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Posts posted by Modesty

  1. ^^^ Zulu what that says about you is You need to cover up :D


    St.paulChick-CLothes are nothing more than fabric,but at the same time they do so much more.If you dress sloppy,and dirty no one will want to be around you, but if you look clean people welcome you with open arms.No matter what you wear ur still the same person,but sometimes the way you dress is steoretipically attached to what type of personality u'll have.But, don't judge anyone, by clothes.But,I do sometimes,like if I'm walking and I see a thugish looking guy, I cross the street :rolleyes:

  2. Wow, this is a long debated issue. I learned that it was a superagotory act, which Allah loves. I know some girls that wore it once and then took it off,because they said it isn't wajib. Other than that,I think its beautiful,and although I wouldn't wear it now,I proud of those sisters who take a extra step to gain Allah's love.Manshallah

  3. Opinionated I think if I'm not mistaken chapter 31:6 of the QuranO(surah Luqman). It talks about idle talk,and from what I have been taught it regards music, although some scholars differ if thats what its talking about. So Flying_Still-what I meant is that music that distracts one from Allah is haraam, along with some forbidden instruments,but according to this hadith:1.) Hadhrat Ayesha (R.A) has related : "Once Nabi (S.A.W) entered my home, whilst I had two girls reciting the "gina - buath@ (war song). He lay on the bed and then turned his face away. After a while my father [Hadhrat Abu Bakr (R.A) ] entered and scolded me, by saying : "A shaitaan's flute near the Nabi of Allaah (S.A.W)!

    Rasulullaah (S.A.W) turned towards Hadhrat Abu Bakr (R.A) and said : "Leave them."

    When he turned away , I then signalled to both the girls and they left. This was on the day of Eid. (Bukhari p. 1301 /1)


    However, the young girls were singing a war song that was permissible and doesn't contain any indecent words.So Flying_Still, as long as it is aimed at Allah,and doesn't turn you from Allah, why not listen to it.But, I think its hard to find music without the flute or drum. :rolleyes:

  4. Asalaamu Alaykum,


    Alot of people say that your choice of clothing reflects your personality, or what your personality you would like to be like.Although, I wear hijab, I usually wear casual, and clothes that basically let me breath,as I perfer to look clean cut especially for my job. PPl say casual is related to a laid type person, but, that is so opposite from me. So how does your style of clothing reflect your personality or the way ppl see your personality?

  5. Asalaamu Alaykum,


    Allah states in a Hadith qudsi:


    "Out of all the ways through which my servant gets closer to Me, Salah is the dearest to Me." (Bukhari)


    Are we really praying salah? The whole intention of salah is to become conscious of Allah, if we're always thinking about a list of errands to accomplish what are we bowing for? To begin Salah one must have right intention:To connect to our creator. Do you figit around, play with your headscarf, stare at your surroundings, reading the quran without reading it, and then have you ever forgotten how many rakahs you've prayed? I HAVE!

    Salah has become a burden to some these days, instead of enjoying salah for the relaxation of soul and mind it gives us, our butts can't get off the couch when the time for salah comes. How many ppl have been diagnosed with psychological problems,and depression, they spend thousands on mental medications, when the most inexpensive and effective medicine is SALAH.

    I'm just stating how things are, Salah is the most important form of dhikr (rememberance), and we need to start really praying to Allah,for one during these hard times,salah and dua are the only weapons we need.

  6. Asalaamu Alaykum and wlc back Sagal.


    Opinionated I was thinking that about the research,and what the significance of the reactionary time was.Plus, is it legal for a 10 year to drive :confused: But, on the whole I agree with the affects of music on the mind(read my old topic on Music!) and to top it off Allah has told us that music(not all) with certain musical instruments are idle talk from the shaytan. I think it proves that ayah in a way.And again I have come to find out that all music in Islam is not haraam.

  7. Asalaamu Alaykum:


    How was the first day of classes like? I only had uno clase today,and what a day. It seems like I was running around the whole day! Lets see I missed my bus,and I tried to catch up to it, but I couldn't :mad: :mad: Thus, I was 3 mins. late for my interview. But through and through I am glad to be back :D:D Can't wait to finish it though.

  8. Asalaamu Alaykum everyone :D ,


    I listen to islamic audio lectures, talk about Islamic issues with my ppl, and read my Dr.Thomas Irving(Al-Hajj Talim) english translation of the Holy Quran, and if I have time I like to think about life,and why we are here on earth.That helps when my iman is going downhill.


    Khayr-Summer is the time we mostly sin.It must be something in the air,hmmm :rolleyes:

  9. President Bush is riding in his limo in the Iraqi countryside when there is a sudden bump and the limo stops. The chauffer gets out, walks around the car and reports to Bush:

    "Mr. President I just killed a pig. I think it came from that peasant's hut by the road."

    So Bush tells him to go and tell the peasant that he is President Bush's chauffer and that he just killed the pig.

    The chauffer goes inside the hut and disappears. About an hour later he returns very tired, smoking a cigar, and looking extremely happy.

    "What happened there?" asks Bush.

    "I went inside, I said what you told me to say, and the peasant hugged me and thanked me, and threw a party in my honor and gave me this cigar."

    "And what exactly did you tell him?"

    "I said 'I'm President Bush's chauffer and I just killed the pig!'"

  10. Fire Destroys Bush Presidential Library


    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A tragic fire on Monday destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. Both of his books have been lost.


    Presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer said the president was devastated, as he had not finished coloring the second one.

  11. >> BAD *PRESIDENT:


    Mr. Bush, repeat after me. I do solemnly swear

    - "I do solemonemoney swear..."


    - that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States

    - "... that I will fatally execute the official President of the United States..."


    - and will to the best of my ability

    - "... and will to the best of my abli-tilly ..."


    - preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States

    - "... preservect defenestrate the United ... the Constitual ... the ... um ... of America."


    - So help me God.

    - "So help me. So help my dog. Oh, God, is it over?"