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Everything posted by Somaliguy

  1. was just reading that the Luos r killing the Kikuyus- another rwanda ethnic cleansing?
  2. Layziegirl, haha r u too lazy to read the whole story.. . or perhaps u could not follow the logic... miya haa? maybe english is prob? or r u one of them "victims"? Lily, waa iin dhag loo dhiga oo it concerns our very existence as Somas. I am beginning to get sick and tired too...
  3. Shuumey, mahadsanid for starting this topic- Waa mid aad important u ah coz it concerns us all. Also we need self-criticising Somali women, not always men talking. Why do Somali women do this nonsense only in the West lakin? back home we dont hear this humiliation. was it bad upbringing? I would like to know this.