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Puntland Military Officials Call For Resignation Of Puntland President. AUDIO

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DHEGAYSO:- Sarkaal ka tirsan Booliska Puntland oo Madaxda Puntland Fariin u diray.

April 16, 2014 - Written by admin - Edited byadmin



Col.Cabdilaahi Bootaan Maxamuud oo ka tirsan ciidanka booliska Puntland ayaa ka hadlay xaalada Taleex iyo ciidanka Somalilnad ka socda ee maanta la wareegay degmada Taleex.

Sarkaal kan waxa uu sheegay inaysan u dulqaadan karin daan-daansiga Somaliland ay ka wado dhul ka tirsan Puntland,wuxuan tilmaamay inay jirto habacsanaan sidaasi darteedna ay muhiim tahay inay is-casilaan madaxwaynaha iyo ku xigeenkiisa.

”Xukumadda Puntland waxaan lee yahay ha is-casisho haddii ay shaqadeedii gabtay,anaga Somaliland sidaasi iyo si u eg naguma samayn karto,afar bilood ayaa la marayaa waxay isabadal oo ay keeneen ma jirto hadda ayaan waxan maraynaa Siilaanyo inuu kormeer ku tago gobalo uusan waligiis tagin wax la qaadan karo ma ahan”.



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If Gaas doesnt take the fight to burco, he must step down and general sicid dheere must haul in martial law and military state untill our war on terror in somaliland is completed and our borders restored to burco.

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Puntland cannot move on to a democracy without the complete borders as dictated on our constitution and it is childish of our leaders to excuse hassan sheikh of constitutional breaches while we breach our own constitution.


Puntland must make this war about a war on terror and say that it will not tolerate somaliland incursions on our territory and terrorist activities. This is a battle for good vs evil.

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It is a silly policy of Puntland not protecting our borders, open door policy on our borders breaches our constitution, our duty of care to our citizens, it has ramifications on even inside puntland with somaliland terrorists based in galgala assasinating our elites. The death toll in our region alone was around 500 from 2009 till 2013. This is unacceptable, this is deplorable, this uncalled for.


It is best we lose a few boys now for years of peace rather then live in constant security threats and assasinations. We lost hundreds in galkayo for 20 years of peace. Was it worth it yes, is it worth just sitting and watching our own elites, our border, our kinsmen in the border areas being slaughtered daily? no it's not. Its time for action not press conferences.


Its best we drop a bit of blood today to save ourselves from a sea of blood tommorow. Cause right now with this inactive border security we are already knee deep with blood thru assasinations. This open door policy has caused our own internal security to deteriote. This open door policy on our borders unless closed will never lead to stability inside our territory. Security starts externally which then expands internally.


I call for the immediate deployment of Puntland Defence Forces into sool and not to stop untill 10 km outside of burco like it used to be. If the fight is going to happen let it happen on SNM territory. I urge that no blood or properties be destroyed enroute through sool, I urge that the clan elders of the area warn their boys to step out of the way as Puntland marches on its way to the doorstep or burco and let them see the terrifying dhaforqiiqs

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I told u before detoore cabdi cawar is a failure , SL army wa niman birta calashada , maha sida niman aan ogahay , Detoore SL can take Garowe SL army has garowe on her sight only 16 miles. U are not in the position to make threats against the Afro hashimiate Nation.....

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Xaaji Puntland knows exactly what your doing and your not fooling Puntland. You have given the SSC folks a project called khatumo to distract them on thinking they will have their own administration even though you know they wont have an administration since they dont meet the constitutional requirements of 2 states or more your sole purpose is to create wedges between PL and Khatumo. Notice how all the international media are referring it to somaliland and puntland everyone knows khatumo is just you with another costume. You also have another costume in galgala the terrorists to keep Puntland busy on it's own internal security. But enough is enough, the battle is coming to buro'a you will pay a heavy price for the action of your terrorist enclave. It is not funny busines xunjuf I urge you to warn Siilanyo to not push his luck with Puntland because our patience is wearing thin now. Waxan oo kale uma dulqadan karno intan kadib

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Xaaji what deal did you cut with the infamous Ali khalif Galayr? did you guarantee him if he brings you sool that all DIR votes in parliament will vote for him for presidency in 2016 mogadishu? or did you guarantee that to prof samatar? or did you guarantee it to both? Their is no way those heavyweights are going to take positions in somaliland, very unlikely since it's very rare for politicians that seen national politics revert to regional politics, gaas is a special exemption to this rule.


What did you guarantee them, I know Ali khalif policies has always been to get a high spot with enemy support, is he using the waqoyi card in 2016 to try and get Dblock seat in hamar since their is stiff competition down south for him to ever make it and the north is his own market with no competition? One thing is for sure based on his history he has always loved the enemy. Abdiqasim, SNM, etc. The man hasn't step foot in garowe since it's creation, the closest he came was a phone call during his PM stint with abdiqasim salat.


I know what Ali khalif is up to, I am not silly, I know the move he is trying to make before he even makes it but I urge him this idea on becoming something based on enemy support will only last a short time look at abdiqasim where is he? nowhere. Look at Jubbaland a reality today, why? PL support.


I urge Ali Khalif stop running from PL and ask for forgiveness since the ppl of Puntland are forgiving lot. We even forgave the alitihaad kabaqad ali haji warsame who killed alot of our boys, their is also room for you ina galayrow.


I urge somaliland stop this proxy war because their are number of somalilanders that can be used as a proxy also in hamar, in hargeisa and even well known elders in bur'oa

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I told u before detoore cabdi cawar is a failure , SL army wa niman birta calashada , maha sida niman aan ogahay , Detoore SL can take Garowe SL army has garowe on her sight only 16 miles. U are not in the position to make threats against the Afro hashimiate Nation.....







:D waar u sheeg inanku wuxuu dhashay 97




Puntland bravados as usual.

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