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Everything posted by Modesty

  1. Truly beautiful ayah. Made my day!
  2. Sun Read the QUR'AN the LAST TESTAMENT. The most positive book in the world. So true! The Quran is without doubt my favorite book.
  3. How unusual and funny. I guess that guy wouldn't be chatting anymore with strangers. You never know who you are chatting with.
  4. ^^ok, thanks. I was concerned about that. How about third world countries, do you need like specific shots?
  5. I actually feel sorry for her. She is getting sexually exploited, while she is thinking this will help her become more accepted in western society.These days it seems that being naked is seen as being free, yet being covered is seen as backwards.It's as if the good is seen as bad, and vice versa.
  6. Salaam, I was wondering, if a person from North America is planning to depart to arab countries like UAE, do they need you to have certain shots, or tests for HIV? Thanks.
  7. I seen this movie when it first came out. I loved it because for one it wasn't r-rated, and the story was very different than most typical Hollywood movies. However, the movie was very long, I wanted it to end so badly when I noticed my rearend was glued to the seat and I couldn't movie. Anyhow, I would suggest this movie to all. Plus, it didn't make me cry as I thought it would
  8. First of all...hahahahahaah. Ok, what about the fat men?
  9. Yonis I hope you move there and learn to cook for yourself Well, I'm all for education, but I think your idea that women should only learn cooking and sewing is quite chavinistic. Reading this article, and looking at the pictures of these "leaders", it's quite sad that all of them are men. I wish our country has some type of revolution where women can become leaders and explore the limitless possibilities of life. Most of the girls there are raised and groomed to just produce babies, and they always see themselves as being below men. I guess that's just how things are, and oddly enough some women are happy that way.
  10. fathia In case you didn't know there are food tasters employed to acquire the Bacon test. Subhan'Allah! If "pork" itself is haraam, why in the world would you want to taste something that has its flavor? Some things never stop to amaze us.
  11. Modesty

    Feeling Blue?

    Medication for depression is already a billion dollar industry. I think many people are on medication to treat depression because the pharmaceutical companies are shoving all these get happy ads down their dried out throats. Even though some medication I'm assuming might help with certain depressions, I feel that it might be better to start helping yourself. Everyone feels blue, it's a natural thing. One of my secrets when I feel blue is to visit people I love instead of being by myself and thinking about it. It really helps.
  12. Socod_Badne How can any1 oppress you when taking it is entirely voluntary? Yes, I said "oppress" and I meant that. I'm saying the woman who are taking it. That's just ridiculous, and I don't think it's voluntary, I think they're a bunch of brainwashed anti-feminists.
  13. Americans (and Canadians too) are eating themselves to death. pure gluttony. What freaggin took Nick so long before he finnaly realised his wife was a Hottt hotttt Dumb Blonde?? Hollywood marriages never last. No wonder her skin is that tight, I knew it's imposibble to lose that much weight and not be flabby without some type of cosmetic surgery.
  14. I was watching the view the other day, and I was jaw slapped by how skinny Star Jones got. I mean it's good that she lost weight, but it just doesn't look right on her face. I think some people look better with weight on than others, and in the case of Star Jones she looked better with her weight on. Her husband is handsome, but now they just don't look right together. I think she should gain some weight because her forehead really looks bizzare. How about Nicole Richie, what happened to her? She is a bag of bonys. Subhan'Allah! Hollywood is truly bizarre.
  15. You know, I kind of "feel" where Younis is coming from. He feels threathened by women, because he no longer lives in a place that he can say he is better than women. But, I disagree with you. Educated women are important to any prosperous society.If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate society. Woman are the ones who are the primary teachers of society.
  16. My advice is to stay the way you are, there is an ancient adage that says if you follow others you will lose your way, but if you follow yourself, you will always find your way. Salaamu alaykum!
  17. That is just plain proposterous! Ovulation is healthy part of being woman, no one has the right to oppress this God given gift. It might be painful sometimes, but you have to stick to it.
  18. Congratulations Fartun! Marriage is a beautiful thing because it's halaal So people let's stop the dating madness, and get married!
  19. ^^^That picture is hilarious...white lady is scared kulaha! loool! On a serious note, yes, there are muslims who have chosen that road of "modernism" or the so-called "progressive muslims", even so, I don't think any muslim whether they are a good muslim or not would condone such blasphemy against prophet Muhammad(s.a.w).
  20. Why must I be this way? I want to be who I'm meant to be.Expectations are so high I can''t keep up. What am I to feel? Feelings of hopelessness emerge slowly into my heart. I want to extinguish them so urgently. Moments of Silence fill my existence, it leaves me dazed. Watching the snow hardens my heart, the dark days leave me yearning for light. The dark starless nights make me lose myself. What is joy? Is it the warm sunlight kissing my skin? Is it feeling loved? I feel like I'm in a train watching time and existence disappear. I need wings, I was want to soar. Oh Allah, you are the hearer of all duas, oh Allah you are the merciful one, you are the first and you are the last, you Oh Allah are the giver of life and you take life, I make dua to you to guide me to the true path. I sincerely want your guideness. Oh Allah, make the Quran the light of my heart. I yearn for jannah. Life is bittersweet.Life gives me pleasure, yet life gives me pain. My life is in you hands oh Allah, please protect me oh Allah. Allah forgive me for my offences, I felt overpowered by shaytaan, I betrayed myself and I harmed myself. This not the way I wanted to be in life.
  21. May Allah give her jannah.Ameen
  22. ^Sister, for one Tariq Ramadan is a modernist who wants to change the shariah. Secondly, just because people are singing about Allah doesn't mean it's halaal. I just think it sounds like modified gospel music, and a clear immitation of the kuffar. May Allah guide us all.ameen
  23. ^Let me correct the name to Tariq Ramadan, and of course everyone knows Hamza Yusuf is very sufi.
  24. ^Abraar, I have nothing against that. However, I'm more into Somali guys. So, I guess we can agree that it's about preference in most cases. Maybe I try to find meaning in everything...perhaps. Allahu Musta3an.