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Posts posted by Aaliyyah

  1. walaal Tuujiye i just wanted to ask you this what is wrong with wearing lipstick? where deos it say in the Quran that it is haraam??. Even if it is haraam God will judge them, and it is not any of your concern, if you do have Ayah or Hadiith that is going against such actions you can provide it to your sisters without meaning to insult them . Also, religiously speaking you should be aware to avoid judging others and evaluating their religion, since they might be better muslims than you are. Su'aal adiga gadhka lagu yidhi bixso ma bixsatay surwaalka ma laabta , saladahaga waqtigooda ma tukata, xanka ma iska dhaafta, wixi mala yacni ah maka fogaata iyo wixi la mid ah . So before you judge someone it is better to look at the mirror and correct your own actions. somalidu waxay ku maahmaahda nin naftiisa daryeela mid kale ka hadla.

    wa salaamu alaikum

  2. Walaal tuujiye gabadho diin garaneen way jiraan , gabdho diintooda heystana way jiraan. Marka walaal xishood baad ka hadlasa, marka aduu ka xishood gabadhaha oo sida ha uga hadlin gabadhaha walahaa ah. Marka bil kiraameesan baan ku jirna , cidii aad aragtid oo jid qalada ku socota u sheeg oo sax waajib ayeey taas kugu tahay. muslimiin baan nahay oo hadaan dadka qalad ku aragno waan saxna oo ayar ayaan wax ugu sheegna , ilaaahay ciduu rabo asaga hadeeya . That is all for now.


    Wa salaamu alaikum

  3. Asalaamu alaikum,


    Walaal Thoughts I am certainly objecting to the fact that you are generalizing and have this stereotype that Somali women hide their feelings, and that they lack reasoning and creativity that other women have. Even though I am not even sure what you are implying by creativity, I do recognize that you have had a bad experience with a Somali sister, one that was arrogant and didn’t admit her feelings for you. But, it is possible that she was taking you for granted, it is human nature to take other people’s affection for granted. It is likely that you have exaggerated your compliments to her. So walaal there is Somali girls out there that are really smart, understanding, and loving, you just have to look for them. Furthermore, you don’t find miss right instantaneously, we all have to meet the wrong people, so we can later be able to identify the right man/woman. So don’t point at us Somali sisters and insult our intelligence, understanding, and rationality. If you were educated brother you would have known that generalization and stereotyping against group of people is incorrect. Look at the history, people stereotyped against blacks, and other races. Somalis have judged each other based on tribes. People have learned from history and realized that everyone should be judged in terms of their own characteristics, accomplishments, or failures. Hence, it is incorrect to just have a grudge against all Somali girls, is it really fair to hate all Somali girls based on what one xaliimo did?? Would you like to be judged based on what other Farah did? I doubt that.


    Wa salaamu alaikum




  5. asalaamu alaikum,


    Glad that sol is working at last, however ye all gota addictive problems eh? u need to figure out something else to do besides somaliaonline lol, i dont wanna immagine what would happen to many of u if its websites wasnt workin anymore lol.. icon_razz.gif


    wa salamau alaikum

  6. Asalaamu alaikum,


    Well as you all know polygamy was promoted back in the Prophets time since many women were being widowed due to Jihad. And as Hodman said that is the main reason Allah was encouraging young men to take on second third or fourth wife. However, I doubt that is the case nowadays. Besides, our religion only allows men to take on second wives if they can meet the financial and emotional obligation, which contrasts Somali culture where a man takes four wives, and is hardly there for any of his kids, or wives for that matter. From my point of view, the only time I agree with a man to marry a second wife is when his wife is barren, or is too old to reproduce kids. Or in other case if his wife is at the other end of the globe. For instance, the example Nur took where the guy was in Somalia and his kids were in Arab country? Then there is nothing wrong with taking a second wife. However, there is still option he can move to the country where his family resided. I am not yet married and Allah knows what I would do under this kind of circumstance sida somalidu dhahda naag fadhida lagdin la fudud it is possible that a wife is going to accept whatever her husband decides since she has kids for him and loves her husband. But, I doubt I would let my husband just get married to a second wife, with no valid reason.


    Wa salaamu alaikum

  7. Asalaamu alaikum

    I certainly agree with abdilah that it is better if you marry a Somali. I am not saying culture is more significant then religion. Alhamdu lilaah my religion comes first. However, it is better if you are married to some one who you share with culture, language, and religion. That person you will have more things in common. I mean imagine being married to a white Muslim brother?? What do u two will share other than religion??? But then you might say “religion is the most significant thing that you must share with your spouse†and you are right abt that. Believe me though we are talking about some one you will spend the rest of your life with. Imagine when that person can’t even communicate with your family, not only does he speak different language, but he certainly has different perspective on life, everyone has perspective that is based on his/her culture. I guess that is my 2 cent for 2day.


    Wasalaamu alaikum

  8. Asalaamu alaikum.


    Walaal Tuujiye waxay ila eegtahay in ay gabadhu rabto in ay ku guursato as soon as possible. waxna ma diidana waxna ma ogola maxa ula jeeda so taas ku leh guur ayeey diyaar u tahay, ma wax ay diida jira guur ayeyba diyaar u tahee. Marka halka waxa iga muuqata in aad cajabisay oo ay rabto guur xalaal ah. Marka adiga aya raba in aa sugtid, sababaha waxa dhici karta in ay tahay :


    1- the fact that u attend school and want to complete your degree.

    2- The fact that you want to give her a wedding to remember ( laakin yada waxaas muhim lama aha raqiis xita ha iska noqdee, nabiga csw wuxu yidhi xafladba xafladay ka raqiisantahay ayey ka barako badantahay marka dariiqa saxa way ku tagantahay masha-allah)

    3- It is possible that you are not even sure if she is the right girl for you and u just wanna get to know her more ( adiga aya mesha shaki kaaga jira oo yadu wayba go’aansatay)….


    Akhiiran anu waxaan ku odhan lahaa gabadh caadi ugu sheegay in aad rabti in aad is baratiin ka bacdina hadii aad sifiican isku fahantaaan guur imaandoono, hadiise ee rabto wax dagdag ah oo hada in ay guursato ma wanagsana in aad waqti ka lumisid waxa xaq kugu leedahay in aad iska fasaxdid.


    Wa salaamu alaikum


    p.s. walaal Tuujiya i don’t want to be offensive or anything like that but i was having hard time understanding your somali. so i am just commenting on what i udnerstood from your respond. Maybe next time when u speak somali , hadalka ii jilci… icon_razz.gif

  9. asalaamu alaikum,



    Girl did you lose your sanity :mad: ? whenever u call him he makes up excuses And yet u keep on calling? :confused: . My advice would be next time that you call him, don’t take the time to listen to his excuses , just be upfront and tell him why the hell he is suddenly acting so weird. If he then doesn’t give you a reasonable excuse moves on. Hello, he isn’t the only man out there, there is so many men out there who are probably dying to go out with u, u just have been blinded by this one (one that certainly doesn’t deserve you :rolleyes: ). However, I am aware that it would be absolutely tough for you to move on since you two were together for 5 years? My god isn’t that just a long time. None of my dates lasted 5 yrs I was lucky if they lasted half a year :mad: , u should give me some suggestions on how u two lasted this long :D . Oo my couldn’t it be that he Possibly got bored at the fact that you two kept seeing each other , u should go down to the real business , I am referring to “marriage†. That’s it for now til next time. au revior

    wa salaamu alaikum

  10. Asalaamu alaikum,


    Cambaro when you are saying "....that having a second wife is a gift Allah blessed with your husband if he chooses Who are you to disallow it when Allah permitted it". Are you saying if your husband chooses to have a second wife you will still be married to em? :confused: . Honestly, if i was married i would certainly not forbid since u just mentioned allah swt said it is permissible in the quran and going againt polygamy would mean i am in opposition to allah swt . However, that deosnt mean i will stick around :rolleyes: . If it is my house bacda madow u tuuri laha icon_razz.gif , and if its his i will pack up and hit the road :D

    wa salaaamu alaikum

  11. Asalaamu alaikum,


    Lol sorry I thought you were referring to Isna, Islamic private school that I have been hearing about. lol@ them girls with black cabayad that run around york university helping around MSA, well I don’t go to york but yeh I do fit it in that category I do help around the MSA at the university that I attend, more or less you got the picture icon_razz.gif .


    Just some suggestions:

    1- don’t sweet talk her so much ( she might take it the wrong way)

    2- since she is religious make sure u talk about religion a lot, so u can actually show her how much u know how about religion. (she will go home and go hooyo manta nin wacan oo diin leh so arkay alaah kaasa alow igu qabo)

    3- Make sure you don’t quarrel a lot, start agreeing with her more then u disagree. Idont know people usually go opposites attracts. But, that is so not true walahi whenever I disagree with some one several times I just lose interest..iga ag dhaqaaq camal….i mean how can u live with some one u disagree with ….u simply cant.


    Walaal the reason u don’t meet the right woman is the fact that u move fast and u aren’t even giving a second thought to the next girl u are hittin on :rolleyes: , try to move at slower rate smile.gif . Wixi la soo qorsheeyo shaqeeya wixi kale wa ka kac .Last but not least , war waan so duceenaya cawa intaan tusbaxa qato ayaan ku tasbiixaya alow tuujiya gabadha ku sim aamin aamin aamin :D


    Wa salaamu alaikum

  12. asalaamu alaikum,


    lol@ being raped by osama ya ilahi what a trash talk :rolleyes: . But, you certainly cant blame her . Most likely she was given some cash to state that. Anyways, as it was said previously this jareer doesn’t look half Somali :mad: . Although, she might be cuz i have cousins who are half Swedish and they look pure white. Besides, what kinda of low life goes on the public media and blames osama for raping?? What she is gonna get out of it ???

    Rendezvous you do have a peculiar sense of humor how is it reputation getting raped by Osama :confused: .


    wa salaamu alaikum

  13. Asalaamu alaikum,


    well well well i am not shocked at the fact that these girls are being teased things like this do happen . However, what is shocking is the fact that this guys are wearing khamiis and pretending to be so relegious yet looking drunk. Look who happens to be their target? all covered muslim women, now we certainly cant point fingers at this innocent women and state that they are dressed inappropriately. The fact is they are defending themselves against this So called three drunk muslim men. What is this world becoming?


    wa salaamu alaikum

  14. Asalaamu alaikum,


    walahi i agree there is even older somali men/women who wouldnt bother replying, but i am guessing they dont really know the ajar they are missing. so xalimo all u gota do is do yr job say asalaamu alaikum, if they dont respond that is their lost . who cares if they roll yr eyes at you, they are just humiliating themselves. everyone knows that muslims great themselves this way, and if they dont respond it indicates how little they know about their relegion. and yeah walahi it is shockin that ppl this it is humiliating responding back to asalaamu alaikum, like what is this world coming to?


    wa salam

  15. asalaamu alaikum,


    I Believe this is the case in most married couple. The wife would just give up after three or four kids, she wouldnt bother to make herself look as sexy as she use to. But, then who does she have to impress icon_razz.gif . walahi, i seen most somali fathers dont even bother to appreciate what their wives are doing at home, just go to work and then pass by the maqaahi talk about politics for like three hrs and come home midnight :rolleyes: How does a man then expect to find a happy wife at home whose waiting for em? when all the work in falling on her shoulders?? he wasnt suppose to be only out there working, he should be at home as well and giving his family some of his time?? raising the kids?. I am sorry guys thats how i see it , but i am certain if the man spends more time with his wife then he spends with his buddies things will be better off. then she wil start to realize she has a man to impress, but if he just comes back to his house as if its a room in a hotel that he rented, tough luck!

    wa salaamu alaikum

  16. Asalaamu alaikum,


    kulahaa "aabe telephonkiisa isii bal" :rolleyes: , wara ma waxa rabta Tuujiye gabadhu in ay ka dhaqaajiso. We definitely don’t like when we are treated like an object own by some one :mad: . Telephonka isii baama laqaatay. But, I don’t think he should start from there , at least not with this religious sister, she might take it the wrong way :( . It would be much better if he acknowledge his feelings to her at first and ofcourse eventually he will get her number.

    Anu koley nin i yidhi waan ku jeclahay ee sheekada ila bilow wax la qaban laha mid dhahaya aabo numberkiisa isii albaabkaan ka soo qafilan lahaa. icon_razz.gif

    wa salaaamu alaikum

  17. Asalaamu alaikum,


    lol kulaha kuwa isna ka shaqeeya icon_razz.gif . I am actually in university aint working yet, but yeh maybe when i finish undergrad. i will apply teaching position down there just teasing. walaal Tuujiya, if you dont want to be upfront with her, how do u expect her to know if you are interested? did it ever cross your mind that she might be interested bt waiting for you to take the 1st move? i honstly dont know what you got to lost if you told her the truth? are u afraid that she rejects you :mad: ? but even then so what? i mean she aint the only girl out there :rolleyes: ? there is so many other girls that will come in your in the future so go for it tell her " walaal waan ku jeclahay, waxaana raba in aad waxila qabatid "...

    :D wa salaaam


  18. asalaamu alaikum.


    well, i dont see anything wrong with being a career woman. Just like every housewives arent the same , same goes for career woman. you can not setereotype that all career women, cant be married because they are too hard headed , and bascally are too indepedent for a farah to handle. from my point of view, i wouldnt mind working when i first get married, ofcourse when i get kids, it is better if i raise them till they reach school age. Believe it or not, you might think there is day cares out there to raise our kids. i am talking about personal experience, i use to work at a daycare and i swear to god's name most of the staff didnt give a f*** about the kids :mad: , they are getting paid for it either way so why bother. so think twice before u dump yr child at a daycare. However, i do have a problem when a farah has older kids, and still demands his wife to be a housewife? certainly, this farah has some issues :rolleyes: . Anyways, my advice is marry some one that u can deal with, if you wanna be a career woman, then marry a farah that wont mind if u work outside yr home.

    wa salaamu alaikum

  19. asalaamu alaikum


    tuujiya brother i can see that you are interested in this girl however, you are not sure how to approach her. But, as long as you let her know your intentions are honorable i dont think anything will go wrong. Believe me since she is really a relegious siter, when she sees that you are straight forward, she is going to be upfront with you as well. walaal qofku wuxu jecelyahay qofka xaqiiqda u sheegaya , oo u sheegaya intentionskiisa. diintana haday taqaano saad sheegtay , hadaad u sheegtid in aad allah dartii u jeceshahay, way ku sheegi meshaad ka taagantahay, yacni haday rabto in ay sheeko kula bilowdo, sheeko ku saleesan in allah darti isku jeceshihiin barina xalaal guur ah iyo reer hadii alle nisiiyo. intasa iga talo ah. :D i hope i helped u out, dont want to make things worst , i hope she doesnt kick yr *** when u tell her how much u care abt her icon_razz.gif may allah forbid that, but some relegious sisters try to avoid those issues for some reason or the other.Go figure! Honestly i am relegious myself, but talking and getting to know a brother is fine , as long as u avoid doing things that allah had forbid us from doing.


    wa salaamu alaikum

  20. Asalaamu Alaikum,

    Bilan sister all of us are one day going to be mothers, or housewives. Certainly, that is not something to be ashamed of . the only way you will not be a housewife is if u dump your children at daycare as soon as u have them? and i hope that aint the case? i hope you learn from our mothers mistakes? just think why is most somali youth lost whether it is cultural speaking or even behaviour wise. most them do not even know how to conduct themselves. so unless you want your kids to follow those steps, you better think twice.Personally, i cant see my children walkin into those steps. Do not get me wrong, i am university-level educated, and i have thought many times the fact that i did not spend years in school, and still studying so i can be futurewise a stay at home mom. However, to think about it if u have kids you need to stay home and teach them what is permitted in terms of our relegion (insha-allah i hope to do that as soon as i have kids , but got to find a muslim brother :D ). Otherwise, our kids will certainly be out of control, as many have been.

    wasalaamu alaikum

  21. the point yes, you have a point there canada certainly did not fail in term of multiculturism. I am proud to say we live in multicularal society yet live peacefully, the same can not be said about somalia. Somalia certainly isnt multiculural, it has one cultur, yet we are having civil war? :rolleyes: Fatman you just said you did a research on multiculturism? where are you talking about? since it is not the same location wise. :confused:

  22. Asalaamu alaikum,

    Multicultural is significant and essential to construct a society. For instance, Toronto is multicultural city, and certainly multicultural approach did work. Since, different people with different cultures, perspectives, and opinion are relating with one another for the goal of refining this city. I really support the notion of making more multicultural cities, because people with different background will learn from one another, you will learn to appreciate other cultures, while maintaining your culture and not assimilating. But, what is sad is that Somali people only lived outside of Somalia for the past 15 years, and currently lost their culture, language, and honor :mad: . Somali parents and their children are having hard time communicating that could be due to language difficulty, and also perception distinction. Kids observe life in different way than parents do, due to the fact that we live in different environment, and children are exposed to different cultures. Since there is communication gap, certainly the parents can’t teach their kids their culture, and I wonder whet is going to be left of our culture 20 yrs from today?? allow sahal umuuraha :confused:

  23. asalaamu alaikum,

    I have heard before somali christians :mad: . However, i havent met one and i hope it stays like that ,i am not sure i can tolerate an individual who calls emself somali yet claims to be christian :confused: . insha-allah ilaahay ba so hadeen doona kuwii dariiq qalada raacay aamin.

    wa salaamu alaikum

  24. Asalaamu alaikum


    Frankly speaking most married couples that I know are being supported by their men, who are always there for them financially speaking. However, it is a fact that many somali girls are college/uni degree holders, and I wonder why we have to look around for a man to support us, when we can do it on our own :D . Our parents certainly didn’t school us for years , so we can end up housewives, who are just digging for their husband wallets :rolleyes: or did they :confused: . I have seen actually my share of somali sisters who are gold diggers, tryin to get to the richest man, or should I say the one who will offer them the most since I haven’t seen any rich somali guys lol. I am taken aback of how can some one do that, how can you choose a husband based on how much money is in his wallet? :mad: Somalidu waxay ku maahmaahda nin walba naftaada kasoo qaad. I guess that is my 2 cent.


    Wa salaam alaikum