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Breaking News: Madaxweynaha Somalia oo la sheegay in ra’iisul Wasaaraha uu ka dalbaday inuu is-casil

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Madaxweynaha Somalia oo la sheegay in ra’iisul Wasaaraha uu ka dalbaday inuu is-casilo iyo ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo arrintaas diiday


Isniin, November 11, 2013 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sh. Maxamuud ayaa la sheegay inuu ka dalbaday ra’iisul wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid) inuu is-casilo, inkastoo ra’iisul wasaaruhu uu arrintaas si cad ugu gacan-sayray.


Wararka ayaa waxay sheegayaan in arrintan ay sababtay khilaaf soo dhex-galay madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisul wasaaraha, iyadoo ra’iisul wasaaruhuna uu billaabay inuu kulammo la yeesho la taliyeyaashiisa gaarka ah.


Lama oga go’aanka uu ra’iisul wasaaruhu qaadan doono, iyadoo idaacadda VOA-da ay sheegtay in ilo wareedyo la xariirtay ay u xaqiijiyeen in arrintan ay ka dhalatay kaddib markii madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisul waasaruhu ay isku khilaafeen tirada laga dhigayo golaha wasiirrada xukuumadda oo la doonayo in la isku shaandheeyo.


Sidoo kale, warar kale ayaa sheegaya in ra’iisul wasaaruhu uu kalsoonidii ka waayay qaar ka mid ah golihiisa wasiirrada, iyadoo khilaafkan uu noqonayo kii ugu horreeyay oo soo dhexgalay madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh iyo Saacid oo muddo hal sano ah wada-shaqeynayay.


Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya iyo xafiiska ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa labadooduba ka gaabsaday inay arrintan ka hadlaan, waxaana socda kulammo gaar-gaar ah oo arrintan la xiriiran.


Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa dhowr bilood ka hor sheegay inuu isku shaandheyn iyo ballaarin ku sameynayo golihiisa wasiirrada, isagoo xusay in goluhu ay noqon doonaan 23-wasiir iyo in la mid ah, inkastoo uusan si rasmi ah carrabka ugu dhufan tirada golaha wasiirrada.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo xilka u magacaabay ra’iisul wasaare Saacid bishii November ee sannadkii hore 2012-ka ayaa sheegay in sababta uu u doortay ay tahay inuu yahay shaqsi ay si aad ah isku yaqaanaan ayna wada shaqeyn karaan.


Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynaha uu sidoo kale ku mashquulsan yahay wadatashiyo ku aaddan sidii ay u suurogeli lahayd inuu xilka ka dago ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, iyadoo aan la ogeyn sida uu isku bedeli karo xaalka taaga

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Interesting development so the rumors were true after all they did not say what the khilaaf was about and why the president wants to sack the prime minister lets wait for more development on this.

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somalia's president has asked the prime minister to resign, in a blow to the rare political stability Somalia has experienced for the past year.


Sources within the Somali government said that President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud asked Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon to resign on Friday, on the grounds that Shirdon has been ineffective in his job.


The sources said the situation was unresolved as of Monday.


The president and prime minister came to power a little more than 12 months ago as part of a U.N.-backed process to give Somalia a stable central government after more than two decades of chaos and conflict.


Shirdon was a political newcomer at the time, having previously worked as a businessman in Kenya.


The country has enjoyed relative peace and a budding prosperity since then, though militant group al-Shabab continues to carry out periodic attacks in the capital, Mogadishu.


If Shirdoon were to resign, it would be the first major shakeup in the government since Somalia's parliament elected Mohamud as president.


Previous Somali governments often fell apart because of infighting - a situation that hampered the governments' ability to defeat insurgents and exert authority.


Al-Shabab was pushed out of major cities mainly by African Union troops.


Even now, the Mohamud government has found it hard to settle power struggles within Somalia, where many towns are under the effective control of various clans, militia groups or al-Shabab

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My suggestion to the Lame PM don't resign fight through nail and tooth .This ***** culusow is a Tribalist in a big way,not lont ago it was the Head of Somali Bank that was intimidated and forced to step down due to culusow clans want to assassinate her. Now the Lame PM, if he he has an ounce of soul I will suggest to him don't step down.Culusow need to step down. as a matter of fact AMISOM NEED TO ARREST HIM.

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I find it hard to believe this is true. Even if this is true Hassan is not a decisive man , so we will be talking about this conflict for months to come without resolution ala Kismayo :D

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Latest is that

Saciid is on his way out. He has lost the confident of the President, Parliament and minsters. Already people are naming the

new PM to be Farmaajo , or others.


The question of what kind of system somaliya has is interesting. In theory the cabinet is led by the PM but in Practical this is africa.:cool:

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