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Everything posted by Dhubad.

  1. Hayeh MMA, meesha waad kasoo heshay hayeh? Islii lacag aa taalo walee, waxaan yaabay markii la igu dhahay $10,000 aday ay dukaamada qabtaan when its busy like the x-mas time! Its the only district in Nairbi that has local bank branchs - there are at least 3 Banks in Eastleigh.
  2. Maxadtooyada dhexdeeda xabad way ka dhacday shalayto laakiin waxay ahayd different xabad ....waxaa layiri Militia-da ayaa waxay isku dagaaleen mobile phone while the war was raging not far from Villa Somalia .
  3. ^Is he on trip somewhere? Somalipire, Both groups are shelling civilian areas so they are all guilty on killing innocent people!
  4. Use Diana, Hargaysa sidii qudaarta oo kale ayaa loogu gadaa baan maqlay
  5. Galab Wanaagsan Malika, soo dhawaaw ! Waryaa nin kaagan qoraxdii Somalia soo gubtay ciyaarta jooji, banooniga dhulka dhig. I found another Sudan's song , horta why do they let their children sing?
  6. loool@icky girl, war miyaadan xaal inuu ku raaco kacabsanayn ninyahoow! I have seen her perform in front of crowd and she looks fine........laakiin ninkaan faruurya qaniin sanaya mala fiirin karo sxb.
  7. NG She looks shy coz the man who is sitting infront of her is strating at her JB Wixii jiraaba cakaaruhu iman
  8. NG Wax lagu badalo Cimaamada Cas waa la yahay! I am listening to a Sudan's song by some beautiful girl.....I think I fall in love with Sudan, I shall visit there soon inshallah. مي عمر ; - أحب ;اب عين ;ي
  9. I think both guys are incompetent, inexperienced and way to soft to deal with the tricks and the maneuvers that these guys are posing. I have listened to Sh Shariif last night on BBC, he was practically begging......"Maxay dagaal u qaadaayan, maxay rabaan" lol “we need to talk” is not an answer to this problem, he needs to come to the table with concrete measures when it comes to AMISOM .They bit off more than they can chew!
  10. AMISOM will not leave until there is a strong government who is in favour with the west is formed. The west will not allow the AMISOM to leave anytime soon because they are the only eyes and ears they have on the ground!
  11. Where is he, how come he is not involved or say anything on what is going on in Mogadishu? You would think he would be right in the middle of what is going on like his predecessors or was he asked to step a side by the dirk forces so that the game will look like Wadaad Vs Wadaad to show ordinary people that these so called wadaado are no better than the usual warlord we had for the past 20 years.
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: Ar ninkaan Jayte u ekaa!
  13. Subax wanaangsan arooyi suuban, Sabaaxal khayr, Shikamoo? Xaa lahaayaa?
  14. lool@Xiin, oo caawa yaa kaa xanaajiyay! Waa arin aad u uxun ragaan wadaada isku sheegaya oo madaafiicda shacabka ku garaacaya.
  15. Xaaladu meel xun bay maraysaa miyaa? Dadkaan wadaada isku sheegaya merkii aakhiro latago bal maxay ilaahay la hortagi doonaan waa ayaka dadka Muslimiinta ah laynayee? Walaahi waayaab, all these wadaado ku sheeg have hidden agendas whether its qabiil the likes of Indha Cade or Xukun jacay like Shariifka, waxay is dhaamaan malaha. Even if Xizbul Islaam takes over today,they will fight against Al-Shabaab....it never ends!
  16. ^I don't believe this, you guys think eating Mijo iyo Madax is OK but not Calooleey AKA Kirishoo Mirish......Dhareer baaba iga da'aya by mentioning it !!
  17. Ngonge welcome back sxb! JB madax ari iyo mijo yaah? Reer waqooyiga way iga yaabiyeen walaahi, calooleey aa lacaynaa madax ari iyo mijona waa lacunaa
  18. Dhubad.


    Torture is acceptable over there so it doesn't surprise me at all!! Ximaar Fooqal Ximaar
  19. ^lool@Qadaafi. Ninakaas caadi maha gacan iyo lug baan u taagay! This place is dead!!!!!!!!!
  20. NGONGE, I thought you had a natural suntan Waxaan maqalay inaad Macawis, Trainers iyo Budh is ku xiratay to belend in ?
  21. ^JB no wonder what? lol would you believe me my if I say my third Awoowe hails from Boorame Tanye Xamar baa la isdaba haystaa ma maqashay waligaa lol.
  22. Malika Sema, vibi hali yako? No he is my second Awoowe and I am sure they will listen to him. At the moment these groups are suspicious of each other and the enemy is taking advantage of that which is shame really!
  23. Well done to my Awoowe, he needs to defuse the situation!
  24. Originally posted by King_Sasa: Dhubad, after all that, u still in confusion, how come, the fighting is not about TWO Islamic militia but between TWO CLANS, one is hiding behind the Islamic Banner and the other one is simply defending themselves, is that hard to understand... lol@King, that is what I said soo maha? re-read it man re-read it man!