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Everything posted by poiuytre

  1. So we're meant to believe that he has been wanting to "wage violent jihad" since he was 15? That he somehow got into contact with a terrorist in Pakistan? Is there a terrorist yellow pages that he found this contact in or something? lol This story doesn't add up at all. I wouldn't be surprised if some undercover agents lured him in the Mosque, planted the ideas in his head and provided him with the materials as well.
  2. Airport staff 'exposed woman's breasts, laughed' http://www.theaustralian.com.au/travel/news/airport-staff-exposed-womans-breasts-laughed/story-e6frg 8ro-1225955345734 Man arrested after punching TSA screener in Indy http://www.indystar.com/article/20101117/NEWS02/11170365/Man-arrested-after-punching-Indianapolis-TS A-screener?odyssey=tab Southwest Airlines: Travelers 'getting molested' at checkpoints http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703688704575620601511628936.html This is getting interesting.
  3. Originally posted by Thankful: So they will welcome different regional enclaves and give them the red carpet and limousines. They want to encourage fragmentation of Somalia. Well said. They support the fragmentation of Somalia because they know that no country in the world will recognize each of these "lands". Fragmentation makes Somalia a weak neighbour and prolongs our disunity thus benefiting Ethiopia and Kenya. Kenya is doing offshore drilling in Somali waters, Ethiopia dictates the policies of all these "lands" and now Uganda wants in on some of the action. They want more funding so they can increase their troops in Mogadishu and so they can place troops in other parts of Somalia so they can "fight the pirates". They also want a "no fly zone" over Somalia. Somalis need to wake up and realize that these people are only after their own benefit. :mad:
  4. According to Alex Jones, TSA staff are groping people so I guess neither choice is appealing. lol
  5. Who would have thought that a country where 90% of the governments budget comes from aid would be the master that pathetic Somali leaders bend over backwards for?
  6. Fighting over positions in the cabinet of a powerless government that has a 6 month term? Somalis are very pathetic people.
  7. disgusting!! I wonder if more charges will follow once they figure out who the 'clients' were? :confused:
  8. I would like to feel some sympathy or empathy for these ladies but I can't. I don't feel even a little sorry for them. Their upbringing and environment is not any different than the circumstances that many young Somalis in the West grew up with yet they were able to stay away from the 'street life' and make something of themselves. We have to stop making excuses for people like this and be honest with ourselves. We all know where the blame lies. I mean come on, what are the odds that two siblings would be involved in the drug trade and their parents have no idea of what they've been up to? It says a lot about the level of involvement these parents had in their childrens lives. Blaming the system, their neighborhood, government housing etc is unfair and dishonest. There is clearly something wrong with the parents of these children and we can not expect much of dysfunctional parents.