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Posts posted by Ameen

  1. Of course dolphins get depressed. Dolphins are very emotional animals. Sometimes they even cry out loud but if you pay attention to their behaviour next time you become exposed to them, you'll notice they like to make noise. Some people say thats proof that they like to complain and complain about how hot or cold the water is...


    Question: How many languages do you speak?

  2. We all experience a changing level of eman daily and we're in consistent battle with our own souls as we try to obey Allah and earn His good pleasure.


    What are something that an individual can do that will lead to the increase of eman inshAllah.


    Here is my short list.


    1) Give sadaqah

    2) Read more Quran and reflect over it

    3) Get up in the middle of the night and pray to Allah to help you with your shortcomings

    4) Make lots of dou'aa

    5) Remember Allah in times of prosperity and He will remember you in times of adversity.


    Now its your turn to share your list and may Allah cause it to become a means of success in both lifes (inshAllah).

  3. Today, Im gonna lay back and put the body into cruse control. I'm trying to recover from a Brothers Night out. The Super Bowl was off the hoook...mashAllah.

  4. Work hard? Sometimes and the reason can be, he are humans and they're periods of time where we get under each others skin and we need patience...which is easier said than practised.


    Question: Everyone has flaws in their character, so which of the ONE of the following three traits could you tolerate.


    1) An ignorant person

    2) Self-fish person

    3) A liar

  5. My health is good and I try to stay healthy be paying attention to what my body comsumes and how it reacts. But sometimes when Im eating, I dont bother to listen to my body, instead I send the food down the system and let the belly figure where its going to deposite it.


    Question: Who do you love more, your mother or your father?

  6. Zafir, joining the world of porn is actually going to cause him depression and not lead to any degree of true satisfaction. In fact, its the exact opposite of what he needs to be doing.


    Its clear that he's got an issue and by the way, Pucca...Dont be bad talking my friend when I'm not around to monitor your words...U heard! lol


    No seriously, he's got an issue and it looks like to me that since the son of Adam will never truly become satisfied than homie needs to redirect his focus and put a greater effort into making it to Jannah. Than and there, a woman for paradise can bring peace to his soul.


    But can someone take a wild guess as to what the first thing that brother would do when he enters Jannah...? I'll give you a few second to think about it.... and the correct answer is______________________ (well you don’t need me to tell you how he would spend his time).



    Umm Zakaria, thats not really a fair example for multiple reasons. For one, a man and a woman have been created differently. Yes, its true that both a man and woman have created to fulfill their desires through each other or in other words, everyone has been created to have a need for sex. Dont get me wrong, some have a stronger sex drive than others and living proof would be my friend. But everyone has been created with some level of drive and the Messenger of Allah (saw) advised the young men and women to get married. Plain and simple, get hitched cause if you dont, sooner than WILL find yourself in a tight situation. But the point is, we've been created differently and yes, I suppose a woman wouldnt be too fond about the whole idea of sharing her man but its NOTHING and I mean NOTHING compared to a man who is forced by a law from Allah to share his woman. And one proof to support my words is the fact that Allah, the All-Wise hasn't permitted such an action. The reason perhaps why Allah hasn't given women the right o marry multiple men (other than the fact that her pregnancy and the father of her baby would be difficult to determine when a woman has sexually relations with multiple men and our society can bare witness to that...) but another reason could be for the very reason that a man has not been created to tolerate the sharing of his woman. A woman would become jealous if she shared her husband but a man would rather kill himself, the woman and the men who are lying in this bed before he would accept the reality that they’ re would be two stars trying to put up big numbers while their on the same team. It wouldn’t work and one of them would need to get traded and perhaps the only means of trading is getting rid of him once and for all. Can you imagine such a world? Wars would be rampant and homicides would increase.


    In fact, I have written verses of poetry in my Poetic Justice that describes a world where war began when the men of that time crossed moral lines and started to fulfill their desires with other men's wives. The result became the extinction of women living in that world and since only men remained, the world they lived in became a world of war.

    Here are some verses describing such a world...


    I embark upon the road to meet my Lord entertaining new thoughts

    Pondering over a world with no women, just swords and rocks

    A world where the strong survive and weak souls thrown into cages and locked

    A world with no women, no children, no trips to enjoy the view at the docks

    A world free from pretty boys and their chucks

    No pick up lines directed at women trying to fulfill a lust


    A world where dress shirts have been exchanged for armor that covers the chest

    Where the pens and papers for poets have been buried and put to rest

    A world where the men are standing in straight lines

    Facing each other while engaged in acts of war and crimes

    A life free from the presence of men who speak lies

    No women encouraging their men as they stand to the side

    Just blood shed during the day and some parts of the night


    A world where death meets a man at the price of a sword

    Not at the voice of a woman who continues to nag until he becomes old

    A world where fulfilling a desires doesn’t mean spending a night with your wife

    But sharpening your sword and training your horse so you can fight into the night


    A world where the fighters from the same team meet at the edge of a known lake

    Where the mentality of such men is make or break

    Where death is just as real as life and life is no better then death

    A life where every man is a soldier

    Whether that man is courageous or a known coward

  7. Increase your knowledge of the religion. Go and study the Quran and learn the meaning behind the Ayaats you chose to recite. And remember to seek refuge with Allah before prayer, while you're in the state of prayer and after you complete your prayer.


    Question: What is one topic you will never talk to your parents about?

  8. Cara, its been a year now and homeboy is still cruising in gear 5....


    At the miles he's racking up on the engine, he's probably gonna break down before he reaches 32 years of age.


    But thats not the point. Thats just an example of one man and his need to marry multiple women in order to fulfill his natural desires.


    But why are so many women against this...?


    Please...state your case women...For once and for all...let us know the reasons....

  9. Im so into U.S Politics.


    Sometimes when I leave my house and I look for someone to discuss the possibility that Obama can become the next leader of an economy that is in resession and a military that is over used...I find no one.


    Instead, Im forced to rush home and scream at the top of my lungs at Wolf Blitzer who hardly hits those whom he interviews with tough questions. Instead their allowed to dance around a question that basically requires a Yes or No answer.


    I dont know what it is..but when I hear Ms.Clinton talk, I cant stop myself from shouting "LIAR. You're such a big LIIIAAAARRRR".

    Maybe she is and maybe she isnt but the way she selects her words can get under the skin of fella...


    But I just think that Obama will run out of time and Super Tuesday wont bring about real results.


    Too bad...So Saddd....

  10. It's funny how you mention you encourage your husband to marry another woman cause, I remember hearing from this guy who is a few years older than me (more like 8 years older than me) but anyways, his situation had him get married like a year ago. So the first few months were tough on the both of them for I guess good reasons and it got to the point that he realized and his wife accepted the fact that she wasn't able to satisfy his needs. She felt so bad...but to tell you the truth, the guy was a monster.


    Anyways, his wife couldnt take it no more and she exploded and told him to find another wife cause she couldnt keep up and his needs probably resemble the needs of 5 or 6 "normal" men. The local Somali community heard about this news and some older women have joined the project to find this "poor" brother more women to spend time with...

  11. ^^^Sorry I cant ready Somali (I know, its shameful)


    Question: Have you ever been guilty of helping your friend out? I mean like writing sweet poetry and handing it over to him so he can claim it as his own when he hands it over to his wife. I do this sometimes to help homeboy out when his big mouth gets him into touble. Is this acceptable...?

  12. Originally posted by Hayam:

    ONE Somalia, lady your one of a kind, why would any sane person want to be forgotten leftovers?

    Leftovers? Is that how you feel?

    Why look at such a situation with negitivity?


    Anyways, I heard of a brother who tried to convince his first wife to hang around after he took a second wife, by reminding her of a lesson she learned in her early days at school. He reminded her the importance of sharing for he said, "Baby, sharing is caring. Remember the Messenger of Allah (saw) said that you will never taste true iman unless you love for your sister what you love for yourself and you do love me right? Right."


    Fellas, please take note of the unique usage of words from the brother. His creativity. His gental approach. And last but surely not least, his usage of a very commonly known hadeeth which happens to be basic knowledge for most Muslims therefore there shouldn't be a need for her to request the chain of narrators regarding the hadeeth.

  13. *Breaking News* I dont have no problems with the police and Alhamdulilah.


    DD, You were asking about me? Like "Whoa" dont I feel special. Naw, just jokin. Alahmdulilah, Im doing better than some people and probably not as well as others but I have no complaints.


    Ibti, Im glad you loving the blog but I knew I was missing out on your comments so I will hand you this V.I.P. card *hands over a cyber card* and you can use it to comment on whatever you want for free smile.gif . MashAllah though I've been getting so much positive feedback from readers but recently, I alot of them have been emailing with some "usual remarks" because I haven't been writing as much. So inshAllah I will try to keep them coming...


    Today, or should I say...later on today....I intend to write in my blog inshAllah.

  14. Preach on brother...Preach on brother...


    But remember dont break the "Men Around the World: Stick Together" code which clearly states under Section 49, "...revealing the secrets to a woman about a man's heart is forbidden unless under one condition"


    And what could be that condition...?


    Well for the men out there who currently have the "code" with them, please flip to page 673 and read the lower part of the page which states the condition.


    And for the women out there that are lacking the privilege to own such a "code", the condition is.......

  15. Today, I did something wrong and because of my action, Im in real big trouble. I mean...real BIG TROUBLE. So here are my options...


    1) To run and hide

    2) To confess and deal with the situation head on...

    3) Go shopping (this tends to work better with women)

    4) Just think about the Super Bowl and all will be forgotten

    5) Propose to the first Muslim woman I see next time I mix with society and when she says "yes, now go to my father..", I will be pleased because I will use her as the place to unload negitive burden while I fill myself with positive, unrealistic thoughts smile.gif