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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It has been confirmed that an extensive well planned electoral fraud had take place in Somaliland, especially Maroodi Jeex, Awdal and Saaxil. Preliminary results confirmed by party representatives and local commissioners had changed almost 30% in Awdal. In a disputed election were the margins are small, usually discrepancies are 0.05%. You might reverse few hundred votes or more, but in small station were the number is already small the margin of error is minuscule. In Zaylac district people with no ID cards just crossed from Djibouti and were given voter ID cards and told to vote. According to eye witnesses some of this people have never even seen Lawyacado in their life time. This scheme of stuffing ballots with pre-printed and stamped ballots are a new sophisticated fraud invented by the oligarchs of Hargeisa. Folks, this is not 1969 were One town called Wanla Weyn (A nice town, where I did serve the national service after high school) had more votes than Mogadishu. In the age of modern technologies and internet, these people can not fool anyone. For the sake of peace , harmony, hope and brighter future, the Somaliland government must annul the results of this election and call another one in 90 days. It could be costly, but if these fraud issues persist the cost of in action would be greater than few million dollars. I know the double talking Faisal Waraabe was saying " Habar Yartay Samsam baa lacagtii doorashada bixisay" but we know this election and the equipment was paid by USAID. Mr. Ahmed Siilaanyo, you must remember what former president Rayaale told you in July 2010, when he handed you the leadership: "Waxaan Kugu wareejiyey Dal nabad ah oo wada jooga". Before Siyaad Barre collapsed those who were surrounded by him were his in-laws and family members who were blind sided by power. Maslax, Daffle, Cosoble and Mama Khadaja never told him how things were getting out of hand. I know you are surrounded by the same click as your old teacher, yet I do believe that you have time to right this ship before it sinks with everyone on board. This is not about handing the stick to your tribal tyrants who had intimidated you in order to take the leadership of your party. Deep down you know that Muuse Biixi did not win the party leadership fairly and squarely, but the Somaliland people are bigger and more important than the hostile take over of Kulmiye. The so called tribal alliances have been governing for seven years, and the people are yearning for change. I order for democracy to succeed the gate should be opened for the opposition or this will become a one party tyranny. Markiisa horeba Xalaal kuma iman. Hal Xaaraani nirig Xalaala Ma dhasho. Mr. Siilaanyo, for your own legacy and the hope of the people of Somaliland cancel this election and organize another fair and free election or history will judge you very harshly..
  2. 1 point
    ^ Tallaabo, Do you mean to tell me that the Ballot papers do NOT have their corresponding Voter ID number on them? That would be preposterous and I can’t believe the opposition parties have allowed such a ridiculous system in the first place, whereby there would be no way of verifying the number of ballots cast in a particular precincts match the number of voters who actually voted.
  3. 1 point
    This election is turning into a joke. Given the very low moral standards of Somali politicians and the real risk of a post-election unrest, the ballot papers should not have been made secret instead each voter should have registered their ID number on their ballot paper. This way, ghost voters and those who are underage could be verified and removed easily even after the vote is cast.
  4. 1 point
    Galbeedi, saaxiib salfudeydka (kneejerking) maalmahan xagee kaaga soo degay. Laba maalmood kahor tiro aan lahubin ayaad madashan ku haysay, ugu danbeyna waa adigii ka bixiyey raaligelinta. Siday wax u dhaceen iyo xaqiiqada jirtaba way soo bixi mar aan fogeyn. Maxaa ku jaban inaad sugtid natiijada kahor intaadan kucelis iyo sheeko kale bilaabin?
  5. 1 point
    Xalaal DUHUR baa la qashaa, now it makes sense why internet was disconnected!
  6. 1 point
    Thanks Maakhiri, Distributing the cards at this stage is illegal and fraud. Tens of thousands of people missed the deadline to get their cards but it was all closed. Further more, when they proceeded to another region they told people that they will keep their cards, " Waa la idin haynayaa markaad soo doonataan' yet after the two week deadline it is all gone. If Somaliland want to do the right thing, another election must be held within 90 days. rather than have hundred of polling station, they must organize very small number of stations where real observers should locate and watch. Those tens of thousands of children registered in Hargeisa and Gabiley must be eliminated. A friend who came from Hargeisa in August told me that almost all the kids in his neighborhood had voting cards. This commission must resign. We need a new commission and a new election in 90 days.
  7. 1 point
    Somaliland is decade ahead of other Nomads when it comes to organising elections. The voting was historic and tall order to match by anyone in the horn of Africa. Sadly, the choice that people got in this election was to vote for one of the corrupt elites, non of the three candidates came from outside the usual circle. However, people voted generally in excellent fashion. In the past two years, there was a big amount money pocketed by the ruling elites and their cronies. Some of that money is used to corrupt a good number of traditional leaders and even opposition figures. The elites got wealthier, where the laymen got poorer because of the inflation caused by the new money, and the recurrent draughts. Whoever wins this election, the good people of Somaliland showed other Nomads the way. How to vote in civilised society, where the resources are limited, and elites are crooked beyond redemption.
  8. 0 points
    Soomalidu meel kasta inay masaajid ka taagaan baa waxay u tahay wax qabad iyo kheyr doon.
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