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HELL NO!, it feels like a burden. It's a complex world that's crawling with dad oo Somaalida naceyb(kuligood not just Konfuurta but all!), and sometimes you wonder why shouldn't they? There you are battling racists on a UK forum and slapping them silly with sources about the great progress that is made by the community and then out of nowhere BAM!!!, some Dameer put his/her ugly face on a tabloid paper boasting about their ceyr abuse. Just as your about to K.O your hateful opponnents your own people throw these guys a supersharp Samurai blade, i mean WTF?


I have never experienced this type of brutal hatred in real life, the internet seems to be my only true source of experiencing unhealthy negativity. Even SOL, my longtime safehaven where i would regroup and restrengthen my resolve, passion and tenacity to battle these fools, has lost its spark. Certain individuals i respected and looked up upon, don't seem to be the men and women i thought they were.


The politics section is a chesspool of intolerance and a good example of why we as a people have not been able to reach our real potential, and don't get me started on the daily news, when your in a good mood, like a mammoth hammer it strikes you down to the floor with each negative story after another. I have already deleted about twenty websites where i would periodically intervene and make a stand, it's just not worth the stress anymore.


For the past couple of months I have been struggling on wether i should go SUPERTROLL on SOL and get myself permanently banned, basically removing the temptation of camelmilkthreads out of my system, but i have to much respect for the owners to go that route, so like an addict i will cut down slowly to the point of being free of this "capitivity of negativity", and maybe cancel my entire connection eventually.




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For heaven's sake don't burn out Adam. In ten years your gung-ho propaganda machinery will be of great importance to our fledgling state.

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Now I know why you had Ibti's baby. You two are on the same orbit, like two atoms. Never fret age beats it outta ya and soon will come a day when you will hate and love Somalis all at once and it will no longer feel like schizo.It is possible to hold two contradictory thoughts and still go on.


Ps you ARE turning into an uber-troll, as is that Karl chap. Own it. LoL.

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These kids keep asking me if I'm a "lander" or a "mali". I finally budged and told them I from Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. I wish my forehead was slightly more ethiopian though. btw, most great men self hate.

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Adam, there will come a time when how Somalis are perceived in the media and by Tom, Dick and Harry become less important in your life (personally I never gave a damn).

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The line between Virtual and Reality is becoming remarkably blurred me thinks. Take time out and as Jacpher said hold that top-right (or middle) button down.

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you can easily decrease the amount of time spend online. dont log on whilst at home and also at weekends.

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