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Posts posted by Aaliyyah

  1. Insha-allah i plan to visit both da city and the miyi. i wanna c all somalia got 2 offer, since i have no memory of back home. i was quit young, i was around three i believe when my family moved from Hamar. Anyways, as i heard it is hard to live in da Miyi as of One my cousins went back home and she simply couldnt take the miyi way of life. She was there like half a day den forced my uncle to driver her back to da city lol..(spoiled brat if u ask me) Insha-allah i will give it a shot, hopefully i can last longer den my cuz did.


    wa salaam

  2. masha-allah all these women are hard workers, and hard work certainly pays off. we all need to use these women as Role model. we certainly need educated somali sisters, so sistaz we need to work hard :)gota show these farahs we got what it takez



    wa salaam

  3. Devilangle sister yr friend did the right thing masha-allah. what kinda of guy buys feminine produces to all his female friends. that tells u that they are not just friendz, bt more. Anyways, if i was yr friend i would have broke up with him as soon as he said that his gf was the jealousy type, that should tell u this guy hangs out with too many girls. I for one would never feel secure in such a relationship. Most of us girls dont mind if the guy we are dating ( tryin to refrain from the term bf, since lota of ppl misunderstand it) has other girlfriend, and there is nothing wrong with the guy buying gifts from time to time. But stating the fact that he luvs buyin material things for his gfz should tell u this man iz a PLAYER. yr friend is save, and she made the right decision for herself.


    wa salaam

  4. Che-Guevara lol @ now we know where u from..wazz up cuz...somali oo dhan aa walaala ah keep dat in mind. i never seen pics from buhoodle, is buuhodle a beautiful place? ...me what u mean da war transformed it? didnt the war Transform somalia at large?.Somalia needs us to restablish it. There has been "brain drain" taking place back home, basically a concept to reflect on how all the educated ppl live outside somalia. who do we expect den to restablsih it? warlords? uneducated individuals?,,,so ye all lets not forget our roots, just looking at this pics , makes me realize how much i am missing. insha-allah i will make it up diz summer smile.gif .....plan to have as much FUN.


  5. Devilangle sister u are very wlc, and i intend to carry on with allahz help ofcourse. As for lazie sister take it easy, i just dont like to be called a preacher. Since i dont consider myself to be one. All I wanted to say was those who club to start to reflect on themselves and just that dey be aware of how misguided dey r. May allah show us all da right path aamin.


    wa salaamu alaikum

  6. wow sakhar nice pictures of Las Anod, my uncle went back and got us a tape, it was a beautiful place. I am planning to head down dere perhaps diz coming summer. insha-allah i will c if i can get pics as nice as these one:).


    wa salaamu alaikum

  7. girl take it easy , all i said was the fact that clubbing is haraam. when someone preachs they try to tell other to change their ways of life. i am not here to tell anyone to stop clubbing. All i said was that u are not conducting yrself as a muslim individual should if u are doing things that allah told you to refrain from. Do you see the difference yet? or perhaps u are too hard headed? since i sense that u are angry at the fact that i pointed out clubbin is haraam? dont u worry girl u can go on and do yr thing , i aint here to stop u.


    wa salaamu alaikum

  8. I am not here to insult or disrespect any of u. speaking of having fun, there is a lota ways of having fun, u dont need to go clubbing for that. besides u can not be afraid of allah yet going to clubs? obviously if a sista iz going to clubbin she needs to dress in a certain way so she can fit in. dont tell me lota of u go clubbing with yr hijaab? i wouldnt buy dat. Anyways, everyone is responsible for themselves, and lota of u are matur enough to know what they need to do. I am not here to preach, just to point out that u cant be on allahs side yet partying. mixing guys and girls are haraam itself, let alone music and clubbing. thats my 2 cent.

    wa salaamu alaikum

  9. Modesty there is no need to generalize sis. perhaps u came in contact with few arab sisters, which u didnt have a good experience with. But, there is many arab sisters who are masha-allah, as i have many arab friends which are close friends of mine. Anyways, bottom line is what does this arab sista meant by wearing hijaab differently than somalis??? how do arabs and somalis differ in terms of their hijaab? i am not here to say that all arab girls are nice, but just that u should refrain from generalizing. as there is many somali sisters who are arrogant whom i cant picture being their friend .Basically cant stand dem!!!does that mean all somali sisters are arrogant?? self centered??? superiod ?? guess not since i happen to be a somali sista myself.


    wa salaam


    wa salaaam

  10. Lol this guy is hilarious walahi …lol@ asalaamu brother it is been a long time, here is my number call me anytime we can work on any Islamic project, the subject matter isn’t the Islamic project, they want to work together loll…oo my gosh I just couldn’t stop laughing …walahi he is so right. Masha-allah.


    The prophet scw said if a person come to you who you are pleased with their character and their diin, den marry him to yr daughter or son, and if u don’t there will be corruption. As Somalis we certainly have these ideas that we should get married within our tribes , or as the sheikh said u gota get yr masters or at least undergrad. Degree before u think abt marriage.


    all these parts were hilarious.

    -a sister goes we gonna get married insha-allah we gonna live anywhere be homeless if we have to. what did he tell u , i love yr hijab, i love yr relegious , i luv yr character etc

    -some brother sees a girl with hijib and go "oh i am gonna marry her, she is gonna help me with my diin"lol

    - a sister goes masha-allah he recited the quran masha-allah he is gonna get me to jannah.



    oo my gosh the whole time i couldnt stop laughing, i was actually in the library at my uni, everyone was looking at me as if i lost it. just couldnt stop laughing....thanks for sharing


    wa salaaam

  11. Reality check sister I am not so eager about the idea of marrying outside yr race as i once was. Since things will be more complicated than they need to be, since u will have hard time relating with a brother from another culture. But, if I had no other alternative, like if I had to choose between a married Somali, and single man from another culture. Certainly I would get married to the guy from the other culture. Like I already mentioned in the "Scarce Resources" I can never imagine myself married to a guy who is married to another. This is how it works with me never ever bother with a married man, and if yur man looks for another get yr divorce. beleive me those already married to farahs have enough problems on their plate. so have mercy on them sistas and stay away from married farahs. like come on he has kids to take care of, a woman to appreciate, why would he want another xalimo?? guys need to be a lil more resposible dats how i c it.


    Wa salaam

  12. asalaamu alaikum,


    I believe that if we somali sisters try hard enough to find a suitable husband, we will be able to. ofcourse everything is calaf. But, if a somali sister thinks she cant find a somali husband, there is nothing wrong with marrying a man from another culture as long as he is Muslim. However, life is a lota easier with someone u share culture, language, and relegion.


    wa salaaam

  13. asalaamu alaikum,


    I guess u all went a lil too far, how about we all stop name calling. This was suppose to be a forum where mature educated individuals share their views without insulting one another. subhanalaah.


    wa salaamu alaikum

  14. Haseena sister congratulations, I am so happy for u sister the fact that u got married. Since getting married is fulfilling half of yr diin, and masha-allah the fact that u are in luv with yr husband adds up to da happiness. I am really impressed at the fact that u are considering sharing yr husband, takes a lot of guts. Believe me no matter how much I tried to imagine myself in a polygamous marriage, just doesn’t work. I think of it as something impossible, since I believe every woman if strives hard enough, can find herself a man. And u said “ Non of you are true believers until you want /love for your brother what you love for your self” , that is true, and if I do get a fine husband insha-allah I would certainly want the same for my sisters, that allah helps them find a partner with the same characteristic as my spouse. As selfish as that might sounds i consider that the major reason Somali families are divorcing iz to da fact that farahs are simply not happy enough with one Xaliimo. Perhaps we Somali sisters should prevent that by making sure that we meet our husband needs in wherever form that might come. Whether it is making sure the house is tidy when he gets home, the kids look taken care for, and making sure ofcourse that when he comes home he feels that he is loved , dress in a fashionable way like making sure yr husband doesn’t lose interest in u. Simply getting kids wont be excuse enough as why u shouldn’t work on yrself , I know lota of Somalis that go “ na maxaan iska dhibaya intaso carur aan dhalee, muxu kaluu raba “. Now if a sister has that kind of attitude I wouldn’t be surprised on why a farah would look for alternatives.


    Nur brother u made it seem that the brother simply running out of choices, that simply if he is unhappy and stays with his wife, den his life is hell. And if he chooses to get married to another den his kids from his 1st wife will s lose respect from him. I honestly don’t see it that way. If a man is not happy with his 1st wife he certainly can marry another, and if his 1st wive asks for divorce that doesn’t mean she will make sure that the kids lose respect for their father. Hypothetically speaking may allah forbid it if I get divorced and had kids from that marriage, den I would make sure that those kids met their dad as much time as possible. Since it is essential for kids to have both parents. As statistics showed kids who have both parents seem to achieve better in school, social life, and generally speaking do a lota better in many aspects of life. So believe me brother if a farah is not happy with a xaliimo, he shouldn’t use excuses that oh if I leave her den what abt my kids, unless that xaliimo is evil, den his relationship toward his kids shouldn’t change. I am not saying it is not possible for a mom to try to set her kids against their father. But in most cases I don’t believe moms do such things, since at the end of the day they aren’t really gaining anything outa of it.


    Wa salaamu alaikum

    p.s. yup u got that right not my farah icon_razz.gif , naa orad farah kale doono alle dhulkiisa wa weyyahay :D

  15. asalaamu alaikum,


    Well Muslim men are allowed to have up to four wives, and as long as their four wives are content with it alhamdu lilaah it works out. But, personally speaking i will never be part of polygamous marriage. I believe every Xaliimo can find her own Farah, why bother another Xaliimo? That is just beyond me.

    I recall somewhere in this forum, reading Nur stating that at 1st it is alright a husband will be content with his wife, but down the road what would the wife do? Like in 10 yrs?

    I am not married yet but if I was married and 10 yrs later my husband goes “I wanna get a second wife” I will let him get his 2nd wife with my blessing CAANO IYO WIIL. But, hey that does not mean I will stick around he can hit the road :rolleyes:


    wa salaam

  16. Congratulations sister :D . Masha-allah u have came a long way, insha-allah many of us will soon follow yr lead. Somalia certainly needs lot of educated individuals, perhaps it is in yr plans to go back home and take part of re-establishing Somalia.


    wa salaaam

  17. Val sister i am not saying only those who uncover themselves get raped , bt the fact that if you cover yrself, there is less chance guy to check u out , and rape u. ofcourse if one wears tight clothing they are asking to be raped, like come on u put yrself out there? what do u expect, i am not saying that justifies the fact that a man rapes a woman, bt that woman attracted attention. there might be out there a lota of covered sistas who been raped, but in most cases those put themselves at the spotlight get raped.


    wa salaam