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Haditha: Who cries for you ?

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They ranged from little babies to adult males and females. I'll never be able to get that out of my head. I can still smell the blood. This left something in my head and heart. - Observations of Lance Cpl. Roel Ryan Briones after the Haditha Massacre


Another day, another massacre unearthed. Only reason why this is getting any airplay is because of Time magazine's investigation.


Apparently, the Marines were out for blood because their boy Miguel got shish-kebab'd by a IED, cut cleanly in two pieces. So they want revenege, right ? And the way you take revenge is by going after the killers, right ? And the killers are the armed insurgents, right ? So the manly thing to do is to go after the insurgents and avenge the death of Miguel, right ? Wrong. No, not the Marines. These b1tchmade sorry-excuse-for-humans storm a house and drag out blind, wheelchair-bound 76 year old Abdul-Hamid and his 66 year old wife and shoot them dead. They're just getting warmed up now. Then they do the kids, the grand-kids, and the in-laws. Bam. Bam. Bam. Rest in peace, brother Miguel. We are avenging your death by murdering children, women, and senior citizens. Semper Fidelis


Of course it doesn't end there. The brave Marines of the fightin' 1st go on to stop a taxicab, order everybody out, see them for the college students they are, and shoot them while they scream "Please, Please". The next stop is Eid Ahmed's house where they shoot him and his sons while the rest of the family watches.


The thing the Marines need to understand is this: You signed up for this war. You f'n volunteered. So if you or any of your baby-killing buddies die, you asked for it. You bought the farm lock, stock, and barrel the minute you walked into that recruiter's office and signed them enrollments(death) papers. Watch the video and take a look at nine year old Khalid's face, twisted with agony and rage as he says: "Yaa waylakum minallah". And then ask: Why do they hate us so much ? Khalid's face will tell all. That's why we hate you so much.

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Outrageous :mad: . It made me sick everytime I've read about it, not entirely surprised from the soldiers of My Lai. They should be investigated, convicted and sentenced to the harshest punishment. We will never know how many other executions of civilians can be added to the 'collateral' damage.

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Sadly, the soldiers involved in the My Lai massacre were acquitted, or even pardoned by then president Nixon himself. As will likely happen with these douchebags, but that's why we have Allah SWT, who dispenses true justice in the way that only He can. May Allah make all of those suffering in Iraq martyrs, and may he forgive all Muslims for their sins and give them jannah, Amiin.

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