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Everything posted by Ismahaan

  1. Congrats MMA! May Allah bless your marriage and grant you happiness in this life and hereafter!
  2. abo cograts bro, wiil iyo caano, gabar iyo bariis!!
  3. Rageeda, that is right! America should be quite when it comes to moral condemnation!
  4. Aaliyyah;721140 wrote: Ismahan oh my god that place is too beautiful count me in ..I googled it lol so its somewhere in puntland, and I think you are from there. Maybe u can get me a deal adna meshaas loool ... salaam Igu halee qaali meeshaan gobolka bari baay ku taalaa, waa mahaaygii lee adaa iska leh, any time imaaw red carpet waliba laguu dhigayaa.
  5. Chimera;720592 wrote: Been there, excellent place. Have you seen their logo? real nomads innit!
  6. Waa caadi ilaa chines ku heesa somali hada.
  7. The Zack;719470 wrote: ^Indeed Somalia shall be united again, no doubt about that. Somaliweyn is more than a dream. I am confident that we will be able to unite and rebuild Somalia , insha Allah we will.
  8. For Girls Hasna- Beautiful Sabirah- Patient For Boys Salem-peace Ibraheem-a prophet's name Sulaiman- peaceful Ridhwan-acceptance, Good will, Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven Sabir- patient Love these names, if I had a child these would be my top list.
  9. Valenteenah.;719075 wrote: Another restaurant in Shepherds Bush. What is it with that place and Somali eateries? It's like other areas don't exist! Waay waasheen innit!
  10. Aaliyyah;719060 wrote: lol@ugali ku dilay? horta ugali is another way of sayin digir right? .. Alliyah sis ugali waa soor /fuufu!/sima or psho hadba saad u taqaani . It is made from maize flour (cornmeal) .
  11. Sayid*Somal;719018 wrote: ^ Illaahay amarkiis - nin gabadh shaxaadaya Ismahaan ma soo ag'fadhiisanayo You're welcome bro laakiin aan dee showgi iyo Alliyah na horay u soo wado!
  12. =BOB;718922] would ALWAYS prefer over this 'Look At Me' nonsense ee maqaayadaha Soomaalida lagu hayo... Hadiiba aad ur meal sameeysan karti uma baahnid makhaayad soomaaliyeed in my point of veiw. Laakiin dee makhaayaduhu waxaa loogu tala galay farahs ka iyo xaliimooyinka cuntada laga habaaray.
  13. Juxa;718915 wrote: lol@microwave. ok partner, i cook and you invest ££££ done i shall try to visit nomad, i do love caano-geel. i will say hi if i see a lady with jeeg-caano geel next to her, i shall assume it is you Jeeg caano geel i was thinking what is jeeg but now i know after calling around.Thanks for the laugh! Yeah why not hadaa timaadi at least oodkac and caano geel soo cabti khasaaro ma aha.
  14. Ismahaan as i said i have not been there but that is what i heard, i may try maybe one day. I dont like going to restaurants such as blue ocean, labada lugood baan isku dhufsadaa yaxyax dartii, too many men standing by the pavement looking, looking until you fell over. I know what u mean sis meeshaas soomaalida dhan hor istaagta but their food and service waa ok. Nomad waxaan uga helay markaan arkay oodkac (luqmad) iyo caano geel. They have traditional food and also nomad nimadaa ka muuqata very proud camal. ANigu wax kasta somali culture ku base garaysan waan iska jeceylahay marka bal soo yara booqo oo ila arag! oh well i may open a restaurant myself as i am great cook if and when i find the kitchen II soo sheeg aan makhaayad isla furanee , i am a good learner but i am not a good cook, I usually choose microwaveable food over the meals that need extensive preparation and cooking.
  15. The best Somali restaurant in my opinion was the one on fulham palace road in Hammersmith called The Village Restaurant. I thought they closed that place down! Actually i've heard there was a dispute between the chef restaurant and some other owners . He (the chef restaurant) left and he now begun opening restaurants outside the UK, beginning with village restaurant in muqadisho (Villa somalia). I've seen him on Universal TV.Smart huh.
  16. N.O.R.F;718879 wrote: What is a restaurant in the Somali qurbo context? There are those who want something heavy very quickly ie the usual maqaaxi serving the usual menus (barris/baasto + hilib/digaag). This Nomad restaurant looks nice but who is it targeting? It is inevitable that all kinds of people will come and try the food. The guy about to go and chew as well as the professional who has just left work (or he could be both heh). Couples would want to go but would be put off if its accessible to one and all. You raise some good questions but we should ask the owner, infact I may ask him/her next time about their target markets! I think they caters to almost all kinds of people. Anigu 2 times tagey oo cadaan, hindi and somali ba waa joogeen. Maybe international rabaan in aay ka dhigaan not sure.
  17. Juxa;718872 wrote: Ismahaan and Zack, I dont want to be unfair to Nomad but I have asked around and i heard it is not special, plus it is next door to Marfish so not best place for a ladyyyyyyyyyyyy to visit. To be honest with you I've not seen any marfish close to nomad however Marfish is every corner of shepherd bush sweetie even blue oceon have shisha and marfish next to it. But then again this could be just a rumor! The closest restaurant near nomad is a Sudanese restaurant. Anyhow qofta indhaha markaay kuu kala war wareejisey maad dharbaaxo indhaha kaga soo qaadi?
  18. The zack u sheeg! BOB waba gacan adeeg miiraan hadii islaantu raacdo waay ku wareeri doontaa suu u leeyahay naa kaas waa qaali e ha cunin!
  19. Juxa;718646 wrote: Thank you Zack. I have not been there but i hope service is much better than IDMAN! I know exactly what you mean. Been there! The restaurant (edman) looks very nice from the outside and is even nicer inside but the food is expensive compare to other somali restuarants on --- same --area plus the service is terrible. Nomad offers delicious food and good service but its smaller than edman!
  20. I know a place where you can have a huge plate of pasta or rice with fish or steak, two bananas and several glasses of either orange, mango, melon, pineapple juice for half of that!!! It's called Waamo Restaurant and the owner is reer Faanoole in other word waa Ciyaalka Xaafada meaning he's from Kismayo and I'm afforded the liberty to have my plate filled over and over again to my deep stomach's content and still get a complimentary cup of waarikow...see being from Kismayo pays. Huh 3 pound xataa burger laguma cuno mate mise meesha aad dagan tahay waa east side iyadaa lalahaa qiimo dhac baa sanadahaan ka jiree! or kismanyo baa cuntada looga keenaa?? Ismahaan, gabdhaha maxaa ku socdo beryahaan bal noo sheeg ina adeerey aan kaa faaiideysane? I wish I could answer your question innader laakiin dee gabdhaha dhan anigu uma hadli karo, gabar kasta hobby u gaar ah baay leedahay.I'm sorry to disappoint you bal dhaawr hablood baan soo war waraaysan doonaa markaas baan sku dayi doonaa in aan kaga jawaabo su'aasha!
  21. Ismahhaan...Does this mean gabdhaha mar dambe lagama maqlaayo Aboowe Ma'da Weyn I geey meaning Mcdonalds? Good question. I'll try to research on that! Laakiin dee hada hablihii ilbaxe Mcdonalds iyo cheap chap kuma socdo! How much would a dinner for two Grown Ups cost by the way? Can you get extras...meaning hadee kugu yaraato Suubis Ma Jiraa The food is very high quality, very delicious, mixture of traditional and modern and not expensive (£6 for a wholemeal).I am sure a meal for the whole family won't break the bank! Suubis and waliba ogaali baa jirta lol.