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  1. 1 point
    Hadal heynta ugu weyn waa deegaanka Soomaali Galbeed maahmahaan. Waxaa la yaabay anagoo wada Soomaali ah inaan isticmaalno ereyo iyo magacyo kale ay ula baxeen deegaanadaas dad aan Soomaali ahayn. Sida 'Kilinka Shanaad,' sida Jijiga for Jigjiga, sida 'Dire Dawa' for Diridhabo (same way it is Baydhabo, which tells you it is a Soomaali word in its originality). Waxaaba ugu sii daran kuwa Soomaalideena ah haddana yiraahdo 'Soomaalida Itoobiya.' Yaxyax weyn ayaa ka qaadaa markaa maqlo kuwaas. You wouldn't find Oromo right-wing extremists calling Adisababa its name. It is always Finfine for them. The re-liberation of Soomaali Galbeed needs to start with its names. Haddaa isticmaaleyno magacyada kuwa heysto isticmaalaan marka waxee u dhigantaa inaan ogolnahay inay iyaga leeyihiin.
  2. 1 point
    Nothing foreign about this. The real blame for this lies squarely at the feet of one person - Caydiid Senior and his ragtag, poorly trained mööryaan militia. They had zero plans and vision for the country. I remember in mid 1991 us boys going to all those military bases located on Jidka Warshadaha iyo jidka Dayniile aado after it was looted. There were still some old unexploded weapons left behind, some were gantaalo ay ku jiraan kuwa la isku duqeeyo ee lidka ah. We ciyaal xaafad would go there to get some little baaruud aan ka soo baxsano from these weapons. Ciyaal ayaa iska ahayn for Eebbe knows if one exploded what would have happened. Why am I bringing up this? Because instead of securing these bases, the looted factories and other places owned by the goverment, Awcaydiid had zero plans other than to overthrow the government and then do the xasuuq and ugaarsi maatidii Xamar deganeyd for qabiil reasons. They thought wrongly those institutions and the deposed regime itself were the same. This same anti-institution mentality is at display in Muqdisho now, led by haraadigii ka haray Caydiid - Mahad Salaad, C/raxmaan C/shakuur, Fiqi and co.
  3. 1 point
    Haddee Mustafe iyo ciidamadaan isbiirsadaan they could be a formidable force. Obviously they will join one another soon. Mustafe will be qurbo-based, might even get some funds from Qadar, while they will be on the ground. And Saalax can handle baraha bulshada.
  4. 1 point
    Money fell on people without conscience or brains. They have africans like Eritrea and Ethiopia who can say or do anything for small part of that money. Djibouti refused UAE/Saudis base for using it on Yemen. Eritrea went and begged them. Somalia refused the Egyptians base, Eritrea asked for money which Rgypt doesn't have and UAE was not prepared to pay for Egypt. Ethiopia in just 4 months has gone from close friend to Djibouti to now complete mistrust and almost hateful
  5. 1 point
    Well said MMA. Maakhiri: According to the ONLF, the reason for having the divisive letter (O)-NLF is for them not to be seen as irrdentist. A guy I had a discussion with who by the way is active in ONLF organisation explained the issue to me from his perspective. His arguements were that it would be harder to be seen as a legitamate anti-colonial movement with the "Soomali-galbeed" label it was therefore important to have the colonial name for that region.. What the poor fellow and their leadership dont understand is that every succsesfull liberation struggle had the full backing of the people they they intended to liberate. You dont liberate a pieace of land within the academical schools politics. You do it with military muscles and after after tha you seek international legitamacy.. With hard facts on the table (aka your military strength and controll) you will sway the public into your side. By the name,is it you who write your own history or is it the former colonial masters? What intention did the white man have when they named that region after clanname? Weaken the Somalis? Probably.! Then million dollar question that ONLF-leadership didnt ask themseleves is ofcours if they really belive they can explain the whole irredentism -complex to non OG- somali clans? Do they really belive ordinary somalis who have gone through balaayo iyo qaxar becouse of clan will trust other nomadic somalis armed to teeth with a tribal sounding name?. Xikmada waa shay muhiim. Gaalki Meles knew the weakness of Somalis and used the clan-card in that region. By creating intra-og rivalry with Cabdi Iley and his stooges he weakended the support they had from the clan and made other somalis passive. A good example for Somalis should be Eritrea. The EPLF erased or minimized the religious, ethnic diffirences that existed Eritrea. Would the muslims of Eritrea supported in some way the EPLF if it had chosen "Eritrean Tigrayan People liberation front". Labels are not important, but when your people are compromised of nomads, and your national conciousness is low, the name means everything. Been yaa lisku sheegin. Magac qabiil aan dhul soomaliyeed oo dadka oo dhan dagan ayaan magac qabiil ku xoreynaa waa xikmadla'aan.
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