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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Revisionism is not your forte, Maakhiri, so stick to something within your competencies whatever they maybe. The very reason Puntland has gladly collected all its political enemies is precisely because of the constitution which it insists all Somali stakeholders must adhere to. The same constitution which some folks try to skitter around time and time again. During the last election cycle, was it not Puntland that was insisting on the completion of the constitution and doing away with the 4.5 system so as to move towards representation based on the provinces and districts? Were you not one of the naysayers who claimed that the country was not ready for that because some tribes still needed the completion of galMudug and HirShabelle in order for them to get representation?(Remember Culusow’s government had barely begun working on the formation of those federal member states) In any case, the constitution is clear: 54 members in the senate with each of Somalia’s 18 provinces(Benadir included) getting 3 senators— and that is what Puntland stands behind 100 percent. The constitution calls for EQUAL representation of ALL the provinces of Somalia in the upper house. Now, Farmaajo is merely attempting to play his political opponents against one another by bringing Benadir’s lack of representatives to the forefront. It’s a move calibrated against the coalition of convenience assembled against him who have nothing in common besides wanting to unseat him in the next election. How well they address the Benadir question within the bounds of the constitution will either make or break their resolve to dislodge President Farmaajo from Villa Somalia. This is politics, may the best man win.
  2. Bootindheere, don’t you know that “Enemies are so stimulating”. Life without enemies is not as fulfilling as it can be. Now live on and thrive, dear enemy of the pirate Kings of Somalia.
  3. Please elaborate, Mudane Cadnaan. Do you even know what that mp was talking about? If so, then please do share your view on the matter!
  4. Xaliimo Yarey: 13 Bilood ayaanu u Baahanahay Si aa u Qabano Doorasho. Guddoomiyaha guddiga doorashooyinka Federaalka Xaliimo Ismaaciil (Xaliimo yareey) oo maanta hortegtay xildhibaanada barlamaanka Federaalka ayaa sheegtay in doorashadu aysan waqtigeeda ku dhicin kariin. Xaliimo Yarey ayaa xubnaha barlamaanka u soo bandhigtay labo nooc Doorasho oo lagu gali karo doorashada federaalka, “ Annaga oo xaqiijinayna nooca doorasho ee sharcigu qeexay, islamarkana tixraacayna howlaha muddaysan ee sharciga ku xusan, waxaan cadaynaynaa inay doorashad aku dhacaysa nooca biometricka ah ku qabsoomi karto muddo 13 Bilood ah oo ka bilaamaysa July 202 kuna eg Agus 2021” ayay tiri Xaliimo yare Xaliimo Yare waxay sheegtay in doorashada nooca Biomeetricka ah uu u baahan yahay waqti dheeri ka ah muddadii sharcigu tilmaamay iyo Miisaaniyad lacageed oo baaxad leh Guddoomiye Xaliimo Yareey waxay sheegtay in 9 bilood gudahood ay ku qaban karaan doorashooyka federaalka haddii la adeegsado nooca diiwaangelinta gacanta oo ka kharash yar nooca hore ee doorashada ee sharcigu ogolyahay “ Xaalada dalku ku jiro, iyadoo la eegayo guddigu wuxuu soo bandhigayaa nooca labaad oo lagu magacabo diiwaangelinta gacanta ee Isla maalinta codbixinta, noocan wuuxu ka duwan yahay kan sharcigu xusay waqtiga iyo karashka labadabada SIYAASIYIIN KA HOR YIMID. Guddoomiyaha xisbiga wadajir C/raxmaan Cabdishakuur ayaa qoraal uu soo dhigtay bartiisa facebooga wuxuu ku sheegay inay hore u ogaayeen in guddiga doorashooyinku dalban doonaan mudo kordhin, waxaana uu guu baaqay inay iscasilaan “naguna waxaan leenahay in khudbada Guddiga Doorashooyinka ay muddo kordhin ku soo idlaanayso horaan u ogayn. Mar haddii masuuliyadii loo igmaday ay ka soo bixi waayeen, hal wado ayaa GMDQ u furan, intii ay dalka qalalaase gelin lahaayeen, in ay is casilaan” ayuu yiri Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Horseed Media Xaliimo Yarey: 13 Bilood ayaanu u Baahanahay Si aa u Qabano Doorasho. - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Guddoomiyaha guddiga doorashooyinka Federaalka Xaliimo Ismaaciil (Xaliimo yareey) oo maanta hortegtay...
  5. Xasaarada iyo is jiidjiidka waxaa u wacan walaalnimadeena Soomaaliyeed ee calankii Bluugle qurux-badan goormaa boorka ka jafi doontaan? Happy Independence Day to all my Somali brothers and sisters.
  6. Hey secessionists: What flag was flying in the north in the first decades of this supposed h@bar jubilee?
  7. Reminds of an old cartoon I watched based on the biblical version of Moses, where he sings out loud, “O Pharoah, let my people go!” To the people of the north, whose freedoms of movement and association have been trampled on by the not-too-smart secessionist traitors, I say... “Freedom and unity draws nigh”.
  8. I ain’t selling anything to you, hombre. I just want you stop hallucinating and face the reality that your so-called aspiration for ictiraaf will never come to fruition.
  9. Definitely, it will help. It will lessen the daily rape, murder and pillaging of innocent Somalilanders )escaping the terrible economic condition of waqooyiga) in the deserts of Libya.
  10. Thank you for the compliment. Now do as I say, go to bed
  11. Please don’t forget to send your prayers through Facebook
  12. Don’t pay him no mind, he is merely under Suldaanka’s apprenticeship. With the bad news coming from Djibouti for the secessionists, Suldaanka needs all the help he can get to spin the news and distract from the facts
  13. Surely you are capable of being a generous snm mujaahid. Remind us?
  14. Okay, I will do just that. Now go to bed!
  15. Cut it out Suldaanka: I think Ictiraafkii baa geela Ostaraaliya lagu soo ag sheegey.
  16. What lesson? Are you hallucinating? Kindly repeat the so-called lesson just so we know you are not mentally handicapped and blowing hot air from your rear end.
  17. Ok your warning has been delivered to Somali government officials—-. Now go drink a glass of milk and go to bed.
  18. JAAW! Waar dee Salaadu xagee bay iska qabsan la’dahay! Niicdii gooni goosadka Habraha markuu soo idlaadey baad Ostaraaliya iyo futo biciid nala aadey miyaa..
  19. Lol @ first dance You flatter yourself.... I, long ago, on this forum, told you guys that bringing the secessionist pipe dream to an abrupt end was only a matter of building strong and functioning Federal institutions, and ever since then progress has been made towards that objective every 4 years now. Sadly for you; what you call the first dance is unfortunately the last dance of the secessionist agenda.
  20. Hey Timacadde, if you want me to respond to your puerile remarks, I need you to tell me who you are and where you are from? C’mon don’t be ashamed... tell us
  21. The political defeat of the secessionist pipe dream and your acceptance of this reality is duly noted in here. Sxb, sidaad rabtid uga luga-guro...Mother Somalia welcomes you back to its warm embrace. p.s Tell Ina Cawil Mucjiso and other former ashamed secessionists of SOL hiding offline to log back on, so we can throw a big homecoming party for them.
  22. Adiga weligay waan ogaa inaad tahay nin dantiisa yaqaan, unlike some dimwits on SOL who actually believed the secessionist nonsense all these years.
  23. Nonsense. Somalia waa gob kuftey. Somalia will once more stand tall and proud after its long recovery from the Civil War. after it sidelines the sellout secessionist traitors that dared undermine the territorial integrity and unity of our country.