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Everything posted by Rowda

  1. Walaalo I would love to help but 21yrs madaafin since the civil war! lol
  2. Naayaadhahee cajaa'ib hanakaa aragnay! duulkaan oo dhan oo isuguna wacayo SOL waxay gadhan la'yihiin erayada afkooda hooyo igu fudud mise anaa khaldan oo dhinacii somali-sujuwiqaan kujiraa? Ala maxaa la'iscaruureeyey (naac naac walaahida). guilt=kaxumaan waxaan kaxumahay in aan cidii booqan gugii la soodhaafay. please= codsasho dee waxaan kaa codsanayaa in aad sisaani ah iila socodid ama'aad iiga *****d Adeer=atheer plse castro, stop kucamirashada dee Yoonis walaalo lets open SSL classes (somali second language) and I will volunteer. castro five free sessions since you start the topic Nabadeey
  3. Castro you right I wouldn't wish to be man I feel your pain esp, after the nin months In aan farax findhicilanoyo isku qurxiyo? never infact they will take me with cajiin iyo suugo ayadoo iga urayso!
  4. hell yeah! Miyay shaqaysay? Waxaan maqlay SOL dadkay cunaan hadii adan waabsan. Walaalo was my statement wrong about the hemisphere or oo waxaad rabtay in aad i waabsato? thank you I'll take the hot dring it cold in here.
  5. Xaaji "Jiqeeey jiq! ala maxaa la wareeray" Adigna waad isyeel yeelaysaa right? marka hore uhadal sidii qofway and seefla boodle hanoqon sxb. ma'iga cabsoonaysaa? that is why u feel the need to call someone else? Dee banaaka isa'soodhig.
  6. sis you made my day walaahi fortunatelly I'm hairless like ugly cat but the every 3months eyebrow waxing is more than I could bear. I feel your pain, it sucks to be women sometimes doesn't it?
  7. What does it take to have low self-esteem? I'm asking this question because at some point in our life women or men we do exprience low self-esteem but I found women experience more often than men. Maybe that has something to do the fact that men use the left hemisphere of the brain where women use the right hemsphere where we tend to analyze info more than our conterparners. We normally feel some kind of self doubt after a break up, especailly if you are the one who get dumped. As a young girl I used to watch a lot of Somali ruwaayado (movies) & as an adult whenever I'm going through one of this things I remember this somali old saying & rent somali daadis ruwaad. Raxmadi furan! Haduu ifuro ma'feerbaa ijabayso,etc. How do you guys deal with this, in order to avoid low self-esteem?
  8. JB I hope bro nur comes back before my vacation ends. Mida kale waad ku mahadsantahay walaalo and I will stop it for now.
  9. "I knew that adaab is important in religion, so I was going to show the young ladies what it is about me that men like and even if they wouldn’t start practicing straight away maybe someday they would" Dear: Mother Theresa Islamicaly shouldn't it be other way around? Walaalo I'm not here in this world to make guys like me infact I would prefer if they don't because its less Dambi for them & for me. Even Doctor Phill doesn't admit to reverse Psych because it wouldn't be as effective a therapy. About the "edab" thing, I think everybody in here is above 15yrs & if they don't have edab by now then teaching them would be a lost cause. Your remind me of Sheekhunaa Nur. lol
  10. "What do women find attractive in Man's body. Its an open question?" Ragii Hore: raganimo (real men) xoolo (rich) gabaya (poetry) must be 6ft & 185lb (sexy I'll tell ya) xadxodashada kuwan (knows how to flirt)
  11. Cajaa'ib walaahi but nothing new. Don't they give up after looking............& looking but failed to closed the deal? When I think of u NUR one thing comes to mind (loneliness)! Its not enough that every Maxaadaro or Islamic lecture I went last 14yrs was about female's and how we create all the sins in world but killing another human being is not a sin? I'll suggest u should star lecturing men for what they doing wrong,ex, Qaad,alcolole, sex out side marriege, qabiil that destroy our country, not sending money to their love once back home, how to be a man & take care of their kids (gov aid is not included), forget thinking about wife #2 but can u even afford the first one? Use ur knowledge to educate the brothers cuz sisters already have life time of maxaadaro. call me the new kid in the block but I had enough of u already! Subxaanalaah do you do this for a living or u just like pissing the sister off? Hadowna waadka cabanaysaan why sisters ar going out side their race. Walaahi sxb this is not xumaan but u just hit my last nerve! You know, atleast I have respect for u unlike ur fallowers.
  12. Dont give me wrong but I do date som-guys, once every five yrs that is, for my moms sake, just joking. Yeah there is nothing better than marrying ur own kind and good luck with ur som-man. About Nur dude I highly doubted but thanks for word of the wisdom.
  13. Rowda

    Bring it!

    Thanks again bro. After years of listning hip hop & R&B I realized somali "suugaan" are the best eventhough they tend to depressed me sometimes, and the reason is, somalidu wadani ma'aha hadii kale wadankeenu siduu yahay manoqdeen. Jacaylkana waan dhagaysanaa balse kuma dhaqano.
  14. Jomaana is it somali name? thanks sis for welcoming me. On serious note,Do both of u really date with somali men?? I can't stand that Nur guy is he for real? & why is he on the women section? Dee masiibo unukaa aragnay! Castro: "No one has ever bragged about dating an engineer. But those Psych. majors, mmmm yummie!" Isqabooji saaxiib! The world know all somali girls are beautiful, regardless of what they do eng or home stay mom. In fact, subax walba way inay Cusbo isku shubaan before going out (si aan loocunin); however, OUR MEN LONG STORY...... AND AN UNFORTUNATE SITUATION FOR US. Luuq luuq marow lasim laamiguu kudhacaa
  15. NO.5,I DID NOT KNOW somali sisters were open to that....they've come a long way. Saaxiib ma'daruuraha ayaad kumaqnay? Don't u know there are more som-girls in higher education than som-guys? yes, I said it! Kanaxow Nafta Waa! I'm not only talking about the traditional role, u know nurses or teachers (not that those majors are easy or wrong major to take). Sister good job but I could tell you ten reasons not to date with somali bother with that kind of major! #1 he only after ur $$$$ #2 he will prob think u're smart aleck #3 jealous of what u've accomplished #4 all his relative will live off u #5 will hate u cuz u're equal to him #6 u will be the boss around the house #7 imagine what his mom will think of (back to #1) #8 his friend will hit on u (not that is bad thing) #9 imagine Casho & Halimo now days pay there own wedding (u eng? definatly include the "Maher"& "Soorya" too) #10 I guess kor iyo hoosba adilee What kind of eng?
  16. Rowda

    Bring it!

    Maskiin: I love that song but I never get aroud to get the CD; so I really wanna thank u for ur time and Hibo Nuro is one of my favoriate singer. I dont no a lot about somali songs but I'm trying to change that. By the way do also know this song? Guy: Sababada iqalan wadnaha isaran oo dhiiga sayrinaayee Woman: Sadex igu walaahi'yah kuma seexan waligay sir aan kugu dilaayee sahwiga iyo jacaylkuna sida uu adiga kugu yahay ayaan kuula simanehee.....
  17. Ilaahay khayr hakaasiyo for what u doing. We are in a time of trasition and we all have the right question for what our community is doing.We all have disease called qabil and culture that has nothing to do with Islam. After questioning that for last 12yrs I came to the conclution that treat ppl the way u wanna be treated and surround ur self atleast 2somali friends who have ur back no matter what. In this way, u will never lost to the western crowd. We somalis are too quick to judge ppl the minor things in life and dont see th big picture at all!
  18. Well, they've got to pay for the dinner, the cinema tickets, the Taxi ride home and maybe even a gift or two. This might also have to be repeated a few times before any sex takes place. Poor women, you say? Poor men, I say. are talking about som-men here or general population? I dont think that is the case anymore. we have women paying their own wedding expenses adigan waxaad kahadlaysaa dinner...I smell cheap cheap cheap. If you ask someone a date than its ur job to pay the dinner, movie ticked etc; but hadaad indhaha uroon tahay ex, six packs, 6.2,185lb and I ask u out than its my job to pay ur dinner and watch u like an object. "before sex takes place" what makes u think that is not what women after?? War ragow sir hoween kabaqa!
  19. Rowda

    Bring it!

    thanks sis, waxyar baan iska kaacilinayey that is all. Alaw yaa habeen qur'ah uurkagay qalo oo qudha'un iigajarin qaaruumaha kulooltama ku'yiraah gadha uqaad. Anyone who can finish it?
  20. Rowda

    Bring it!

    Bishaaro, walaalo maxaa kuqaaday? ar u having a bad day? take to the street lady! Dont insult educate instead, I guess that is what is lucking our community now days. Rest of u, dee soo daaya waxaad isku haysaan, inclunding our angery black female! I'm not intimidated far from that but waad kumahad santahay for ur concerned.
  21. Rowda

    Bring it!

    How well do you know somali songs? esp, songs that came out after the civil war. This songs could be wadani, jacayl, or daadis. I don't know who sings but this song definitely got my attention. Boqorkaan jeclaayow boholyewga aan qaba kii igu bilaabow, galgacaykaan u baaluqay kii igu barbaarshow. Marka hore bariidiyo salaan buuxdo iga hoo adiga iyo bulshadii hore.Marka xigaa bogaygoo, aniga iyo barbaartii dibadaha usoo baxay sama waagu ugu bari qofwabana dandii garay. Aniganaa dharaarahan bidhaantaada mo'yee waxba igama beelihin balan waa halkiisee. Marlaabaad bogaygow anigow ku baylihin waxna kugu badalanin, aan bilaabo hadalkee waxaan kuu bacdhabayaa. Dumarkaa baraaraha buunbuunsho abidkood anigu bilista xaawalay barwaxaan kudheerahay beentu waa iga xaaraan runta waan ubareeraa. Dalkani baaba weeyaan BALAD WEEYE SHEEDAN MIDAB la'isku baacsado, bacadkiyo kuleelah marbaa loo bus helaa, marbaa olalkaa kabaxa biyo la'iskushubayaa,idigoo ubaahnaa marbaa dibada loobixin baraf iyo qabowbaa danta looga baaqdaa.... danta loogabaqdaa. Waxaa iniga iga filin qof aan baladka laga jirin anigoo is bidayaa BIDO la'igu yeeraa, INTAASOO MABAAYA'AH UMAD YAHAY ADAAY BADAY ala hoogayew ba'ayay. Baxsanoo dhulkaan imid waala'igu BAADAA markaasaan baroortaa alahoogayew ba'ay. If I made any mistake pls feel free to correct them.
  22. Rowda

    Addicted to Love

    I dont think being in love is the problem with this 3 girls but instead they watch too many hollywood/polywood movies thinking that their guy is the same us the movie star. Yes, love does suck at times but that is life. However, what they need to differentiate is how long u suppose to wait when the going gets taugh esp, when there is no commitement (marriege that is) involve. Its good to be loved, care about but lady's don't stuck with one guy for more than a year, because its waste of ur precious time, believe me u'll regret! Gabdhuhu waxay xodxotaan(shukaansadaan) kun, kowna way kala baxaan. Labadeena card ma'isku darsaanaa haduu kaagu luma ama kaygu lumo waakala tag.
  23. I did had a bike back home but in our culture it was mostly a boy thing to do. After not riding a bike good ten years, I chose to ride my bothers bike one night but (waxaa iga qabsatay sheekadii xiin faniind) horrible accident and never ride again! I have to admit though there is something save about driving car, u ar confort zone compare to the bike plus speed driving is my thing 125mph. pls dont try this at home! Go the gym if u looking for healthy living.
  24. Wordette: "War balaayo beerka kugu dhufatay oo suulka kaa goosey ee bax taleefanka iiga bax, najis najis kala jirin yahow." I love ur sense of humor. I didn't right the whole story, esp, his phone called after 2 weeks and what he said to me,simply cuz its not proper thing to do. Believe me it god worst when he explained why he asked such questions. STOP LYING ABOUT UR AGE AND STAR LIVING IT.
  25. I was at my school one day when some somali guy asked my #, although I never seen him before I give my # anyway cuz he looked normal guy & I like how he dressed. He called and we were just getting to know each other when all sudden he asked the weidest question ever. Miyaad gudan tahay? suni or fircooni? I couldnt believe what he was asking me (amakaag) so I told him never to dail my # & I hung up the phone.I really think it was in appropriate question! Why do guys ask question like that when they dont even know your last name? Never compromise your self-esteem for others!