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Posts posted by Ameen

  1. Khalaf, that is the way of the sunnah and the way of this perfect religion so thanks for sharing that with us brother. Although we are encouraged too speak up and stride to stand against falsehood and that is apart of our religion, our logic sometimes causes to go astray and would lead us to believe otherwise. It has to be due to a lack of knowledge on our part, right? So basically your saying, that as Muslims we need to correct each other and come together, which I agree, but if a brother comes across the hadeeth in which the Prophet (saw) was reported to have said, "A believer should not involve himself in tha affairs of another"- Muslim...and understand that to mean, "thats' between her and her maker". The words of the Prophet may seem easy to understand, but the circumstances in which he said, what he said and the lessons that were taken out from a particular hadeeth by the pervious scholars, is what we need to focus on and if we dont, it may be that our logic may cause us to go stray.

    Socod Badne, this is an Islamic Forum, so take the X-rated comments to "general topics", or better yet, create your own website.

    And Allah knows best

  2. Cambaro, those are nice dresses for a got to share the I can prove to my little sister that a hijab does not remove your beauty, but only adds to it. She is only seven, but its never too early to look out for her right? so where can I get something her size, in those dresses?

    And Allah knows best

  3. Make dou'aa that Allah blesses you with pious children and dont stress yourself out with this issue, because ultimately, the decision is with Allah. Prepare to have a child, without actually puting a date on it. May Allah send down Sakinah to your heart. Hey, dont you like that name Sakinah, it means calmness or peace...feel free to name your child that if you wish, dont worry about the service charge, I will waive it just for you...afterall you are my sister in Islam.

    And Allah knows best

  4. I think the first sign to lossing it, is when your physically in the Salat, but mentally your somewhere between Somalia and Vancouver, but than again...that cant be true...or else, we would all be diagnosed as being "mad", since we take field trips to places we will never actual visit while in the salat.

    And Allah knows best

  5. Is it not, former US Ambassador to the UN Bolton, since his recent resignation from his duties. Do you think the fact the he tried to help this every fearful nation of Somalia, that the US is despertly trying to keep at bay, got him fired? Oh well, but when the Muslims come together as ONE than inshallah we will witness a change spiritually and pysically across the world. Plus these pictures, although it may bring us pain, they should also motivate us to pay our Zakat and give in charity inshallah.

    And Allah knows best

  6. It's true

    We are living in a time where opinions are many and knowledge is limited, so yes, my knowledge is limited. But inshA'laah I will continue to read and sit with those who have knowledge and follow the sunnah, to increase my knowledge.

    Remember the basic ruling of fiqh, that all matters within the religion are prohibited unless proven otherwise, whereas, all the matters that have to do with dunya is permissible, unless proven otherwise through clear proof. Understanding this basic concept of fiqh, I shouldn't be the person bringing a daliil that prohibits sitting with ppl who have different beliefs, afterall, that falls within our belief system and belief is a major factor in our religion. Nevertheless, its all good. When you say, it is actually encouraged to be with other people who have different prespectives, that way you can reach out to them and make them understand why they are wrong? The question is, who should reach out to them? Shouldnt it be the people of knowledge?(at the same time, I understand if you read or understood through a respected source, a particular issue, than it is a duty upon you that you share that knowledge with them, but generally speaking, shouldnt it be the people of knowledge). If the matter that people differ in deals with "what madhab they follow", than it should be known, the four madhabs that are most common today, are all upon the truth. Those scholar (may Allah have mercy upon them) differed in minor issue, but they agreed on the foundations of the religion. So, its not a matter of a shiek who is a hanifi sharing his views, while the individual may consider themselves a Maliki or something, but the problem is bigger than that. And how could we feel secure with our beliefs, when nabi Ibrahim asked Allah to show him the ressurection of a bird so that he may use that to increase his beliefs? Indeed when Allah shared that knowledge with us through the Quran, there was a lesson in matters that we should try to grasp. So, its not the fact that Im in secure with my aqeedah of this perfect religion, rather, it is one less outside influence that Im trying to protect my heart from. Remember an individual wont be held accountable for whatever his/her heart is attached too (because afterall, we cant control the heart), but will most def, be questioned about all those steps that they took, to get to that stage, and the "nowadays" proof for this is, have you not seen a relationship where a female is getting beat and disrespected and all, despite the fact that she acknowledges all the negitives in that relationship, she just cant up and leave, her heart wont let her...Islam protects us from getting to that stage and one way is, to limit the reasons and the places where the genders are given this opportunity. My point is, your faith system may be strong, but what about the sister sitting next to you? Or the parents who have mixed up their cultures practises with their religion? As the Prophet (saw) said, the believers resemble one human body, so that, if one part of the human body is not well, then the whole body shares that insomnia"-Al Bukhari.

    So Im not just thinking about myself, but I rather chose to practise this hadeeth. I also want to share a few interesting points from people who have the knowledge, in regards to, sitting with ppl who care a different aqeedah, but I have writen too much, so maybe another time inshallah.

    And Allah knows best

  7. How can we feel secure about our religion, when are knowledge is very limited? When we dont even understand the true concept of tawheed and do you really think that he (the rabbi) wont try to put doubt in our hearts, in regards to Islam?

    ( afterall he does place himself among the Bani Isreals and we know what type of people they are, through Allah) If your solution to a problem is, lets wait and see what happens...but what if..the time for change has alread passed by? What do we do than? We need more of a proactive lifestyle rather than a reactive. But dont worry, I wont bring things up like this no more, because I really wouldn't want to place doubt in the heads of (these people who are actually smarter than they may seem or) the future attendees. By the way, which Al-Maghrib class did you attend, if you dont mind me asking?

    And Allah knows best

  8. Assalam....

    I think I've been misunderstood. In my pervious comment I wrote "I remember thinking to myself, "well, you know what, its whatever people make it and if they want to mix and chill

    with each other, thats out of my control"...and the understanding that I was hoping that you would come too was, despite all the efforts the organizers of the RIS are implementing, you can never control individuals who's intentions are to intermingle with the other gender ( and how can you when they will respond be saying..."Yo, Im looking for a future wife or a husband,lol). An organization has only has such much resources and abilities to run a program or an event, so hats off to them. I want to take this oppurtunity to give the organizers credit where credit is due. It is a weak arguement to say that the RIS is discouraged because of the "free-mixing"...and I never tried to argue that point of view, but I just wanted to cause people to open their eyes to an event that invites a Rabbi and others who to speak to a group of Muslims (mainly youths). Dont get me wrong, some of the speakers I highly respect and I could never pay them enough to sit in their company, such as Shaykh Sulaiman Mulla and Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah and others...but we dont not benefit fully from a lacture style event and you ask why?

    Through studies, it has been determined, the amount of information that an individual remembers from a lacture is so limited (they actually say, you will only remember 20% of the total speech, but Allah knows best), in knowing Islamic conference is intended to remind people of the important things in life such as Allah and the Rasoul and our duties in Islam. But if your goal in to seek knowledge, than I invite you to Al-Maghrib (if you have not already attended a seminar). In regards to your answer to my question...that was a safe answer, and alhamdulilah.

    Your borther in Islam

    And Allah knows best

  9. Wow..and before I forget, Assalam


    Now its not really like me to jump to conclusions and start categorizing people into one group, nor are the words I use or the message I tend to spread, directly from myself. The question is, how do we know a person's true beliefs? Well, Imaam Al-Barbahaaree(one of the Great Imaam of the Sunnah who lived in Iraq about 1100 years ago) states in his book, Explanation of the Creed, "examine carefully the speech of everyone in your time.." and thats probably the best way to understand a persons belief system. By simply listening and understanding their words. It is not my job to label anybody and believe me, I have to many things going on in my life, to worry about others and that reminds of a hadeeth in which the Prophet was reported to have said, "blessed is he, who is so occupied with his own affairs, that he becomes unware of the affairs of others". Personally, I went to last years RIS event and I witnessed the mixing and I remember thinking to myself, "well, you know what, its whatever people make it and if they want to mix and chill with each other, thats out of my control", but the greatest memory I hold from the event of last year is when Shieks came on the stage one after the other and I sat in my chair and I listened until I could no longer process words, and it seemed like the shieks (may Allah forgive me) were contridicting each other. Now dont jump on me just yet...because By Allah, I remember one of the speakers and Im sorry that I lost his name in my memory...he gave his reminder and finished his appointed term on the stage by saying..."it would not be proper if I did not mention that no event nor any people will ever be successful if we dont follow the rules of the Shaari'a", and it seemed like he was directing those comments towards the organizers...but Allah knows best (afterall I aint no mind reader). Personally, I know many people love Tarik Ramadan and why not...I remember about a year ago, I went on his website and read an article that was posted and he spoke badly about the Scholar of our time and their "greedy fatwa's" as I remember reading. Now I understand, nobody is perfect nor would I be a sound minded person if I took one article from somebody and made a life-time judgment on I wont do just something interesting I wanted to share. In regards to intermingling with Kafirs in our daily life, well sister...we do live in a Kafir land. I hope that Allah will teach me good manners that will cause these people of multi-faith to be drawn (not to me but ) to Islam and I seek refuge with Allah from being a fitnah to them. I am not against the RIS. I am not one of those people who run around and say this is halal and that is haraam, fear Allah and other simpler words...but rather, I like to take a step back and observe because I know that Islam will be divided into 73 sects and one will be the successful...and guess what? I hope that I am among those of will be successful (as you wish to be among them also). I hope I answered all your questions...and if not...than holla back

    Your brother in Islam

    And Allah knows best

  10. Assalam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters

    Ive noticed a buzz around the city in regards to the RIS (I think its due to all this excitement thats being posted on SOL) as for Aaliyah's mentioned comment up above, it really depends on the individual's intention, whether its enjoying a daily meal or simply sitting amongst pious companions, every act can become an act of worship if our intentions are sincere to Allah (may Allah make us sincere to Him)...

    As for your question Tami, hasn't there been a fatwa given for every possible issue? and if thats the case, which fatwa do we follow? Unfortunately, for us (living in this time of great fitnah) we have become victims to two types of acts. One, we tend to use the term Shiek to losely and secondly, (for most, but not all of us) we seem to be drawn to fatwa's that serves our best interest. Now, before yall jump on me due to my pervious comment, just think and if it's not you that follow your own desires, have you not witnessed many other people follow fatwa's that serve them? In regards to Khalid Yasin being a scholar or a shiek, I personally met the man and been apart of conferences where he was our main speaker. I have also got personal time with him and asked him, a few different types of question, and Subhun'Allah, Allah has given him the ability to reach out and touch the hearts of many different types of people, both Muslim or Kafirs. May Allah reward him, but...he doesn't consider himself a scholar but rather a student of knowledge. Lastly, Ive read all the posts and I have yet to notice anybody answer my pervoius question and just in case yall forgot, my question not sitting with people who share another creed or aqeedah, strictly prohibited in the Shaari'a? and if so, what does that mean to us, in regards to the RIS?

    Your brother in Islam

    And Allah knows best

  11. Thats werid, Khaid Yasin is going to there? Wasn't he not allowed entry into the country for the MSA held event, that took place a few weeks ago? In regards to the Somali "excuses" that we tend to hear, dont you think that free mixing between the genders and not so "qualified speakers", are excuses that could be considered ligit. Have you heard this year newest excuse and just in case you haven't here it is, "the Shaari'a makes it clear that we (as muslims, who follow the Sunnah) should not sit nor listen to the people of innovation, and in saying that, the next question I ask them is, who are the people of innovation that you (as the individual)are speaking about? and they respond by saying..."you know, the Sufi's and those muslims who dont share the same creed as those Pious Imaams who lived before us". So, what do you think I should say, that will convince them that the RIS, despite the free mixing, is not so bad?

    Your brother in Islam

  12. Assalam alaikum

    First and foremost, may Allah cause us to be among those who are grateful to Him.

    In regards to you seeking an explanation to a world problem, through a verse, tells me that you are at least reflecting on your surroundings. Allah, the All-Wise, puts people through trails and only He has the right to legislate. He tests individuals through hardships which are always followed by ease. It is not proper for any of us (specially Muslims) to question the decree of Allah. Many people are starving which is causing them to die, but their deaths should not cause us to ask questions, but rather to turn to Allah and seek His help in addressing this problem, so we can have one less world disaster. In regards to the verses of the Quran, it is public knowledge that the Quran was revealed through a period of twenty-three years and Allah sent down the verses as events occurred, to correct the sahaaba and to guide them through His prophet (saw). Personally, I believe it is very dangerous to ask an “average Joe or Jane” such as myself, to explain a verse that Allah sent down from the heavens. But in any case, if an individual actually takes the time to look up the tafseer of a verse from the explanation of those who lived before us, than may Allah reward you for being the source of motivation.

    Ibn Abaas, the greatest scholar from among the sahaaba who was known for his ability to explain the verses of the Quran says about this particular verse,



    (Kill not your children). This verse was revealed about the tribe of Khuza'ah who used to bury their new born daughters alive, and so Allah forbade them from doing so, telling them not to bury their daughters alive, (fearing a fall to poverty) for fear of humiliation and poverty, (We shall provide for them) i.e. for your daughters (and for you. Lo! the slaying of them) burying them alive (is great sin) is a tremendous sin which deserves a great punishment.


    So when we examine the verse through the explanation of Ibn Abaas, he tells us how and the cause of the revelation of this verse and it was due to an evil act from a tribe who lived amongst them. Our brains and logic can not explain everything that we see and are over-taken by. It may be that Allah, the Most-Merciful, may test those people that you observed with a hardship, but reward them with delights that your mind has never imagined because after all, Allah is Just and Most Kind to His slaves.

    And Allah knows best.

  13. Assalam alaikum,

    Here is my ideal life, if only Allah had decreed it for me, but in any case…

    Alhamdullilah, Allah has blessed me by making me a Muslim and favoring me with the remembrance of My Lord.


    My Ideal Life with my Ideal Companions: Part 1


    The neighboring house belonged to Umar ibn al-Khattaab

    and I would sit and patiently wait for him to come out,

    before I gave him my salaams and watched him as he walked off and about.


    I would spend my mornings in the hot fields of Medina,

    learning from the warrior himself, Khalid Ibn Al-Walid.


    I would follow my intense training by traveling to the southern part of the city,

    to the house of Anas Ibn Malik.

    He would teach us about adaab and share stories from the Prophet (saw).

    Our hearts over-taken with light and our eyes with tears,

    We wished we were among those whom the Prophet placed under his care.


    From the distance, we would hear the call of the adaan

    by Bilal, whose heart was firm with solid emaan.

    On arrival to the masjid, the lines were formed,

    and the salat had began.

    It was Abu Bakr who led us and read from the beautiful words of the Quran.


    After the salat, we would sit and remember Allah

    with the exception of a few Bedouins, who would up and run.

    I would look around for Ibn Abaas, he was indeed my best of friends.

    I would stare at him in amazement, as I witnessed his growing knowledge of the Quran


    After the sunnah salat and the departure of our khaleefah Abu Bakr,

    and the ever fearful Umar ibn al-Khattaab,

    I would sit in the company of Ali, Zayd, Ibn Umar and Ibn Abaas

    as we would listen to Ibn Mas’ood talk about the pleasures of Junnah.


    This ever-close to our heart topic,

    would cause those whom Allah had blessed

    to depart and to their needs from their wives.

    While those who were left behind,

    sat and sought from the Great Bounty belonging to Allah.


    And Allah knows best

  14. We know Allah, the All-Mighty, speaks about love in Surah Rum and there are many incidents about the sahaaba and their experiences with “love”, so here is one scholar writing about this ever debated issue.

    Ibn Hassan, a great scholar who lived in 300 hijra, says in his book Tuhul’ Hamaama, “for my part, I consider love as a conjunction between scattered parts of souls that have become divided in this physical universe, a union affected within the substance of original elements” – in other words, he believes love is something of out of control and not in our hands, why, because when Allah created us, a part of our souls travels the universe, and this is supported by the hadeeth of the Prophet (saw) when he spoke about about sleep and he said, when we sleep our souls depart partially from the body and those souls start meeting each other in the upper universe [this hadeeth and much more about the soul is researched and written about in the book called “Mysteries of the Soul” by Abu Bilal Mustafa Al-Kanadi (may Allah have mercy on him)].

    Ibn Hassan being a literalist, continues by saying, “parts and elements of those souls meet in this universe and by meeting together (those unions) in this world, that will bring love and unity, and when they depart and go back to their respected bodies, if they were not to be together the love wont exist between them” and he says its something that’s not in our hands rather it is something that has been decreed by Allah and it happens because those parts, elements of love, are meeting together in that upper universe and when they come back and meet in this physical life, they will find that intimacy and love.

    It’s a physiological perspective.

    And he further explains by saying, that’s why you see those who are attracted to each other because they have that relationship in the upper world and the Prophet(saw) said in another hadeeth, “the souls are like recruited armies if they know each other, they will come and join together, and if don’t know each other, they will disagree with each other” because of this hadeeth, Ibn Hassan (may Allah have mercy on him) says, “love has nothing to do with beauty or any other physical characteristics”…and his proof is based on the fact that some people love the inferior characteristics over the superior. He explains, what is considered beauty for one person is not necessarily for the next person and the example for this is, some people are attracted to shorter people while other are attrached to those who are taller, and therefore it can not be about the physical characteristics rather it is about the soul itself. However, even though he says love does not originate from physical characteristics, he says, there still has to be something common for two people to love each other and he supports this theory by saying, “that’s why you will never find two people in love with each other without there being some likeness and agreements of natural attributes between them”. In conclusion, love is as real as eman.

    And Allah knows best.

  15. Assalam alaikum to all


    After finding myself on this site (and don’t ask how I found it, cause I really don’t know) I've had the chance to read the different comments and opinions of all your work. In saying that, I know you got skills to find the words that follow each other and thus create a "rhyme" or in my other words, a masterpiece. So share your experiences, observations or your school of thought. May Allah have mercy on us all.

    And Allah knows best


    P.S. It’s only fair that I start it off, so from the top of my head, here I go (inshallah);


    The story of the ignorant life,

    lead to the destructions of civilizations that have been silenced by death.

    The mothers’ sadden heart caused by abundant stress,

    pouring out tears, fearing for her children’s destination on the day of distress.

    We find ourselves caught between, a fitnah and a sin or a “catch-twenty two”

    We can’t possible up and leave, yet we are neglecting our abilities to read.

    Do you really think the ignorant will actually succeed?


    Don’t be fooled by those given excessive wealth,

    as they cause mischief and are overtaken with pride

    their sealed up hearts realize,

    they will soon find their place of rest.

    The Quran states, those are the dwellers of the fire.

    Could I enter junnah for helping that lady change her tire?


    I wish I could ransom myself and become “dust”.

    Word in advice, it’s better for you to remain as the outcast

    if it will prevent you from making the same mistakes as those from the past

    They were arrogant and proud, selfish, corrupt and in denial.

    They forgot their duties, now they are in a state of worry

    Seeking help and mercy from whom else, other than Him whom they refused

    Have you ever seen those who stand over graves and start to cry,

    yet they neglect and derive themselves of the ultimate prize

    the admission to the place of peace and security with no emotional rides.

  16. Thanks for taking the time in sharing some very strong points and nothing can improve the state of our eman and the ummah greater than marriage. But I can only hope when Allah has decreed marriage and it this "our time" to embark that journey, we will do it sincere for His sake, for any other reason would be full of adversities and commotion. But the real question I had in mind was, why now are so many people interested and why not like five years ago? (Personally, EVERYBODY, I know is on that tip, and may Allah help each and every one of them find their match)

    And can there be any other reasons people are rushing to the idea of marriage, other than to fulfill half their deen? (and in regards to marriage fulfilling half your deen, have you actually taken the time to ponder on the significance of that? Do you know how much protection that is for you in the long run?)

    And Allah knows best.

  17. AThe reason I’m surprised is for several reasons.

    For one, many coming lectures, or at least, ideas for conferences are targeted to the parents in order to reach out to them and explain or cause them to understand the importance of (different issues such as) emann and following the sunnah and of course, marriage.

    Secondly, I feel that parents more for the brothers rather than the sisters, advice them to be patient and establish themselves before they seek marriage (and maybe in some cases, that wise). But if the brother or the sister fears for their deen, does not marriage become wajib for them? And what would a sister do, if she really wanted to seek marriage but her wali did not want her to get married? Considering the famous hadeeth of our beloved Prophet (saw) that a marriage is void without a Wali.

    And Allah knows best.

  18. AAliyah416, you shared some good points. In regards to "who do I consider young"...well, I don’t personally but a particular age to a group of people who are considered "young"....besides, with all the experiences that we (as those who have grown up, outside our Motherland) have gone through, age would than just be a number labeled to a person. In regards to your second part, do you actually believe that parents are helping their children get married? Do you really believe that? Mashallah if thats the case. May Allah save us from the evil desires within ourselves.

  19. Now why is the world full of corruption?

    Now, why are our governments swayed by their evil desires?

    Now inform those who you see in leadership roles

    None will be successful, except those who are the truthful,

    Now, why have we been created?

    No other reason, but to worship our Creator.

    Now, who brainwashed you and told you life would be easy,

    Nevertheless, we’re prisoners within our own bodies,

    Now, brother’s respect the sisters

    Niqaab is designed to protect them from evils.

    Now have you read the books of those from the past

    Note; they lived like you live, and did what you did,

    Now, why is time flying by so fast?

    Next thing I know, I’m a be old with kids, who have kids,

    No regrets do I have about my life

    Never will I ever, question the decree of Allah.

    Now take a look above you,

    Now what do you see?

    Now Junnah is the roof of dunya and a place of peace and security.

    Now, I seek Allah’s protection throughout the day,

    Nice it would be, if I stood up to pray in the middle of the night.

    Night is designed for us to rest.

    Now why do phones ring while people are in the salat.

    No self monitoring causes us to fall into sin.

    Now that’s the end of that.

  20. Assalam alaikum to all....

    It seems like nowadays that many young people are all of a sudden, on the marriage tip. Do you find that to be true? I mean of course, nothing is wrong with marriage…but I was wondering, have you noticed that the "marriage fever" has been spreading quicker than…ummm ummm, lets compare it to AIDS. Marriage has planted a seed in the minds of those who are still considered "young" (although, many of us think that we are too grown for our own good, but in reality, we are still young). How do you feel about that? And why do you believe that the parents are making this topic a sensitive issue, that's actually causing more young people to research it and gain interest in fulfilling that part of their deen. Let’s hear some young peoples perspective on this topic.

  21. Interesting indeed, I mean reading all these different opinions and of course I understand that everybody has an opinion on everything...and when I take a step back and view the time in which Allah has placed me in, all I see is plenty of opinions and little facts. But, Nur, your absolutely right. Marriage is a blessing, a protection and a means to enter junnah, but if Allah has already decided "who we will marry"...than why do I see so many people overtaken by stress and worry, as if to say..."when is the decree of Allah gonna take affect?" And, brothers please, listen up to my advice...I know for many it would be a dream and a blessing to be able to have two or let's say, three or matter fact ...lets just complete the deal and say four wives, but realistically speaking...can you imagine dealing with four different personalities? Its hard enough trying to understand one sister and providing time for those "we have a problem, can we talk?" moments...and besides, taking into consideration the time and place we are living, it's like forbidden to talk about a second wife, specially around Somali sisters (may Allah open all our hearts and minds up) brother’s, lets boycott the whole discussion before we end up in a box, buried deep down in the ground.

    And Allah knows best.