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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Carafaat to be fair, where you put Cigaal on this issue. the only somaliland who has been somali national politics. NFD and other clasified imformation we got lately. He does not have good record either.
  2. Carafaat Which one you perfer next round, ALI kHALIF or some from Khaatumo, Farmaajo or Faroole. Siilaany will not run of course
  3. Xaaji You have to barried the death proper way, otherwise it will be rotten and smile.
  4. I agree this is it.The last nail. The only remaining is the face saving game. The world is intresting somali oil and stability in Somalia is first step. small clan in middle of north somalia is not big issue for nobody
  5. Who will talk who? There is ntohting call somalia and somaliland. if you put, your faith on this, you must be big loser and will be dissapointed. How hard you tried, in end of day somaliland=SNM.
  6. He is around. the others you mentioned are forced exile
  7. 6. The Conference recognised the need for the international community to support any dialogue that Somaliland and the TFG or its replacement may agree to establish in order to clarify their future relations. Jacaylbaro;797693 wrote: Yeah, was not relevant ,,, but this is what Shariifka, Faroole and all the warlords signed: Yes The Conference recognised the need for the international community to support any dialogue that Somaliland . I recognize too. what is deal with the word recognize? it is nothing here you must be smarter than this. they want support the dialog in the past you was not talking about dialog. In other words they make clear, there will not be any recognition from INT community.
  8. Khaatumo has problem if they do not understand the solution of Guno collected people lies in Faroole and Garoowe. Faroole hold two confreres peacefully and planing to do another one in border city of Garrowe. Khaatumo cannot afford ignoring Faroole, interfere Khaatumo state. Khaatumo must speak faroole Galmudug style language, otherwise Khaatumo will not be around too long
  9. NG Khaatumo is in a holly mission and will not rest until peace and calm stored. Khaatumo is not negotiating. There is nothing to negotiate here. Osman Hasan alone destroy the somaliland forum group. Somali land Forum which for 21 years begging, including churches are out of business. Soon somaliland will be out of business too, going back to modisho unwillingly.
  10. Jabuuti with Omar Geele has been better but I understand the comparison Jabuuti vs Somaliland. Hargeysa already has little bit of Jabuuti culture. I see where Carafaat is going.
  11. Somalia;795238 wrote: I'm just being realistic you do not leave reality. you are busy building a house without foundation. It will colopse and again you will start from beging.that is your for ever reality
  12. Somalia;795226 wrote: Listen to yourself, you are dreaming. You can't even clean yourselves. You better leave Khaatumo alone! anything you say and do, counts against you.
  13. Jacaylbaro;795227 wrote: London Conference matters now ,,, Nothing is in the hands of Shariif or other warlords. but i'm glad he put a smile on your faces ,, You are not glad about this, stop hypocricy and do not lie to yourself. calaamadaha shaydaanka,
  14. Somalia;795220 wrote: Forget being part of the national force, they won't even give you funding as you do not meet any of the criteria needed. nothing you can do about this. one day khaatumo security forces as part of national security forces may clean pirates and mafia gangs in Garoowe. do not denied this.
  15. This is big news for Khaatumo State, when Shariif and Gas are back moqdisho, the deal will be signed. Khaatumo state will reveiving it's share of fund and projectes. Khaatumo security forces will be part of, the national security forces, etc.
  16. Khaatumo Way Buuxisay Shuruudihii Maamul Goboleedka looga Baahnaa" Madaxweyne Shariif- (Video)- Lasanod Online. Saturday, February 25, 2012 Madaxweyne Shariif Bristol,(lasanod Online)- Madaxweynaha Somalia Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed Oo khudbad ka jeediyey magaalada Bristol ee cariga Ingiriiska.. ayaa markii ugu horeysay shaaca ka qaaday in maamulka Khaatumo kasoo baxay shuruudihii looga baahnaa ee ahaa in laba maamul iyo kabadan markay isu tagaan noqon karan maamul goboleed. Madaxweyanaha ayaa halkaa lagu weydiiyey su'aal aaddan maamulka KHAATUMO iyo weliba sida lagu wado in uu u dhoco wada hadalka lala geli doono maamulka Hargeysa si la isugu keeno ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Madaxweyne Shariif wuxuu goobtaas ka caddeeyey inuu KHAATUMO STATE OF SOMALIA buuxiyey shuruudihii looga baahnaa maamul goboleedka sida ku cad cadiga qaranka ee kumeel gaadhka ah, dawladda federaalkana way ka tirsanyihiin. Jawaabtan ayaa markii uu madaxweynuhu ka dhawaajiyey ay mar qudha dadkii xafladda kasoo qayb galay oo Soomaali oo dhan ka koobnaa sacab iyo sawaxan isla kaceen, iyagoo muujinaya doorka uu maamulka KHAATUMO ku leeyahay midnimada umadda Soomaaliyeed. Halkan Ka Daawo Video http://www.lasanod.com/details.php?num=7019
  17. this is not your analyst, it is your reaction of England confreres. It is like somebody losing game and hoping doing better next game.I have to give you credit for realizing that somaliland saga will be ending soon. You did tried very hard to explain the other landers the political reality and what was coming but they failed to understand. However, you are not realistic what in stake, you took very much same line as Boqor Buurmadow late interview. If somaliland is negotiating rest of somalia, it will be SNM clan vs rest of somalia. SNM clans must go moqdisho themselves and negotiate what is theirs. Khaatumo is already doing that. Khaatumo State is not only buhodle district, taleex, Xudun and Boocame are districts which controls Khaatumo state. Do not waste your time about this and come clean
  18. even if he did, this was not big day for separist agenda. Waraabe already announced to talk somali leaders in London
  19. London Conference On Somalia Concludes Without A Word From Somaliland Written by Qaran news Feb 23, 2012 at 12:41 PM London(Qarannews)- The London conference of Somaliland has just concluded without a single speech or word from the President of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo:. When the meeting begin this morning the head of the transitional federal government, Sheikh Sharif gave a speech in Somali which gave a background on the current situation in Somalia. Sheikh Sharif gave a speech which was well received by the gathered dignitaries and observers. However, there was never a plan to allow the Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" to address the gathered dignitaries, and therefore Somaliland's contribution was limited to just attending the conference. As from today, in the eyes of the international community Somaliland will be seen as a self-governing regional authority of the defunct "Somali Republic", and not a democratic, independent and sovereign state. Thanks to the bungling policies of the current administration, once again, Somaliland has managed to give away its hard won and cultivated democracy and progress without a single thing in return. The London conference on Somalia was addressed by several dignitaries and concluded by the British Prime Minister David Cameron. Accorrding to our reporters, the main conclusion of the meeting is to implement the recent Garowe 2 accord in Somalia, create a constituent assembly to replace the tfg at the end of August 2012, and subsequently gather the two nations that joined together in 1960, Somaliland and Somalia for a discussion on their future relationship. Although, ostensibly the London conference was on Somalia, those who stated that there was nothing in it for Somaliland had been correct. Our sources report that the Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud "Siilaanyo" left the conference in a deep funk. Somaliland erstwhile Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar was not available for comment. Qarannews.com
  20. the word federalism is abused and it is wrong to associate Somalia political system.Neither federalist nor separatist are looking long time solution for the problem but only short time political and economic gains which will hunt them later. it obvious it will not work for long run. the EU regional system and proportional parliament system is better for Somalia than the federal system.
  21. the video is old! it said image2006. somaliland comanders are all too old. we will see next few days, how the so call commando perform
  22. You want be funny about this comparison. those kind of khat talk is a unhealthy
  23. The question is, is he going same road as Abdurrahman tuur did? The old and sick man has only been president for one year but it seems Hargeysa is already tired of him and it is questionable if he will last another four year in Hargeysa. http://qorulugud.com/2012/02/13/mareegaha-wararka-ee-laga-leeyahay-galbeedka-somaliland-oo-xaaladdoodii-marayso-in-ay-soo-bandhigaan-sheeko-marfash-iyo-kaftankii-paltalk-kkkkkkkkk/
  24. Reality is even catching, syper warior in london. The wholy somaliland boaders are now disputed area. Khaatumo are making progress fast enough one could imagine. the reality are slowly changing minds. But some people will be needed mental rehabilation.