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Everything posted by Cara.
^^ But if you saying America is an empire like all other empires and it can get away with it - destroying other people’s countries and raining them with napalm. Well if it’s fine with you there is some American people who don’t like that and who have a clean and clear conscience about injustice and want to stop that by all means, their websites and information is available in all medium. Right on.
Originally posted by Muhammad: quote:Originally posted by Callypso: [qb] quote: They always choose words that make Islam seem evil...like everything bad is put next to Islam ..i.e. "Islamic Terrorist"...what does terrorism have to do with Islam, I never hear them say "Christian Terrorists" or "Hindu Terrorists" or Jewish terrorists. Here's a good explanation of why this is so. Callypso, are you joking?Okay, I admit I had reservations about the website (when it comes to Islam, Hindu Nationalists make Pat Buchanan look like Yusuf Islam), but the man's views are sound in this case. If you have anything specific you object to, then please share.
OK, seriously, some of you people need help. The article is not even being subtle. I think some of you WANT it to be sincere, so you can shake your head at the ridiculous stretches these Westerns go in the name of equality. Alle-Ubaahne: Your name is misleading. Antipsychotics-Ubaahne may be more accurate.
They always choose words that make Islam seem evil...like everything bad is put next to Islam ..i.e. "Islamic Terrorist"...what does terrorism have to do with Islam, I never hear them say "Christian Terrorists" or "Hindu Terrorists" or Jewish terrorists. Here's a good explanation of why this is so.
Why am I not surprised that among endless reports from the Middle East of mass murder, carnage, civil-rights abuses, violations of international law and name calling, a story will slip through that is even more shocking? You think that the advent of "The Omars" is more shocking than mass murder, carnage and so forth? Anyway, the only thing sadder than Arabs copying Americans is Somalis discussing it.
Liibaan: Anything that is planned by Allah SWT to happen,will happen.We have no choice. Really? None at all? As for the teenage girls being given to middle-aged men,they cannot be married without their permission. I thought they would have no choice, as per your first comment? This is no "sexual revolution",this is halal marriage.They are not going around and screwing whoever they want like the "revolution" Baashi is talking about. Well, the concept of "halal marriage" has been around for some time, and made little difference in the lifes of countless girls. Effective contraceptives, on the other, have made a huge difference in the few decades since they were introduced.
Depends on what you have to offer. Many charities and NGOs (eg Doctors Without Borders aka Medecins Sans Frontieres) recruite professionals. They pay for all travel expenses, but some money of your own wouldn't hurt. I'm not sure coffee-bean pickers are in hot demand with charities. Just assauge your bourgeois guilt by buying fair trade coffee by the pound. It's how I live with my self. Sky, Nice photo. About the gun culture in Galkacyo. My cousin was taken there for some dhaqan celis. He e-mailed me a picture of him holding an Uzi or something. That's pretty much all he got out of the experience--the ready availability of guns.
Chocolate&Honey, they deserve their punishment,and may I add they had it coming. Is this aimed at the murdered women? Because if it is, it makes this part da rest of da world is out to get us, and by us i mean our faith, da Islamic faith. seem a little ironic. You questioned the survey methodology and intent, which is good, but then agree with its conclusion? And yet blame "da world" for painting a bad picture of your faith?
^Self-introspection is not your greatest suit, is it? For your information, the picture depicts a group of men who are protecting their women from rape and god-knows what else. Look how well-dressed the men are, how proud and cheerful. And for good reason: those niggas won't be getting their dirty nijaaz hands on their innocent women ever. Must I scroll up to your posts and draw a clearer parallel? PS: Nearly as myopic is your support for Harriet Miers. The last time Muslims endorsed a candidate for public office based on his religious affiliations? George W. Bush was a conservative Christian while Al Gore had the temerity to select a Jewish running mate(!), so virtually every single Muslim organization backed Bush. Regrets much?
Feminists have always been a moral force in the world. In the industrial revolution, when young children were being exploited in factories, feminists raised hell. In the US, feminists (black and white) numbered among the earliest and most vocal abolitionists. Feminists "humanized" corporations (maternal leave is the least of their legacy; look into the history of minimum wages and labor unions). Feminists begat the welfare state. Feminists have been the leaders in environmentalism, international aid, healthcare, and education. Baashi bemoans the sexual revolution. In parts of the world, where unending pregnancy and childbirth kills mothers and orphans children daily, where teenage girls are "given" in marriage to married men old enough to be their grandfathers so that they too can partake of the circle of childbirth and childdeath, a little sexual revolution wouldn't go amiss.
Prosecutors said that the case was likely to be dropped due to the difficulties in serving a subpoena on God. Seems like a story conjured up by The Onion.
There is a thriving economy here, yet there are kids being brought to the clinic that are 50% of what they should weigh (that is an African scale, they would be maybe 35% of what a western baby should weigh). These kids are tiny. When you look at them, you wonder what force on Earth is so great to do that to a little baby, then a cell phone rings. This is one of the most saddest side effects of a culture in which the adult males are served first before all the kids are given a large plate of food to share. The bigger and stronger kids will eat faster, the ones that are already smaller in stature will just receive less and less nutrition. We are a lanky people naturally, so often the parents don't realize something is wrong until it is too late. Steve, thank you for helping those kids. Don't mind wind.talker. If you paid close attention in Somalia, you'll notice that we are a proud people, and it rankles when we know that we need your help to feed our kids or treat our sick. We must convince ourselves that you are really getting something more out of it (maybe you are feeding us contraceptives, or trying to spread your gaalo idealogy or something). Hence the little boys' reactions, and how wind.talker picked up on your apparently patronizing comment. He is just looking for something to sneer at. Yeah, and you can call his response "buufis". (Which roughly means "inflated"). A little tip for greetings: During the day, just say "Maalin wanaagsan". Good day, y'ken?
^What about the difference between your idea of "honorable retribution" and this?
That's irrational. A spy's job is to blend in, to invite confidences. You'd be more likely to find a jaajuus among those that seem to most agree with you. They may even be excessively anti-American, so much so that you find yourself exagerating your own dislike of Yanks to impress them. But really, they are on Uncle Sam's payroll. Now I've made you flash back to all conversations you've ever had with those who seemed to have an admirably violent opposition to Westerners. Uh-oh...
^What? "When I am weaker than you, I ask for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles." Frank Herbert, Children of Dune
A Somali Frank Herbert fan!? Oh wow. Like, wow.
Well, in that case, perhaps I've been a lil' too hasty. Unwise, even. {wanders off in search of Rumi's collected works}
^Can the macho posturing. When you dehumanize a young man who has CONSENSUAL sex with a young woman so that he's merely "another black statistic" no longer emitting "vile najaasah", it kind of reduces your story's impact. It makes it sound a little...contrived... doesn't it, that, apart from when you are being a flaming racist bigot, you are a knight in shinning armor rescuing damsels in distress? The culprit has commited the crime, Nope. destroyed a family, Nope. ruined a girl, Nope. and created a life that he will not raise nor take care of. Heads up all you Somali deadbeat dads.
This one has to be the best by far: "It has been rumored that we have fired scud missiles into Kuwait. I am here now to tell you, we do not have any scud missiles and I don't know why they were fired into Kuwait."
When the BBC reporter tried to run along him, she simply couldn't keep up with him he said something along the lines of "Badha Badha" and then ran off. No wonder his mom sold him. If he'd been a Somali kid, xarig baa lagu xiri lahaa. He'd be free to run within a square meter of the couch...
I have never heard that Africa's problems are caused by over-population. Asia, yeah, but not Africa. If anything, Africa has too few adults, decimated as they are by diseases (particularly AIDS) and wars.
I once forgot to pick up my niece from daycare. Both her mom and dad were away on a trip, so the daycare couldn't get ahold of them and I was studying so I turned off my cellphone. The daycare called child services, thinking the little girl was abandoned. To this day my niece exhibits a level of clinginess that is unusual for a Somali child... The weird thing is that I'm as forgetful as can be when it comes to everyday living, but I have a photographic memory when it comes to reading. Give me a book, and I can not only remember the exact words, but also which side of the sheet they were on, where on the page, whether it was a short paragraph, etc.
quote: An example in which Islam gives "real" freedom whereas women in the West have "Dajjalic" freedom, please? In Islam, you attain 'freedom' through following the Sunnah and constricting your NAFS, Your Physchi.Yes, yes. The idea being that there's a reward in the after-life that will make it worthwile. But the reward will be infinite hedonism. So in fact, it's delayed gratification that Islam teaches, isn't it? 'DAJJALIC FREEDOM' is when your told not to LIMIT your NAFS but rather feed it over and over again. Feed the ego, feed the self i.e. You can do what you want to do, there are no limits. Basically, SELF-GRATIFICATION is the AIM. Er, you simply defined "Dajjalic Freedom". I already guessed at the definition, though. What I asked for was an example. But I see you're already distancing your self from the question by putting freedom in quotation marks... islam says MAN IS A SLAVE OF GOD Modern Man says GOD IS A SLAVE OF MAN . Okay. I simply pointed out a trend.
Some of you guys are confounding cause and effect. The kind of person who is accepted into Harvard et al is the kind of person who is intelligent, driven, and ambitious to begin with. They'd do better in life anyway. Their Harvard education is an effect, not a cause, of their driven personalities. If you get accepted into two good schools, one of which is ivy league, then go to the Ivy League. But understand your life is not going to be a cake walk from thereafter.
Abortion is a far more henious crime than FGM. Cutting of a hand, a foot, or a clitoris for that matter can never come close to ending sacred life. Followed by... I'd have the family shoot the Jamaican dude(who impregnated her with his vile najaasah) dead. It can be 'fixed' so that he's another black statistic. It's very doable, runtii. Strange.
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