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Xaaji Xunjuf

If Xunjuf was asked to solve the Somali stalemate

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Out of all the facts put forward to malister he has come back with


Baaaacaaaaaaac.... And post after post of nonsense cut and past from articles.


Malister you are a funny guy keep trying to convince yourself the so called somali army will help you. They can't secure I block in mugdisho on there own



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Out of all the facts put forward to malister he has come back with


Baaaacaaaaaaac.... And post after post of nonsense cut and past from articles.


Malister you are a funny guy keep trying to convince yourself the so called somali army will help you. They can't secure a block in mugdisho on there own



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Out of all the facts put forward to malister he has come back with


Baaaacaaaaaaac.... And post after post of nonsense cut and past from articles.


Malister you are a funny guy keep trying to convince yourself the so called somali army will help you. They can't secure a block in mugdisho on there own




Answer question sxb ?, Why are the SNM Militias hiding behind the Ethiopian army to Arrest one Individual .... That shows how strong your SNM Militias are . One Terrorist shows up In Somali land Hargeysa calls for Tigreyn Army - . fuulaye baa tahiin



It took One terrorist for SNM admin to Panic , Imagine in Gadone and Alshabaab show up in Burco - At least Puntland are fighting Alshabaab alone .

Ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa ninkan u kaxaystay dhinaca xuduudooda iyadoo ay kuwa Somaliland ka caawiyeen soo qabashadiisa, sida ay sheegeen ilo wareed ku sugan degmada Burco oo arrinkan ka warhayey.


Cidane Suldan the truth hearts sxb , After 23 yeaers of building army - SNM admin are being black mailed by Sub sub clan of Dhuloz to stay in SSC kkkk .





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^^^ Miskeen. Malister saxib you wouldnt recognise the truth if it slapped you in the face.


Are you telling me that in Somaliland we rely on Ethiopian Soldiers to prop up our government and sate????


are you??




as evidence you post an article talking about alshabab and Somaliland and Ethiopia.


Somaliland and Ethiopia are two naibouring countries we share intelligence, trade prisoners and work together for the over all stability of our region, simple. This is common in the civilised world.


You on the other hand are a different matter all together. saxib wake up...the truth is sweet that is why i dont hide behind any foreign tank.



In Somalia (AU protectorate) your entire existence is based on tens of thousands of AU forces case in point if they left tomorrow could you survive???






So who is lieing and who is telling the truth. you dont have to be a genuis to work that one out


Malister runta isu sheg saxib. Somalia is dead. 22 years still and you can not secure 1 block of Mugdisho. The AU does all the fighting and you would be finished if they left tomorrow.


nice try to save face.

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Hailemariam: “Ethiopia waxa ay diyaar u tahay in ay ka difaacdo Somaliland wax kasta oo uga yimaada Alshabaab”





The Mighty Somalialnd Army Needed Ethiopian Army to capture one Terrorist In Burco , fuulaye baa tahiin


It took One Alshabaab leader individual to cause Panic - where by the Tigreyn Soldiers were requested and needed to cross the Border all the way To Burco . fuulaye baa tahiin



Sarkaalkaasi ayaa lagu magacaabaa C/laahi Maxamed Axmed Carabey is a Somaliland lander this is local issue - what was need for the speed dialing Ethiopian troops ?


waax isku muu haysan ceeb


The Year old SFG controls more land - build stronger army - defeated Hargeysa economically and Politically .


Dhuloz are Milking Hargeysa - ceeb


Today LA Has better economically and INFORSTRUCTURE then the rest of Somaliland .







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If you say so malister.


Good luck on your independence struggle Saxib.




You'll be on Somalia online for another 5 years talking about how the somali army is being created and I promise you 5 years from now you will still not be able to control 1 single road in mugdisho without amisom Burundians.


And malister the only one getting milked is you by African mercaneries who are building villas in Burundi ad Uganda.



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