Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. people and governments by nature look out for there own interest. Asmara wants to keep Addis busy in Baydhaba and Addis wants a friendly neighbor in Baydhaba and Baydhaba wants gureenteed Safety in Mogadishu and Mogadisho wants more land to loot. The salution is any plan that meets all or most of these interest.
  2. ^^^ true. Its very clear that all eritra is doing is distracting Ethiopia from its border but But the ethios can afford to both defind its borders from those useless fascist and assist the Somali government to defind itself from those warlords in xamar.
  3. What is not to be understood. Let me also clearify something else: TFG or transitional federal government. Perhaps you are the one that does not understand, The government is a transitional government with a five year mandate.
  4. dude, they let eritra go, what would they want with Somalia and all its problems and shaiks/warlords.
  5. there is no if about it. What this website forgoten to mention that he also said "waxa uu sheegay in mar walba ay ku qasban yihiin, in ay raacaan Aqlabiyada meesha ay u jirto, laakiin waxaana ka mid ahaa buu yiri ragii doonayey in aan la keenin ciidamo Ajnabi ah" according to If may translate that for, it says that we are always forced to follow the general well of the governmet even though he was among those against it. Regardless, the time is over for few ministers to high jack government policy.
  6. Your right, but its was not built by priests either.
  7. I honestly don't understand some people in this forum. Whats has the TFG accomplished they ask. They cheerfully declare that it has failed or is weak compared to some faction in the former capital. Do not understand that their failure, death, weakness is a failure, death, weakness of Somalia? I will not campare the government to some faction in xamar. This tread had nothing to do with the TFG. It was about what this latest faction in xamar is doing in the name of our name and religion and under the banner of we will liberate th Capital. Somalis Used to divide men into two according to our tradition: Wadaad iyo waranle. These wadaads, if they are such things, have no place in administration, government according to even ancient understanding let alone what we know. Two they hijacked the peoples uprising and turned it into even more occupation of the south by the like of of aweys and indho. They have proven that they can not keep their ward and an example of this is what they said was their intention to begin with and were they are today or there agreements with the government and what they said about not being an another taliban. Lastly, the oppression (deaths by stapings,amputation of hungry little children, public beatings of woman, child solders, shooting of people watching soccer) and the list can on for days ) of the people of the south is very hard to watch. few here want to praise them for opening of a battered. looted airpart and seaport and the lefting of roadblocks. believe or not, the courts were asking people surrounding the airport to keep their cows and other animals and children away from the airport. Is it an airport or grazing field? Should not these be the actions of any sane people, why praise for doing the obvious? We all know, or assume we do, what the Xamar of the 1980s and our country was and to bring it back to what it was and it would take a lot more than these wadaads are capable to to bring it back to what it was let alone a modern one. Because there is no sewer system, people are valnreable to a little rain. <img src="'> r1030896782.jpg?x=380&y=280&sig=Oc37.mHjGzytOTGMQcIPBw--" alt="" /> <img src=" r1969961863.jpg?x=380&y=290&sig=6D.annAqKKBWx6Zc59bjgw--" alt="" /> this is the ariport some of you talk about
  8. shows reason is not enough for insane people. I could not Agree more with this author and I think is should be the governments spokesperson.
  9. I wonder why Sharif Shaikh Aden is so eager to go to Khartum.
  10. What whole story. Can there be justification for this?
  12. Public beatings of woman. One axmaq for another, in the end what did they accomplish? If this not taliban, what is.
  13. Its not only the courts that change shirts. for example a lot of people who hated Abdullahi Yusuf said opposed his being elected to the presidency because "He would become a dictator and undemocratic" and now his government is too weak and the democratic way in which they reach disicions is portrayed as weakness. Another Example is People who supported Somaliland for clannistic reasons now admonish others that their opposition to clan based courts is because they fear a certain clan. talk about confusing.
  14. history aside, are they not the gaalos you say you want to fight. Doyou not know that amxaros and tigres are all xabashas. Or you only fight ethiopian xabashas? This really shows you for what you are. its not tribes or countries but a slogan to loot and kill even more Somalis in the name their nation an religion.
  15. history aside, are they not the gaalos you say you want to fight. Doyou not know that amxaros and tigres are all xabashas. Or you only fight ethiopian xabashas? This really shows you for what you are. its not tribes or countries but a slogan to loot and kill even more Somalis in the name their nation an religion.
  16. only in the crazy world of somalis, where a government is most needed, would you be questioned for supporting your government. Weak or not (It has realy become trite to keep on repeating this slogan), only anarchist and dowladiids would suggest people not support their government. Might i ask you the same question of who you support. After more then a decade of statlessness, one thing all Somalis had in common was the need to rebuild our state and government. However, I am starting to see some Southerners and even somalilanders (last thing I thought would happen) start to cheerlead for thugs and few wadaads whose goal of spreading the instability of the south to the north just become clear, atleat to most because some f us already knew their intentions. What gives? Why do you support these UIC. Please don't say the took xamar from warlords because everyone supported them for that.
  17. I read that both qaybdiid and Puntland are move fast towards southern Mudugh and galgaduud unopposed. Last time I checked, they have captured three settlements from the courts. What strength are you speaking of red sea. Furthermore, you know what Sharif said today? "I call upon the poeple to attack ethiopian troops and then we will come to their aid, but they must attack first". What happened cross the border and we will "jihad" on you.
  18. Forget about xudun iyo las anod, worry about buhoodle in togdheere. As for you being from Seylac, I highly doubt it. Hargeysawi ka yimi seylac iyo xudun meesha ma joogane, mat runta sheegtet?
  19. talk about an apeal to authority. By chance, do you have a direct line to God. its 1800-crazy
  20. Somaliland is not recognized by sool, sanaag. southern togdheere and western awdal.
  21. blah blah blah. Bush and blair, its really beyound me to understand how you threw that into the mix but stop debating if you feel other who have a different opinion should be ignored. Last time I chicked, this is not a who agrees with me forum. Again, I thought that jibouti was a different country, why do you concern yourself with Somali affair? Getting back to the subject, it is a choice. everything we do is a choice. God has sent us to prove to him that we are worthy to return to heavan through the choices we make. If we did not have to do that, and there is no free will, whats the piont of being sent to earth? That discussion, however, is in the wrong section and should be the islam section. Only a jahil would confuse the two.
  22. ^^ my uncles boat is the captain of the both you and I are in no matter how much crying you do or the among anarchist poropaganda you spread. will hatred and jealousy lead you to sink all of us as your kind have been inclined to do thus far.