Animal Farm

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Posts posted by Animal Farm

  1. The Game is holding hip hop down right now, no doubt about that. He’s more real than 50 Cent, I think you should watch a movie/ or rather a documentary called The Real 50 Cent. Nonetheless, the new Kanye West LP has intense tunes, and I’d say its less poppy than his first LP.

  2. I know of one such place. It's called Utopia. May all those who died rest in peace.

    Fidel Well said


    Its amazing how many incidents such as the horrific ones in south africa have to happen for us to understand that were not welcome anywhere except for back home.

    Goonle Crazier sh!t happens back home, we make it a big deal when couple of Somalis are harassed and murdered in the west, and I’m not saying that’s wrong because human rights activists have drilled their propaganda of good and evil in our heads and they have armed us with the mechanisms of voice and exit when human rights abuses occur.


    But, in Somalia, where’s the voice and exit, it’s the gun my friend, I doubt Somalia is more saver, than say South Africa, these people have fled to find the possibility of a new life and establish their lives elsewhere, so I doubt they’d want to go back home and forcefully get taxed by a warlord, and not even have the assurance that their business will exist tomorrow. These people left Somalia because their host nations have sustainable governments, or something remotely similar to a viable government, whereas Somalia has none.

  3. Just listen to Kanye West, or anything and anyone he produces for and you’ll catch some of these ol’tunes clashed with modern day hip hop beats and lyrics. The old and the new in one.

  4. Depends where you’re at, if your in Somalia, I don’t think that matters, but if you’re in the west eventually someone will figure it out, and the one who is hiding will get punished as well --- only on certain occasions that is. But we’re talking about Somalis who have committed murder, rape and other indecent acts in Somalia, I think many people will hide them, but what is the point, who will prosecute them?


    As for me, if one of my family members committed murder, rape and etc. I would rather not know about an they keep it to themselves – I’m good as long as they’re not recommitting the crime and they’ve acknowledged what they did was wrong, but if they’re parading about it, I’d say talk to them and make sure they know what they did was not right and they should ask for forgiveness and not be proud about it.

  5. It is unclear whether the pull out is a defeat for the Zionists – I think its part of a bigger plan to draw peace in the region. Politically, the Zionists have connections that reach into the most powerful states in the world. If the Palestinians continue their attacks, surely there will be more horrific retaliations, and this time, more justifiable than anything we’ve seen or heard in the past.


    Palestinian leaders needs to establish strong holds in the region, increase police count, and military strengths – and use those forces when Israelis attempt to shock and awe its territory. But, its hard to battle against a regime that gets billions in military aid from the most powerful nation in the world.


    Go read the current issue of the Atlantic Monthly on the cover it has Yasir Arafat and the title is >>>>In a Ruined Country

    How Yasir Arafat destroyed Palestine. By David Samuels

  6. Who needs helps too lazy to read up – are we raising money for plastic surgery for one of the nomads? If that’s the case, we need a before and after picture post here. :D

  7. I think people without education lack many characteristics in life. Say for example understanding the complexities of life. They lack rationality, and they get amused by the most simplistic things in life. But than again, we do need people to hand us our burgers, wash our cars, clean our houses --- without you’re simplistic view of life none of this would be possible. Create kids as an investment, ten is a good number. I mean look at our parents, what they got for having 10+ children – they forgot to understand that we’re not on farms anymore, children cost money, when will they get it, kids are not assets, they’re a liability.

  8. f

    no career, no life, no friends, and most of all I can't get to enjoy the view of men....OOOH don't remind me"



    I’m assuming that you are in your mid twenties – this is when life hits people like a ton of marshmallow jelly bars. Don’t panic – no friends no problem, make friends with your imagination. Its good not having a job, you live to your means, struggle, and learn the fine art of hustling. Think about it you have time now, you’re not occupied by friends, careers, or romantic prospects. Go outside, look sad and light a cigarette – take hard pulls, and think, think, and think. Construct your life in your own imagination, set up directions, make plans, jot down executions, contemplate possibilities, and plot revenges, surely in your journey of evil endeavours something is bound to turn up, you might make some friends who will help you release your anger.




    When people are often confused and conflicted in life they often turn to hardcore substances, I’d say weed might be fine, but stay away from the harder drugs such as crack and heroin, they will bring you more problems, and possibly death.


    Avoid large rabbits, and wet ants in purple tailored pants, if they speak to you only answer in Arabic, and don’t ask them why they’re speaking Swahili, hallucinations are alright as long as they’re controlled, punch your stomach if you feel unwell, drink lots of water, and last but not least stay away from creamy alcohol beverages, matter fact, refrain from all pollutants of the body that come in liquid form.


    Now the saving begins, after you’ve picked your choice of painkillers – acknowledge that you’re insignificant in this world, and realize that the world is a temporary holding zone, and that you’re only a spirit that will exist forever in the hereafter, be it in hell or heaven, and on that day of reckoning you’re career, friends and loved ones are no longer on your agenda, so be smart and get selfish now, smile for folks, joke temporally but don’t hold these folks hostage, because surely the universe does not revolve around you.

  9. STOIC


    I doubt SOL has love stories --- aside from that, it’s clear no one wants to meet up, and people are continuing this topic as if a meet up is going to happen ---- we know its not going to materialize due to the enormous insecurities held by many sol members --- so be it yal, stay and be an internet feature, and dream possibilities of what you assume peoples personalities to be like, and construct one in the process. Refuse authenticity and embrace in the virtual mayhem of SOL-poser stardom – enjoy your cake, slaughter the camel, gulp down the salt and Godspeed you skeletons on keyboards.

  10. we could get a shcool bus and paint it all the colors of the rainbow, play some MIA and wear our abayas and thobes and try to convince people were part of the somalia division of the harry potter fan club



    What in the world are you talking about?

  11. A degree is something you only talk about at parties -- you can make money in many different ways ---like the LOX said first you get money, than you get the power, than you get the girl. That’s why the most beautiful broad will love the ugliest dude if he has money.

  12. Its hard to ponder the concept of a revolution in Somalia, the only revolution that has taken place in Somalia is inner clan protests, and separation and etc. Most of the Somali students in the Diaspora, the ones who are able to do something, hate everything that is Somali, they have neglected their culture, and to put it politely they have begun to plan their lives here, and only see Somalia as an irrational vacation spot that they must visit without any sort of reasoning.


    I think we been milking the ‘let’s unite Somalia’ campaign for more than a decade. Somalis will unite only if there is a common enemy, a collective threat to their livelihoods.


    It reads like a good manual based on wishful thinking, reminds me of socialism. The political reality of youths in Diaspora is as follows, if they aren’t shooting drugs, selling, drinking, killing each other, they are going to universities and aligning sub-consciously aligning themselves with their own clan.


    Students in the Diaspora are even more separated in terms of clan politics. It’s interesting that AIDS ravaged through many African countries, especially in those around Somali, but Somalia has remained undamaged, but lets not forget there are cases there – my point is this >>>>> when we find the cure for AIDS we shall find the cure for Tribalism in Somalia.

  13. Yeah we’re really desperate :(


    No one is desparate, don’t get it twisted and no one is talking about a meet up anymore, er’body is scurd --- ps. It’s always good to expand your circle of friends, apart from your family members. ;)

  14. If you pick your nose, that's a disgusting habit, eating it even worse - what's the benefit in that? usually bad habits have some good aspects, or pleasure, while causing harm to others. Some habits need to go - silly nomads, buggers are for kids.

  15. LOL @ >>>>

    Qaxii' isnt exactly travelling

    For many of us it was, I've seen places i would have never seen before. I have never been to the North, and no one has said a thing.


    for those of you who watch Family Guy you'll get the reference

  16. Women as supervisors, bosses are the most horrible creatures, they are relentless, they are perfectionists, they are angry, @ what I don’t know. Especially minority women, they tend to overuse and abuse their power. Somali women as bosses are good thou, they take the motherly role, they overwork the women ---