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Posts posted by Modesty

  1. I keep hearing "we", I am SOmali, but we shouldn't speak for all of us. I beleive that you can be the race you perfer to be. :D Seriously, I consider myself African, and by subclan is Somali, and so on.

    Secondly, who brought this topic up?!? Arabs and Somalis? We have nothing in common with those people! :rolleyes:

  2. Asalaamu Alaykum,


    How is the Situation in Somalia? What do you hope to do for Somalia today, or the future?


    I don't listen to BBC,so please someone inform me about the gov't situation there! Secondly, for the 2nd question I would say that I would open a big hospital somewhere in Somalia because health is very a lively issue!

    Some of the nomads might say,"well, I'm American, British, Australian or Japanese" or whatever country ur a citizen of.But, my question is even if you don't plan to move back to Somalia, what would you do for the Hooyo land of Somalia? :confused:

  3. I agree with Dr. Mathir. However, I would say that he is not the first muslim or muslim leader to have made such statements. The truth is words don't really matter, they disappear into the air, what matters is action, they're visible. We muslims have been hypernating for a long time.

    Most of the above nomads said that the "loser"arabs don't have the courage, although I agree with you, I think they have the right to be that way, what can they do, they don't have nuclear weapons, and so they must kiss butt.

    Thirdly, as muslims we should work as a community, because just selfish individual success doesn't really help the oppressed muslims, and non-muslims. We need to work as a community. Just as I'm telling you this, I'm not practicing it, because I am in the category of selfish individual, I hope to change that, inshallah.

  4. I wish my parents and me were on good terms today. I would do anything to get our relationship back. I wish I would have listened to my parents more, and not to act like I know everything. I until the day my parents forgive me, I'll have this heavy feeling in my heart :(


    So I would marry this guy because I love my parents,and I would say my obedience for them through that.

    My advice is to always listen to your parents.

  5. Okay folks I had to make 1 more visit to this topic.


    Firstly-Waaq abaayo you say that these truthful replies by some of our fellow muslims are a result of insecurities, and that the hijab doesn't matter, but have you perhaps thought you might have insecurities on the dress prescribed by ALLAH? Rudy are you insecure because you feel as though its not an acceptable attire by the kuffar?

    Waaq this is not a issue of symbols, it is a law upon muslims(both men and women). I don't think we should be arguing about this at all, we shouldn't follow our own desires, and human fabrications. Also, like you've said if you have a good soul, part of the goodness should come from obeying what Allah has prescribed. When you die, your good looks, nice clothes, nice car, nice house,and money wouldn't come with you, only your deeds.We shouldn't be superficial.The prophet(saw) said do not follow innovation, we should stay on the path of sunnah. And this article our brother Rudy provided us with is clearly an innovation in order to as the kuffar put it "modernize" Islam. The truth is Islam was modern when it first came, and it will end with modernity.



  6. ^^^^continued^^


    Opinated, Islamic rules regarding women for example like veiling is not made by men, but Allah. If it was created by men, we would all be walking around nude :rolleyes: So don't be brainwashed by the so called European Ideology that a woman must not cover herself, in order to be modern or confident. Islam is not opinionated, its from Allah. Like I said Islam is not about whatever you feel, or opinion in your case is.


    Ahlan wa Sahlan smile.gif

  7. I don't think its fair to generalize people. I also think the word "modern" is being abused to exhaustion. In my opinion, everyone is modern because we all have most likely seen television, used computers, and have cars.Can a traditional person not be modern? What is your definition of modern? If a woman doesn't want to get married, that her choice, not society. And it doesn't necesarily mean if you're pursuing a career that you can't fulfil a marriage,there are alot of flexible ways that both can be managed.

  8. Amiin! And may Allah help our oppressed muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine,and everywhere a muslim is oppressed or in need of help.And May Allah make our muslim community stronger in iman, and bring true Islam back into our hearts,and most of all grant us Jannah.Amiin.


    Asalaamu Alaykum

  9. Asalaamu Alaykum to all,


    Hijab is obligatory, whether you like it or not. You don't have to wear it ,but point blank its wajib. The hijab is not a sign of oppression, it is a sign of obedience to Allah. The Quran does say that a women should be veiled, and that non-mahram men and women should be apart, except on professional talks.And the purpose of the veil is for one because ALLAH said so, and two because a woman should be appreciated for her mind,than her figure and face, and three it is a great sign of dacwah.

    Rudy- I hope to have clarified that for you brother.Plus, hijab is a clothe, it doesn't do its job unless the wearer has the right behaviour.

  10. laa ilaha ila lahu muhammadan rasuululah!


    Those were the most horrific images I have ever seen! I was glued to the screen, mixed feelings, speacially supreme hate for zionest fat kosha jews!


    The picture I can't get out of my mind is the pic. of the Palestinian man walking on the remains of his demolished home, and a old woman near him is sitting by a rock holding up a "V" sign with her fingers for Victory.Victory will come for these oppressed victims, all oppressed peoples of the world will have their victory, inshallah.

    I wish there was something we could do to help those people, but as we know life is short, the hereafter is eternal,and may Allah grant us Jannah to live in forever along with our martyred brothers and sisters. Let us keep in mind that Allah's promise is guaranteed,and Victory will come; it may be delayed but it will come.I just hope to be alive to see it. smile.gif

  11. Asalaamu Alaykum,


    Leathepha, with all due respect if you find some of the posts unislamic what you can do is correcting that individual. The person who posted that something might not have as much knowledge of the Deen as you. Correcting an individual from the wrong path or whatever is very rewarding.

    P.S.--Don't go!

  12. Asalaamu Alaykum,


    I was just wondering why muslims are so detached from eachother. Islam is a bond of bro/sishood, so I was wondering why don't we like to give eachother the salutations of peace when we see eachother?By this, I don't mean all muslims, but the ones I've seen. I feel as though some muslims are afraid to show their Islam. For example, there was a course I was taking, and there were a lot of muslim students in that class with me. When the professor would say something that was not a correct view about Islam, no one would say something;I felt so alone trying to politely correct the Professor and some of the things the Professor said were basic pillars of Islam,that we all know about. I feel as if the fire in our heart for Islam has warmed down, our morale is so damaged and I was wondering is there something we can do about that?

  13. Yea, Nur the Quran is our only hope. I would also suggest when reading the Quran to get a good translation, because if you don't know what you're reading how will that benefit you.