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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Is there any dowladda dhexe-owned lands that had been spared in selling frenzy in Waqooyiga? Do they think danta guud lands and places belonged to marxuum Maxamed Siyaad Barre, Rabi ha u raxmadee? Meesha tuugo baa isku baheystay; if they were controlling Xamar, Eebbe forbid, they would have mass sold meelihii iyo dhulkii muhiimka ahaa dowladda lahayd, sida hoteelladii Curuba, Jubba, Shabeelle, Taleex, goobihii taalooyinka ku yaalay, siiba meesha qurxoon Dhagaxtuur ku taalo. Baarlamaankii, Guriga Ummadda, wasaaradihii, safaaradihii hore xataa mala dhaafi lahayn. Warshadihii, isbartiibooyinkii...
  3. 1 point
    Xamar has never seen any clan segrenation. The closest it came was in between 1991-1994, in the heyday of Caydiid vs Cali Mahdi conflict. Even then degmooyin la isla wada deganaa ayaa jiray, sida Hodan. Degmooyinka hal qabiil ku badan la dhihi karo waa Kaaraan iyo Wadajir, labada gees Xamar ayee ku kala yaalaan, saas ay tahayna waa lala deganyahay. But what Gooni described in Hargeysa waa cajiib iyo nuskeeda in this day and age.
  4. 1 point
    @galbeedi I heard waa la mehersaday. Don't quote me thought. With regards to her work, most of her poems are based on fiction. I mean, she talks about lala-land from a by-gone era - barisamaadkii. Anyone that skips the reality and dwells in a dream is just full of sheeko-baralay. That said, the poem you have posted here is a good one nonetheless. This is Cabdilahi Xassan Ganney (Xassan Ganney's son). He is a poet in his own right. One of the leading song writers of this age.
  5. 1 point
    While Allah ha nu naxcariiste Salaad Gabayre was promoted due to his family relationship (Son in law of Aadan Cade), Caynaashe and C/qaadir Dheel were the real soldiers Siyaad Bare eliminated from competition. Ismaaciil A Abokor, Samatar, Dafle, Rabiile and the rest were junior officers compared to general Caynaanshe.
  6. 1 point
    It is a good poem. Dad yahaw loo soo tashaday Iyana sii kala tashaday Intaa tashataan mar uun Xaqa aad tabanaysaan In mar uun aad timaamataan Miyaa ka talaaalan tihiin. It is a good observation . The people became cattle while the elite is looting them in the name of government. When was the last time people collectively demanded anything in Somaliland?. Speaking of poems, Somalis especially those in Hargeisa , or I should say southern Hargeisa have an extraordinary talent of composing poems that touch the souls of the people. Here is another Nimco Qorane type which I consider a poet laureate of these young generation.
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