Naxar Nugaaleed

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Posts posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. Alpha Blondy;969631 wrote:
    it boggles the mind, ma istidhi?


    in 1960, these guys lived within the saddex habro hinterland. now even Buuhoodle is partly owned by the SL Republic (beesha Haradan deserve a special mention here). i reckon by 2016, it'll FULLY be controlled by SL. maa aniga mise there's a
    'geographic genocide'
    of sorts occurring?

    inaar, like Israel's Negev desert, SLanders are making this land 'useful', ma garatay? the land belongs to those who cultivate it and not those khaatumites from a distance, especially those with a geo-political strategic imperative to deny the SL Republic, like NN. balse, the reality on the ground bares witness to the truth.

    Alphow, habraha kuwo aynu is af garaneyno aya jira, minus salaax. Athigu hargeisawi kala garaneyn dadka gar'adag dagan bat tahay. Cala kuli xaal, threadkan belongs to a man and his beloved city. Yacni rabshada jojiya and u and this kid go back to counterbaqash corner.

  2. Classified;969630 wrote:
    Magacu wa Classified. Qabilku wa Classified. Laakin, sinjiyadaydu wa Somali. Ya salaam Ya salaam! Su'aashaydu weli wey tagantahay. How did you guys loose such a massive territory in a short period of time?

    Ana teydu wali wey tagan tahay, classified wax la yidha am jiraan ee ya tahay, hadi kali isku dirka joji sxb.

  3. Lol Laba kala daran! Alpha gar'adag Iyo Sanaag oo dan ba arag, what I know of Somalia boils down to hurwaa district of Mogadishu, leedo beach and my cousins houses in Madina and Hodan. Truth be told, I would love nothing more then to spend a few weeks in awrboogees (not Fiqi fuliye lol) and the highlands of Sanaag but have no intention of prolonged residency.

  4. GAROODI;969102 wrote:
    What I hate is not a people I hate the logic of d ism. Your lot faked history and that shows true hate not me by highlighting I am showing history for what it is. Walahi I could not care less. The dervishes were the Alshabab of there day they killed more Somalis then the British, French, Italians and Ethiopians (pre independence) combined. They are nothing to be proud about yet again I'm not standing outside screaming "dervish bani nahay ismael mirre ba qorti ka goyay korfield". And i don't chew Walahi it tastes nasty tried some back home on holiday not my cup of tea.

    So you don't like the darwiish or daar- enclosure clan. why waste all this time with their history, true or not?

  5. well, what we do today effects tomorrow wither that is 10 days or ten hundred years down the road. Not sure if there is any point to anything we talk about here wither its to do with this or anything else. Somaliweyn is an ideal but isn't the objective always to strive towards a better tomorrow? Founditions, on the other hand, depend on us to build or rather reinforce because our people have been fighting for that cause for hundreds of years. Oil or no Oil, the will of the people can't be suppressed forever. Remember, that tiny, cash strapped nation next spain was once a superpower, and it is said there was a time that the Sun did not set on the English Empire but we see what it is today. Who is to say, Somali will not the more powerful nation of the three in the future?

  6. who cares what times happan Xaaji, it will happen. meanwhile, let me on Chimera hat, and suggest we become a navel superpower so that no one dare claim any part of our soon to be Island, especially the Ethios and kenyans.


    Warsamaale, believe it or not Somalia was on its way to being a powerful progressive African State and until we decided Qabiil was more important then Qaran. First Democrats in Africa were Somalis. Arguably one of the best military. The revolutionary almost eradicated illiteracy within a few years. so on and so on. this is temprary, when Somalia gets act toghether there will be no better place for Somalis in th NFD, Oden, and Jibuti then Somalia.

  7. Guys, guys, The "Somali Plate" is splitting from Africa. Not too far into the distant future, Somaliwein will be inevitable, fait accompli. Somalia will be an Island, the world's first Banana Republic, in the literal sense. Until then chill people

  8. if turks are not white, what heck are they? Turkey, bosnia and herzegovina, Albania are all none Christian countries that have started the process. Kosovo is up next. They are all muslims countries but lets not confuse things, they most certainly are white and of Europe.

  9. GAROODI;968182 wrote:
    Somalia supported the tplf Menez zenawi had a diplomatic Somali passport and lived in mugdisho yet Ethioia today is stronger then ever while Somalia is a failed state why???

    Somali only supported one rebel group for a nation seven times its size. The etopidiots made ten for a nation 7 times smaller lol

  10. The obstacle to Turkish accession to the EU has nothing to do with Germany and everything to with Turkish-Cypriot relations. If they make nice with the Greek Cypriots. Its now or never but their is a guy in office in Ankara more concerned with the balance of power between xamas and the Islamic brotherhood.