koofurta Gaalkayo oo ay gacanta si buuxda ugu hayaan Ciidamada ammaanka ee Galmudug ayaa maalmihii u dambeeyay waxa kusoo kordhayay falal ammaan dari, waxaana dilkaani uu imaanayaa xilli maalin ka hor Janaral Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid guri uu ka daganyahay Magaaladasi lagu qaaday Weerar Ismiidaamin ah kaasi oo ay sheegteen Al Shabaab.

    Walee waa lahaabey

  10. South Sudan ethnic clashes claim 74 lives


    At least 74 people were reported dead on Sunday in fresh ethnic clashes between rival communities in two neighbouring states in South Sudan.


    The fighting took place on Saturday when armed youths from Mayendit County in Unity state attacked Tonj East County in the neighbouring Warrap state, deputy Interior minister Gen Salva Mathok Gengdit said.


    "They attacked and killed 74, four of which are soldiers and the rest civilians, many of them women and children,” Gen Mathok said.


    The soldier said the attackers penetrated the area at ease, shooting on the civilians as they plunder property.


    "There was no fighting because those people in Tonj are disarmed,” he said, adding that the police were dispatched to the area but found many had already been killed.


    "They attacked the area and all fled randomly in disarray. Even children were abandoned,” Gen Mathok said.


    However, a local official in the state said the casualty figures were higher.


    "They killed more than 90 people. They killed children, women and youth, and took cattle,” Deng Madut Deng, the ruling party youth leader in Warrap state told a USAID-sponsored radio station.


    The communities in Warrap and Unity states have longstanding hostilities arising from multiple cattle raiding and counter-raiding.


    After South Sudan’s independence in July last year, both states were tasked to conduct a uniform disarmament exercise to pave way for a peaceful settlement.


    But the governors of the two states later traded accusations, with the Warrap state governor Mrs Nyandeng Malek blaming her counterpart Mr Taban Deng of failing to implement the order.


    Ethnic hostilities have ravaged South Sudan since independence. Having claimed thousands of lives so far, the hostilities pose a potential threat to stability of the Africa’s infant nation.


    Looking forward into south Sudan becoming separate states like its big brother Somalia

  11. Why wouldn't everyone close thier clan borders and administrate thier own affairs ?

    We all know Somalis will never unite and live peacefully , can we just stop day dreaming

    about the past and live up to reality ?

    We are not people who advocate somaliweyn unity but cherish our clan borders and advertise it daily

    In Internet forums.


    God only knows the future ,but Somalia will be in turmoil for years to come. To safe more innocent people

    getting slaughter , every region should built police force and army etc so that every clan becomes responsible of its

    Security and well being of the people in that certain region.


    It's scary ending for a nation but the way it's going , it looks like this will come true.

  12. God have mercy in their soul.



    Akhriso Magacyada Tahriibayaasha Soomaalida Ee Xeebaha Liibiya Lagu La’yahay Ayadoo Meydadka La Helayna Maanta La’aasay

    Tripoli,Khamiis 26 January 2012 (SONNA) Siihayaha Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Libiya iyo Guddi Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ka tirsan ayaa waxa ay ku guuleysteen in ay aasaan 17 qof oo ay badda Libiya soo caarisay iyaga oo meyd ah kadib markii ay la qalibmatay doonidii ay la socdeen dadkaasi




    Wararka ay Wakaaladda SONNA ka helayso safaaradda ayaa tilmaamaya ib Cabdiqani Wacays oo ah siihayaha safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Libiya iyo Guddi jaaliyadda Soomaalid ah ay magaalada Misirata ku aaseen 17-qof oo Soomaali ah kuwaasi oo 14-kamid ah ay ahaayeen haween 2- rag ah, halka qofka kalena uu ahaa canug yar oo labo bilood jirta.




    Doonidaan ka shareecatay xeebaha Libiya oo siday 56 qof oo muhaajiriin Soomaali ah ayaa waxa ay ku wajahnaayeen dhanka dalka Talyaaniga, hayeeshee doonidii ay saarnaayeen ayaa waxaa la waayay 14-kii bishaan aynu ku jirno, waxaana 17-ka la aasay laga helay xeebaha Libiya kaddib markii ay baddu soo caarisay.




    C/qani Wacays ayaa sheegay in 39-ka kale ee la la’yahay ay u badantahay in ay dhinteen, isagoo intaa ku daray in ay ku dadaalayaan sidii ay ku ogaan lahaayen nolol iyo geeri waxa ay ku suganyihiin.




    Hadaba Wakaaladda Wararka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee SONNA ayaa u suurtagashay in ay hesho qaar ka mid ah magacyada dadkii doonidaasi qalibmatay la socday ee ku degtay xeebaha Libiya xilli ay ku sii jeedeen xeebaha Talyaaniga, waxa ayn kala yihiin sidan.




    1.C/Qaadir Maxamed Jimcaale




    2.Muxuyadiin Xaaji Cllhi Fiidoow




    3.Mowliid Xuseen Cabdi Qoobdheer




    4.Shiikh Xasan Cali Xaanshi




    5.Xasan Mowliid Cismaan (jees bile)




    6.Maxamed Aadan Hurwaa




    7.Aadan C/qaadir Aadan ( aadan baale) dhintay)




    8.Xuseen Cali Garaash




    9.C/raxmaan Maxamed Nuur (amaan)




    10.Liibaan Xasan Ibraahim




    11.Maxamed Feysal B/weyn




    12.C/maalik Xasan Shiikh Ibraahim




    13.Saciid Maxamed Faarax




    14.Cali Faarax




    15.Dhaqane Maxamed Ciiloow




    16.Saleymaan Sabriye Siyaad




    17. Cali Maxamuud Cawad




    18.C/risaaq Maxamed Nuur (ruush)




    19.C/raxmaan Maxamed Macalin Gurey( xaam)




    20.Xasan Maxmed Cali gaab




    21.C/qaadir Farax Xiriyo (madaxay)




    22.C/fitaax Guuleed Clle




    23.Ismaaciil Xuseen Barre




    24. Cabdi Muxudiin Guure (Cabdi faroon)




    25.Axmed Xasan Dhaqane




    26.Naciimo Cabdi Cllhi




    27.Malyuun Cumar Axmed




    28.Nafiso Cilmi Siyaad




    29.Maryan Xuseen Cali (Dhimatay)




    30.Aniso Macalin Gureey

  13. Somalis in the,global diaspora are part the problem. I lost hope in them, try going to places like paltalk. All they talk about

    is trablism. Younger generation feed on what the older generation spreading, it's never ending cycle.

  14. Showqi;779029 wrote:
    Waxaa la yidhi Habar fadhida lagdini la fududaa...........This guys are trying to liberate our country, and in the process they are losing their life's everyday. Show some respect, and don't be ungrateful.


    How many years has it been ? God knows the real reason for their decision to come to our aid no African will get himself killed for the

    Sake of bringing peace to Somalia . I can assure you on that. They have just claimed to liberate Mogadishu after many years. I wonder

    How long it will be for rest of Somalia ? 10years


    I am grateful for everyone who's is helping my country. I am disappointed with how many people die with these never ending

    Cat n mouse games. It's not easy but at least they can avoid killing women n children.

  15. If Mogadishu is liberated from Alshabab why is ther constant attack on the goverment forces . Its either

    These African troops don't want Alshabab to be defeated so the pay cheques don't stop coming from u.s n eu countries


    Dagaallo saf-ballaaran oo ah xalay Muqdisho ku dhexmaray ciidamada DKMG, AMISOM iyo Xarakada Al-Shabaab *


    Talaado, Jannaayo 24, 2012 (HOL) − Sagaal qof oo ay ku jiraan dad shacab ah ayaa la xaqiijiyay inay ku dhinteen tiro kale ay ku dhaawacmeen dagaallo saf-ballaaran oo xalay ka dhacay degmooyinka, Kaaraan, Yaaqshiid, Dharkeynley, Dayniile iyo Huriwaa oo dhammaantood ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho.


    Dagaalladan oo u dhexeeya ciidamada dowladda KMG ah oo garabsanaya AMISOM iyo Xarakada Al-shabaab ayaa billowdeen fiidnimadii xalay waxayna socdeen illaA saqdii dhexe, iyadoo dadka dhintay iyo kuwa dhaawacmay ay u badnaayeen labadii dhinac ee uu dagaalku u dhexeeyay.


    Afhayeen u hadlay Al-shabaab ayaa sheegay in dagaalladu ay ka dhasheen weerarro ay ku qaadeen saldhigyo ay ciidamada DKMG ah iyo kuwa AMISOM kaga sugan yihiin degmooyinkii ay xalay dagaalladu ka dhaceen.


    "Dagaalladan waxay qayb ka yihiin kuwo aan ku doonayno inaan dib ugu qabsano Muqdisho, tiro badan oo ciidamada DKMG ah iyo kuwa AMISOM ayaana ku dilnay," ayuu yiri afhayeenka howlgalada ee Al-shabaab, Sh. C/casiis Abuu-Muscab oo ka hadlay idaacadda Andulus ee taageerta.


    Xaafadaha ay dagaalladu saameynta ku yeesheen ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa SOS, Xoosh, Jamhuuriya iyo weliba goobihii ay dhawaan qabsadeen ciidamada DKMG ah iyo kuwa AMISOM.


    Sarkaalka u hadlay Al-shabaab ma sheegin khasaaraha kasoo gaartay dagaalka, iyadoo dowladda KMG ah iyo AMISOM aysan ka hadlin dagaalladii iyo duqeymihii cuslaa ee xalay ku dhexmaray Muqdisho ciidamadooda iyo xoogagga Al-shabaab.


    Goobjoogayaal la hadlay HOL ayaa sheegay inay cabsi weyn dareemeen xalay ayna dagaalladu ahaayeen kuwii ugu xoogganaa ee degmooyinkaas ku dhexmara Al-shabaab tan iyo markii ay isaga baxeen caasimadda.


  16. Let the chaos start. They could have learned from Somalis



    Enraged Benghazi residents feel ignored, forgotten


    Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:27pm EST


    * NTC head attacked as anger boils over


    * Some residents say life better under Gaddafi


    By Oliver Holmes


    BENGHAZI, Libya, Jan 22 (Reuters) - The university professor, dressed immaculately in a pinstripe suit and waistcoat, points in despair to the crumbling buildings and rubbish-strewn streets of Libya's second city Benghazi.


    "You can see around you that there is no change. There has been no money spent on infrastructure and salaries are not being paid," said Ali al-Rabia.


    His voice rises in anger as he talks of how residents in Benghazi, birthplace of last year's revolution that toppled Muammar Gaddafi, had yet to see any benefit and had lost respect for the interim government.


    Anger in Benghazi has been simmering since October when the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) moved to the capital Tripoli after declaring Libya liberated from Gaddafi's 42-year rule. Months later, residents say they feel forgotten.


    "The government is working without a judiciary or police. We know they are getting money from the over one million barrels of oil they sell a day, but where is it being spent?" Rabia said in fluent English.


    "But the worst of it is that people who worked with Gaddafi are being appointed into the interim government," he added, echoing a complaint from many in Benghazi who say they fear the corruption and nepotism of Gaddafi's rule did not die along with the dictator.




    Frustration boiled over on Saturday when a crowd demanding the government's resignation smashed windows and forced their way into the NTC's Benghazi headquarters. The council's chief, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, was trapped inside for several hours.


    The protesters, many of them armed with machineguns and bayonets, had broken through the main metal gates and into the courtyard of the compound, witnesses said.


    Abdel Jalil attempted to placate the crowd, but retreated into the building after water bottles were thrown at him.


    Home-made bomb explosions were reported 500 metres from the compound. Although not intended to harm, protesters say they were a warning to the NTC.


    On Sunday, Abdel Jalil said such action could drag Libya into a "bottomless pit. There is something behind these protests that is not for the good of the country."


    The NTC made a peace offering to the protesters, the resignation of the NTC-appointed city mayor, Saleh El-Ghazal, and the promise of a new, elected leader. That was quickly followed by the resignation of NTC vice-president Abdel Hafiz Ghoga.


    Many in Benghazi said Ghoga should be barred from working for the NTC as he was secretary of the solicitors' syndicate under Gaddafi. On Thursday, Ghoga was jostled by an angry crowd of students when he visited a university in Benghazi.




    Since Gaddafi's overthrow, it has been Libya's disparate armed militias who have captured the attention of the NTC with their sporadic infighting and refusal to disarm and join a national security force. Now the protests in Benghazi, and the need to appease the city of about 700,000 people, are preoccupying Libya's leadership.


    For an interim government that is only two months old, the demands of Benghazi are high.


    "We need compensation for the families of martyrs who died in the revolution and for the injured," said Nabil Baraka, 42, an unemployed man who was at the wrecked NTC headquarters on Sunday to protest along with dozens of other disgruntled men.


    "There is no security, the streets are full of guns. There is no transparency when the NTC makes a decision without asking anyone and the government is full of pro-Gaddafi people," he said.


    In Shajarah Square in central Benghazi a group of protesters have been staging a sit-in for more than a month.


    "We are worried about the establishment of a democracy," said Suleiman Abdul, an unemployed engineer, who stood in front of an Arabic language banner reading: "Make actions, not just promises."


    "Our families have died for this revolution, but the way it is going it was actually better before, under Gaddafi. The banks worked, there was no rubbish and people did not have to fear all the guns around the country."