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khaatumo state invited Somali government to visit sool.sanaag.cayn

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DEgdeg Sawiro:-Kulan Balaadhan Oo Lagu

Taageerayo Khaatumo Oo Goordhaweyd Hotel Aljazera Mogadishu




Kulan balaaran oo lagu taageerayey dhismaha maamul goboleedka soomaaliyeed ee Khaatumo,isla markaana ay kasoo qayb galeen raysal wasaareyaashii hore ee Soomaaliya qaarkood, golaha wasiirada xukuumada Soomaaliyeed, madax dhaqameed, ururada haweenka Qaranka soomaaliyeed iyo marti Sharaf kala duwan ayaa lagu qabtay magaalada Muqdisho Ugu horeyna kulanka waxaa ka hadlay isla markaana warbixin guud ka bixiyey xaalada guud ee Khaatumo madax weyne Indho sheel. Wuxuu sheegay in shacabka reer Khaatumo ay dhowr iyo labaatan sano dhiigooda u daadinayaan midnimada umada Soomaaliyeed, lkn wuxuu cod dheer ku

sheegay in Khaatumo keligood aan xilka saarneyn arintaas ee ay garab ka sugayaan umada soomaaliyeed ee midnimada jecel


Cali Maxamed geedi, Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf, Xasan Abshir faarax, ayaa dhammaantood ku dheeraaday mudnaanta ay leedahay taageerada Khaatumo loogana baahan yahay in la taageero shirka taleex isla markaana ay tegi doonaan iyagu shirka.


Cabdulahi sh Xasan oo ah gudoomiyaha ururka nabada iyo dimuqraadiyada Soomaaliyeed ayaa

sheegay in dowlada ay waajib ku tahay taageerada iyo tegista shirka Khaatumo.

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General indhocade is coming to SSC lets see the chess beating and the bravado ....





Madaxweynaha maamulka khaatumo Indhosheel very shred politician - Indhosheel

is more clever then Ali Geleydh he will achieve what Ali couldn't -



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Malister Somaliland is not the au protectorate of Somalia no one can just come in. Indocade is a no one in somaliland. He will be strip searched at the airport slapped and shipped back to the Burundian protectorate.


Abdi Cawar has been denied entry into East Sanag what makes you think some merejuiana dealing joke can come.


Malister how's your indepedence struggle going ???


I heard Burundi is willing to give you some limited freedoms.



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Malister Somaliland is not the au protectorate of Somalia no one can just come in. Indocade is a no one in somaliland. He will be strip searched at the airport slapped and shipped back to the Burundian protectorate.


Abdi Cawar has been denied entry into East Sanag what makes you think some merejuiana dealing joke can come.


Malister how's your indepedence struggle going ???


I heard Burundi is willing to give you some limited freedoms.






QOSOLiyo Naxdin HA U DHIMAN !!!


Cali Maxamed geedi, Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf, Xasan Abshir faarax, ayaa dhammaantood ku dheeraaday mudnaanta ay leedahay taageerada Khaatumo loogana baahan yahay in la taageero shirka taleex isla markaana ay tegi doonaan iyagu shirka.


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The people you refer to mean nothing to me malister.


Add mother Teresa to your list and ghandi and see if it makes a difference.


Your a dreamer malister. Five years from now you will still e convincing yourself Somalia is alive when you still will not be able to control "villa Somalia" or a sigle street in mugdisho.


Stop lieing to yourself except that Somalia is dead it's been dead for 22 years and I killed it.


I created it in 1960 and killed it in 1991.


If you have anything prove me wrong???

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SNM is in deep problem loooll

They cant touch HAG. HAG is not to be messed. Jaajuus Godane the SNM snake knows this when his terrorist soldiers were destroyed in Guriceel and Dhuusomareeb :D



SNM can bully Puntland, but not HAG. HAG got skilled fighters and also amisom kkkkkkkk




cidanSNM kkkkkkkk, you are so wrong. Ask cadaan and madoow they will tell you it was USC defeating the regime. You think the snm terrorists defeated Regime? loool that is the dream of all mirqaans.

If SNM traitors defeated the regime, south would still be under control of the regime.

But truth is usc made the regime fall. Then many snm traitors came to Xamar to beg USC like beggars for position within the new govt :D

You think SNM terrorists caused Utanga? You think it was SNM terrorists rooting the regime forces all the way till Beledxaawo and at the border with Kenya? You think the Kenyan officials met with the leader of SNM traitors? kkkkkkkkkk


dream on niyoow


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^^^ a video was posted of Aideed saying exactly what I said I know it's not easy for you but this realm is the realm of reality I suggest you go liberate your people if you have any self pride left. Like I said the internet is not going to liberate your people.


These southerners have bigger problems to deal with. In all honousty they really don't care about your situation and even if they cared which is not the case there is nothing they can do about it.


Yesterday you were siad barres foot soldier fighting southerners they have not forgotten that.


More of your clansmen were killed in mugdisho then in somaliland. I showed you mercy and this is the thanks I get therefore it was a matter of time the gloves came off.

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As an son of the beesha HAG, waryaa cidaansultan stop talking for us! We will come to Shirka Khaatumo, and if your man enough come to us!


SNM boys need a wake up slap from us walee!,.....?LOL, on how they think they fought barre regime.


And as for killings, we were the footsoldiers of the military regime hunting and killing SNM boys and their beesha in Hargeisa (even the pilot bombing them was HAG),until aided felt sad for your pathetic kind!

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^^^ talk about misplaced priorities hahaha... Saxib Burundia protects you in your own city and your talking about coming to shir number 108.


As for hag there are two kinds of hag those that carry the dirty linen of the defeated lot and those that Aideed came from I'm guessing your the first kind.




You lived as a second class citizen until the SNM destroyed te entire northern somali army not my words but the words of the man that led your struggle for equal rights in mugdisho general Aideed


Would you like me to post the video????


I am assuming you don't.


A man who was a secon class citizen in his own city and could not build one school in 22 years and is today protected by African forces is not really in any position to open his mouth.

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CidanSNM, beesha Khatumo forgave HAG.

If you are man do something about HAG visiting there.Otherwise you are still the women from the civilwar loool

The Women militia(SNM) couldnt defeat Regime. Regime crushed them so painful!!

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Somalia rising. I am a logical person and I always used to ask myself how could a people who had sub Saharas largest army backed by soviet and American weapons lose to a rebel force of 3000 and then I met people like you and it made sense




Siad barre defeated the SNM and that is why your village of las canod has the somaliland flag flying over it today...


Clearly some sort of phsyco analysis should be done to identify this peculiar human species that lack logic severely.

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Unless the bbc is owned by the SNM I just showed you a video proving my point. It happened before a single shot was fired in mugdisho. Furthermore I previously posted a video by general Aideed (AUN) saying the "SNM created this revelution, have led this revelution and have exported it to us and we have carried it on in the south"..


That my friend is called historical referencing to prove your argument. You can't get any more proof.


The reality is siadist have faked so much of history they don't know what is truth or fiction anymore even if it slapped them in the face.


Case in point the dervishes and the kacaan myth of ismaeil mirre which was debunked and barried.


"Darawish banu nahay corfield ban qorta ka goyay"




You don't have a sigle fighting bone in your body.


Here is the proof:

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