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Somali mothers ask Qoslaaye to stop selling Somali girls to Saudi Arabia

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Even countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh etc have banned their women to work as

maids in Saudi Arabia as the risk of them being violated by a big belly Arab

is high.




January 27, 2016

Daawo Hooyooyinka Soomaaliyeed “Xasan Sheekh Alla Ha Uga Baqo In Gabdho Soomaaliyeed Uu U Shaqa Geeyo Dalka Sacuudiga”




Haweenka Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka horymid qorshaha Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh uu ku doonayo in Hablo Soomaaliyeed loo dhaafiyo dalka Boqortooyada Sacuudi arabiya si ay halkaasi uga noqdaan Jaarriyado ama booyeeso.


Haweenka oo la hadlay warbaahinta leyska arko ee muuqaalka ayaa Madaxweyne Xasan Garguurta ugu baaqay in uu la yimaado Alla ka cabsi oo gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed uu ku halligin guryo carbeed si ay ugu shaqeeyaan guryaha carabta.

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Uganda has banned their girls working as maids in Saudi Arabia. Indonesia, Ethiopia and the Philippines have banned the flow of migrant workers to Saudi Arabia until they could be assured the workers were given basic labor rights.


Somalia should follow suit.


No sane person would send innocent girls to work in the houses of those sexually depraved and sadistic Arab men. Psychopathy runs very high among Arabs.

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No sane person would send innocent girls to work in the houses of those sexually depraved and sadistic Arab men. Psychopathy runs very high among Arabs.

Why is it so laakiin? The Wahhabi sect has an unholy obsession with women and their body. I remember when this scourge gained momentum in Somalia in the 90s, there used to be a man called Boqolsoon who would literally cry when talking about women. He was famous with a "Walaashayda muslimtaay" slogan. He was very popular with women. Ever since, all Somali pseudo-scholars have followed suit. They either spend 4 years in a university in Saudi Arabia or some cave in Yemen and they come back with not only a fake "Scholar" title but also with an obsession with women. They love women too much, their whole world and indeed faith revolves around them. They seem to know all the verses and ahadith pertaining to women, sex, marriage and submission to men. It's crazy waxaad moodaa diinta iney ka bartaan inta dumarka khuseysa oo kaliya.

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Why is it so laakiin? The Wahhabi sect has an unholy obsession with women and their body. I remember when this scourge gained momentum in Somalia in the 90s, there used to be a man called Boqolsoon who would literally cry when talking about women. He was famous with a "Walaashayda muslimtaay" slogan. He was very popular with women. Ever since, all Somali pseudo-scholars have followed suit. They either spend 4 years in a university in Saudi Arabia or some cave in Yemen and they come back with not only a fake "Scholar" title but also with an obsession with women. They love women too much, their whole world and indeed faith revolves around them. They seem to know all the verses and ahadith pertaining to women, sex, marriage and submission to men. It's crazy waxaad moodaa diinta iney ka bartaan inta dumarka khuseysa oo kaliya.


Boqolsoon! Wadaadkii waalnaa ee xabeebta lahaa, my mum use to listen his cassette wacdi in the 90's, I vividly recall his shrill voice and teary lectures.


I remember him talking about this particular Hadeeth.


When Muâdh ibn Jabal returned from al-Shâm he prostrated to the Prophet who said, "What is this, Muâdh?" He replied, when I came to Shâm I found them prostrating to their priests and bishops, so I told myself I would like to do the same to you." The Messenger of Allâh said: "Do not!

If I were to order anyone to prostrate to anyone else, I would order woman to prostrate to her husband due to the greatness of his right over her.


I swear by Allâh that no woman shall taste the sweetness of faith until she fulfills the right of her husband even if he should want her while she is on top of the camel-saddle!"


^ Outrageous


Someone was fond of Dominance and submission role play. :D :D

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Why is it so laakiin?.


It is not confined to Wahabbis.


Somalee, i suggest you read " The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai", if you want to understand this unique characteristic Arab male attitude to women.

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It is not confined to Wahabbis.


Somalee, i suggest you read " The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai", if you want to understand this unique characteristic Arab male attitude to women.

Interesting, I will look for this book. The current crop of Somali wadaads have the same mentality.

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