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Defining "Somali extremist"

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I coined this term so allow me to introduce it to you


It is a very broad term. It cannot be defined with just a sentence. It has to be defined with examples:


A Somali extremist is someone who:


1) Places his clan before his nation

2) Cheers when clans fight each other

3) Says someone from another clan cannot live, visit or claim a particular town or city or gobol

4) Votes or supports someone simply because of clan even if they are a warlord, war criminal, etc.

5) Supports FGM

6) Supports Ethiopia or Kenya over other Somalis

7)Supports clan discrimination

8) Believes that minorities are untouchables

9) Uses religion to justify violence

10)Discriminates against gays

11) Supports racism

12) Supports slavery

13) Supports rape

14) Supports murdering people

15) Laughs at famine victims

16) Supports terror groups


The list can reach to a million examples so you can see its very broad. You only need to have 1 example to be considered a Somali extremist


I believe 95% of Somalis are Somali extremists. Its not fair to say all Somalis are extremists because that's not true.


I am,


Abdi "Somalia cannot rise with Somali extremists in our way" Johnson

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What made u think 95% of Somalis do any of those things?


It's really a shame because I agreed with almost everything you mentioned until u let that slip.



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