Naxar Nugaaleed

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Posts posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. there are some heavy weights in the Faroole adminstration like gen. Ilkajiir and vp gen. abdisamad ali shire who have the ears of the Isimo that will nominate the parliament. If these coalition stays put, it would be hard to defeat them. if any one can though its mr. Gaas. This what I will predict though, MPs from Cayn, Sool, Sanaag and Haylaan will all have a huge for sale sign above their heads and Faroole can buy them. The few who don't will be the pockets of the two generals. discontented Mudugh and Bari would try there best but might not have enough votes from the other regions to make a difference. what ever happens, it will be interesting to watch.

  2. peasant;970671 wrote:
    The video was actually posted by MEMRI TV, which is a pro Isreali media organization co founded by Yigal Carmon, who is a former isreali military intelligence colonel. Their name stands for Middle Eastern Media Research Institute. They are supposedly to bridge the linguistic gap that exists between the middle east and the west by translating relevant news originating from the middle east. However, they are known to selectively translate, publish and distribute the materials of people with extreme views, perhaps to promote anti arab and muslim views. in this case it obvious the intended purpose of this clip.


    You skipped way over the horrific situationist right in front of your eyes to insinuate a bias because the founders of this American non profit are Israeli. Somali logic is so frustrating sometimes.

  3. The Zack;969943 wrote:
    Horta waxaan idin weydiin wax ma dhageysataan miyaa? It would be nice if people actually listened to the stuff they post and/or comment on. Saado is not protesting against a Turkish language being the official language in Somalia( and that is not even the case),
    ]what saado is protesting about is a recent bilateral military agreement between Somalia and turkey
    . The agreement was written in Turkish and English. She is saying why wasnt the agreement written in Somali as well. Nothing biggie here. Another point she mentioned is why is the word "FEDERAL" missing in the Somali government's name in the mentioned Turkish-Somali military agreement.

    Loooool, most people here don't come to comprehend or share something worthwhile but to score imaginary points.

  4. Jacaylbaro;969860 wrote:
    "Few geel jirayaal" .. is that how you have been seeing them before ?? ...

    I didn't see them any kinda way to be honest, had no idea there were 600 men sitting around Fiqi Fuliye or that anyone took serious this fake Garaad who was self appointed in ceerigabo by Sl admin to divide ahmed karaash sub clan from "hunter" Garaad Salebaan.

  5. Cambuulo iyo bun;969653 wrote:
    I heard it was around 300 dollar per night. They even got a italian chef ee sidaa ula sooco ':)

    Damn C&B, last time I paid that much a night was at a five star Ritz in downtown Philly and it came with a "bath butler" lol