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Everything posted by Modesty

  1. Asalaamu Alaykum: If you live in the TwinCities, you probably few monthes ago received this chain letter sent from Saudi Arabia by this man calling himself "shaykh Ahmad".When I received that, it was translated into Somali,and to sum it up the letter was entitled : “this is a Testament from Medina, the Radiant, by al-Shaykh Ahmed, the servant of the Noble Sanctuary of the Prophet” (peace be on him). In this brochure he says, “I was awake on a Friday night, reciting the Holy Quran after having finished reciting the Beautiful Names of Allah.When I had finished that and prepared myself to go to bed I saw the Messenger ofunable to meet my Lord or the angels, since between one Friday and the other one hundred and sixty thousand people have died on a faith other than Islam.”Then he mentioned some sins which people had committed and said: “This is a testament out of mercy to people from Almighty Allah.” The he mentioned a few portents of the day of Judgement and said: “So inform them, O Shaykh Ahmad, about this testament that it has been copied by the Pen of Destiny from the Preserved Tablet and whosoever copies it and sends it from one town to the other and from one place to the other, a palace would be built for him in the Paradise; and whoever does not copy it and send it, he shall remain deprived of my intercession on the day of Judgement. if the person who copies it was theretofore poor, Allah will make him rich; if he was a debtor, Allah will have him relieved of his debts; and if he was overlain with sins, Allah will forgive his own sins as well as those of his parents because of the blessing of this testament. And whoever from among human beings does not copy it, Allah will blacken his face in this world and in the next.” The above is a summary of the testament which had been falsely attributed to the Messenger of Allah (upon him be the peace and blessing of Allah). All these people were making copies of this letter to pass to give it to someone.I just couldn't believe that :eek:
  2. Asalaamu Alaykum, Darman thanks, and I love you too! Continue to share your great topics!
  3. Asalaamu Alaykum: For me the answer would be NO, because I would like to have accomplished my goals first, and I would find it difficult being married during that period.But, Allah knows best.
  4. Shaqsii I think ignorance is bliss. The less you know about the truth the less you'll suffer. Its not that we don't care, we care, its that we don't have the power to do anything about it. I would want world hunger to end,wars to end, but will that ever happen: Allah knows. Why do we do bad when we step out of the masajid, the answer I can give is that we get absorbed into this duniya. We believe that we're almost immortal especially when we're young, we become intriqued with life, and then comes greed,then hate, then jealousy, then killing. I ask these questions and I'm sure the people around me have questions like that,but its useless to talk about it. The answers are clear, but the solution is hidden.I really don't care about those things anymore, because I find it time consuming because nothing seems to ever change,and I just tell myself that everything was written before it was created. With that in mind, thats when I feel hope.
  5. Barwaaqo I do think that the niiko is so bloody explicit especially when there are guys all around, but its so fun when its in a small wedding.
  6. Latiff what is Batar? Did you just invent that by the way?!
  7. ^^Last I heard Rudy was a guy. P.S.-Hawdgirl I love your signature-So true! SO Mr.Yusufaddie you want to learn Somali.I suggest going to Somalia, and in 3 monthes you'll be fluent. I'll translate some basic words here: (Make the sounds of the arabic alphabet or read as you would english) Iska waran=hello Magacaa=what's ur name wiil=boy gabar=girl Nabad=peace nabadgalyo=bye Ali hurdaayo= sleepy Ali :cool:
  8. Asalaamu Alaykum,,,,, I haven't read the entire article but I really don't believe its' credibility. I just can't see why starving people in a war ravaged country would be sniffing glue and paint :rolleyes: ...Plus, I think prostitution existed always even with Hussein's gov't, it existed always. Journalists just like to show the bad side of everything, not the good Iraqis who are devout muslims.
  10. When I hear about death thats when I come to my real senses! May Allah guide us, because it is so easy to forget.
  11. One thing I know for sure is that SOmali people have Dhiig! Can you say that another people would have your back like that? NOPE
  12. ^^^^to the guy above^^ sounds like you're not in Minnesota.
  13. Shyhem I hear you loud and clear brother, I am so tired :mad: of all our young Somali brothers being shot while providing for their families! Most of the Somalis that are in more danger are the Taxi Drivers. Hey,if you live in MNPLS did you hear what happened at the New Somali Mall on 24th. These six black thugs started harrassing this Somali security guy, and then left. The guy went into the Restaurant in the somali mall, and told all the guys in the place to come take care of these guys that were trying to beat him up.All the Somali guys got in 2 cars, drove up a block until they saw the 6 six guys, and they started beating them with baseball bats! They beat them, and beat them to the ground and then left...then these Mexican guys saw the six guys on the ground and guess what..beat them up some more! Bottom line-Somalis are being targeted because we are hard workers! Protect yourself,don't go along anywhere,and don't walk around late at night! Be safe!And if necessary carry a weapon, why not!
  14. uhhh, I still am not gettin this DANCE, but the day I learn Watch out ya'll!
  15. Asalaamu Alaykum, I used to like to watch the Burranbur dances whenever I attended weddings, but the day I started to "TRY" to jump around to the beat of the drum...I got booed by the habro and older women, because I didn't know how to dance the burranbur.How is the future of Burranbur going to turn out to be, if the older ladies don't allow us to practice it at the wedding parties. Well, for me I already gave up trying to learn that dance, maybe I'm too petite to jump like that...huuum, I dunno but I hope this dance doesn't vanish because it is one of the greatest dances in our culture.
  16. Asalaamu ALaykum, Silent_sistah girl I would suggest you hang out with your Somali ppl more. I think the problem you're having is that you're not used to being conditioned to Somali behaviour, because if you were most likely you probably wouldn't resort to such angry remarks. Personally, I feel comfortable hanging out with Somalis,and aside from class buddies who aren't Somali, all my true friends are Somali. Sure! Somalis are known to be rude,and crude, but thats our way of showing Luv. You just have to learn what kind of responses to give in these incidents, and plus Somalis are fun with their rudeness .Try that method and I guarantee you will post a new topic called:I LOVE SOMALI PEOPLE! :cool:
  17. Muune right on bro! Latiff, yeA I really would like to see some hadiths on this issue, even though its ok to say its not haraam. Modesty
  18. Modesty

    Hijaabed Hair

    Well, I usually do micro braids, it lets my head breathe through my scarf, and it really takes good care of your hair. :cool:
  19. Actually Jamaal, I never also thought it was haraam, until I started getting different responses from people. Some people told me its not haraam, some say its haraam. But I don't see any haraam in it, its just that I am not conditioned to seeing that while walking down the street. Who is sister Kamila? P.S. I think QacQac said it was something he heard, not read, even though I'll be interested in that hadith. Anyone, feel free to share some hadiths on that. salaam
  20. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  21. Yep! I guess if its not haraam(like I thought :rolleyes: ) go for it. Plus, I change my stand to not imitating gaalo because if you see a muslim couple holding hands we should assume that they're married, so like Tamina said always assume the best in muslims(well sometimes, like the saying 'don't trust no one', but thats another issue) Asalaamu Alaykum!
  22. Lucky, what I met by that statement is that in my own opinion most gaalo do get touchy including holding hands in public, I really don't know if it something that is liked in Islam, because I THINK we should shy away from that. Allah knows, but from what I see from the majority of muslim people they don't get like that in public. I have nothing against that, don't get me wrong(I don't like to hold hands in public) , I think everyone has the right to their own whatever they want to do. But, I thought it was something to talk about.
  23. Asalaamu Alaykum, Lately on campus, just call me gabar shaqo la'aani ka badatay but I saw a muslim girl who wasn't somali, holding hands,and waist with this guy, know I assumed that they were married or something. ANyways, my friend started laughing when he saw this, saying that its haraam. I know its not common for Somali couples to do that, but I never saw a hijabed sister holding a guys hand walking down the street. I kind of thought that was sweet, and I replied to my friend that if they were married its okay, but at the same time we aren't supposed to imitate the gaalo. So I know this seems minor, but I thought it was interesting to talk about it.Do you agree with my reply..?
  24. Asalaamu Alaykum, Bulo, I wouldn't waste my breath on the arguments of the enemies of Allah. Allah has challenged the non-believers to produce anything in the quran, a verse, and to this day they haven't and they will never.The Quran has no competition.Islam has no competition. Why do you think they're always talking about Islam this, and that? Because the kufar can't compete with Islam, so all they can do is go to the level of a slimy snail under a rock, in order to twist the truth.I don't feel mad about this, because Allah has already told us that our enemies hate us, and what their minds conceal is worse, so we must stay strong, and we already know their tactics.Remember we will meet our creator,and get that day inshallah the best justice, the justice any human hand can't give will be served , and that is the justice of Allah.Lets be strong muslims,fear Allah, and not let the bad-mouthing of some individuals oo 'nacnaclaynaayo oo shaqo la'aani ka badatay' .
  25. Ya kno u Somali when you watch Al-jazeera when you don't even know alif, ba, ta, th,jeem...