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Terrorists blows up Mogadishu Airport, meanwhile Madaxweyne Ku sheeg is

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surfing on facebook.


This is the most weakest TFG administration. Mogadishu Administration lead by Culusoow and supported by 20thousand amisom troops cannot even guard the city.

Another failure is that some relatives of Gurguurte within the TFG administration delivered weapons to the terrorists. For all we know it could be Gurguurte behind the terrorist attacks. He is a virus destined to bring more destruction to Somalia. We have seen his dealings with thugs and captured alshabaabs, they are released the next day. We have seen how he deals with warcriminal Aweys.

Terrorists are killing and bombing the city, in response Gurguurte surfs on the internet, reading malaayacni stories on WajiBuuk. Perhaps he is on Topix aswell, posting on HiiraanOnline praising himself with fake accounts.









DEG DEG: Weerar is qarxin oo lala eegtay gaari UN-ka leeyahay oo marayay agagaarka Air Porka Muqdisho



Qarax xoogan oo ahaa gaari waxyaabaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay ayaa goor dhow ka dhacay nawaaxiga Garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo warar kala duwan ay ka soo baxayaan.


Sida ay sheegayaan wararka gaari kuwa yar yar oo qof naftii hure ah uu kaxeynayay ayaa la sheegayaa inuu beegsaday kolonyo UN-ka leeyahay oo ku socday dhinaca Air Porka.


Wararka horu dhaca ayaa sheegaya in gaari uu watay ruux naftii hure ah uu beegsaday labo gaari oo kuwa UN-ka oo marayay nawaaxiga Air Porka.


Dad goob joogayaal ayaa sheegaya in gaariga yar ee laga soo buuxiyay waxyaabaha qarxa uu isku dayay inuu dhex galo labo gaari oo kuwa aan xabadaha karin oo ay la socdeen shaqaale ajnabi UN-ka ah, hase ahaatee ay ka hor istaageen Ilaalo Soomaali UN-ka la socotay oo gadaal socday.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in gaariga ay ahaayeen labo kolonyo oo ah kuwa cad cad ee UN-ka leeyihiin, iyadoo uu beegsaday gaari yar oo la sheegay inuu watay ruux naftii hure ah.


Inkastoo aan ilaa iyo hada la xaqiijin karin qasaaraha ka dhashay, hadana qaraxan ayaa saameyn xoogan ku yeeshay isu socodka wadada KM4 ilaa Air Porka, iyadoo rasaas ay ilaa iminka dhaceyso.



Weerarkan ayaa noqonaya kii labaad oo todobaad gudahiis ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho, oo ah qarax baabuur.

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Johnny B sees no wrong with this govt? Security situation has gone downhill big time in Xamar since Sheikh Shariif. Good ol Shariif - If he was to return to power - there would be mass hysteria Beatles style in the country.

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Johnny B   


Johnny B sees no wrong with this govt? Security situation has gone downhill big time in Xamar since Sheikh Shariif. Good ol Shariif - If he was to return to power - there would be mass hysteria Beatles style in the country.


On the contrary , I see lots of things that could be wrong with this govt, i just choose to judge it in context to its reality, and of course it goes without saying that i supported and will continue supporting all Somali govts, be they TFGs or SFGs, as the alternative is un-thinkable.

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On the contrary , I see lots of things that could be wrong with this govt, i just choose to judge it in context to its reality, and of course it goes without saying that i supported and will continue supporting all Somali govts, be they TFGs or SFGs, as the alternative is un-thinkable.


Werent you pirates against sh sharif and wanted xassan sheikh to win well there you have it.

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