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Everything posted by jamaal7777

  1. I wonder what system will Islam as a state put in place to stop corruption apart from faith that will comply with Islamic laws. Most Islamic states are now nothing but dictatorships and life is really difficult even in those states that have been blessed by huge oil reserves. One man once told me that after they are all done consuming their fossil fuels they will all go back to being sheep, goat and camel herders. The think is if you restrict the ways in which someone can support themselves and their families, you will then have the responsibility to provide for them. If however you let the market, just laws and their abilities do the restrictions, they will have no one to depend on or blame for their inadequacies. When people believe that their failures are due to natural causes they have only one ways to go and that is to look for ways to improve their lot but when they attribute them to personal interventions they fall into depressions or redirect their energies in trying to resist. Unless one is justified one is justified in taking away the peoples right to decide for theri lives the consequences of any restrictions will only cause more harm than good. In a democracy at least you have the people's choice to put a check on would be dictators and the incompetent.
  2. I thought by saving the journalist and the educated or skilled they were saving the poor people. Save a few doctors and you save alot more than you could if you save an equal number of the poor Save the journalists and you would probably have done more for the poor than you could by saving any equal number of them or so i think. It seems like when you save the few, you save the lot.
  3. I dont know about sharia. Do you guys know what it means to the ordinary somali. Are we gonna say goodbye to all the somali songs and poems ? I think somali identity may be lost forever. Am i wrong to think this..anybody ?
  4. I think the first step should be to find ways that reduce the appeal of the highest office in the land-the presidency-to just another job.
  5. I come here to share ideas ...to socialise. I also come here to get changed so i write my ideas and hope that they will get critized thereby giving me a different perspective. I also come here to get an idea of how difficult it will be for me to do what i am interested in doing. I want to be a preacher, and yes i want to change people especially those that hold ideas that i think have the potential for bad consequences. I know that writting is not how i plan to do things but its a start. There you go i confess make sure you make it harder for me please.
  6. jacayl baro sxb markii aad SOMALILAND FOREVER sooqoratay, somaliya waad kasamirtay baan uqaatay. Toloow awal qalbada ayaa wali kuhaysay miyaa. Somaalinimo in ay kugu dambaysay miyaad noo cadaysay. Fartaada xun firig firig kaagama go'do miyaa laoran jiray.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: 1. The bewildered group: It is not easy to title this desperate bunch as a group, they are a collection of confused individuals, who have lost their bearings, some hold unnecessary clan based guilt, and others just hate a certain clan. They do not hold a clear ideology, romantics who have lost their way. Others gullible fellows who just follow the mob. For anyone to believe that the “insurgents” or leaders of the third group are “religious” is not mentally competent. They usually crave attention, seek praise and believe they hold the keys to paradise the answers, the confused lot think they are “smarter” than the rest. However they tend to flip flop, make unnecessary predictions wholly unrealistic resulting in them further confusing themselves. These individuals one has much sympathy for, for they do not know what they do. Usually those fortunate enough will fall into the above groups and get out of the wilderness. Thus my friends this is a true reflection of SOL, with much sorrow and no woo I will depart from this topic. Out of curiosity saxiib why were you a supporter of TFG and why the sorrow ?