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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland is not going to attend the Belgium EU conference

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WASIIRKA ARRIMAHA DIBADDA SOMALILAND: “Kama Qayb-galayno shir aan u daba-fariisanayno Madaxweynaha Somalia”



Sabti, July 27, 2013 (HOL) — Wasiirka cusub ee Arrimaha dibadda Somaliland Maxamed Biixi Yoonis, ayaa sheegay in weftigi midowga Yurub ee booqashada ku yimid Hargeysa u sheegeen in Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya laba marxaladood ku kala jiraan, isla markaana ay laba dal kala yihiin.


Sidaasna wuuxu ka sheegay xaflad uu maanta kula wareegayay xilka oo oo lagu qabtay Hargeysa, waxaana munaasabaddaas ka qayb-galay, wasiirro, xidlhibaanno, guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee UCID, Faysal Cali Waraabe, siyaasiyiin iyo marti sharaf kale oo lagu casuumay munaasabadda.


Wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha dibadda Somaliland, Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar ayaa ka waramay mudadii saddexda sanno ahayd ee uu xilkaasi hayey, waxaanu sheegay inuu wax badan ka qabtay wasaarada, isla markaana uu sameeyey siyaasad cusub oo uu caalamka kaga iibiyo qadiyadda iyo horumarka ay gaadhay Somaliland.


“Waxaan dhaxlay Somaliland oo siyaasadeedda arrimaha diabdda go’doon kaga jirto caalamka, dal ka maqan fagaarayaasha caalamka, waxaanan qaadanay qaab siyaasadeed dunida looga iibiyo qadiyadda Somaliland oo fagaarayaasha caalamka iyo mandaqada laga dhex muuqdo, waxaan qaadanay siyaasad dibadeed oo ka turjumaya baahida qaranka”ayuu ydhi wasiirkii hore arrimaha diabdda Maxamed Cumar, waxaanu sheegay inay talaabadaasi uu qaaday guulo badan oo dhaqaale iyo xidhiidh caalami ah uu ku helay.


Waxa uu sheegay inuu sameeyey qorshe ku dhisan shan tiir oo lagaga baxayo go’doonka somaliland kaga jirtay siyaasada arrimaha dibadda, waxaanu sheegay inay shantaasi qodob kala ahaayeen in la kordhiyo xidhiidhka caalamka lala leeyahay, in laga qaybgalo shirarka caalamka iyo geeska afrika oo somaliland ka dhex muuqato, in la kordiyo mucaawimooyinkii Somaliland la siin jiray oo dawlad ahaan toos loo siiyo, iyo in fagaarayaasha caalamka ka muuqato waxna laga waydiiyo mandaqadda, isla markaana caalamku xidhiidh toos la yeesho Somaliland.


“Shirkii ugu horeeyey ee aanu ka qaybgalno ee London wuxu ahaa kii aduunku ku garwaaqsatay Somaliland, waxaana dalalka ka soo qaybgay ay ogsonadeed inay Somaliland tahay dal maamul iyo kala dambayn iyo nidaam dal iyo dad leh, waxa kale oo ay ogsonadeen inay soomaaliya tahay dal burbursan oo qaramada midoobay u taliso, waxaana la bartay siday kala yihiin, waxaanu shirkaasi muujiyey inay Somaliland caalamka kala shaqan karto arrimo badan”ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyey Maxamed Cabdilaahi.


Maxamed Cumar waxa uu sheegay inay natiijadii shirkaasi ka soo baxay ay keentay inay dalal badani xafiisyo ka furtaan Somaliland iyo in Somliland loo sameeyo sanduuq horumarineed oo u gaar ah, waxa kale oo uu tilmaamay in caalamkii shirkaasi ka soo qaybgalay ay xil iska saareen arrimaha u dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya oo la wada hadal siiyo.


Wasiirkii hore arrimaha dibada waxa uu halkaasi ku soo bandhigay waxqabadyo ay u markhaati fureen wasiirka cusub iyo wasiiradii kale ee madasha ka hadlay, iyago xusay inuu wax badan ka qabtay, isla markaana fagaarayaasha caalamka uu geeyey qadiyadda madax banaanidda Somaliland.


Sidoo kale, wasiirka cusub Maxamed Biixi Yoonis, ayaa sheegay inuu dalka ka maqnaa afartan sanno, balse uu ka war hayey oo uu wax badan ka taray Somaliland lana socday marxaladaha kala duwan ee ay Somaliland marayso, waxaanu sheegay in dalal badan oo Afrika oo uu ka soo shaqeeyey ay Somaliland ka wanaagsan tahay.


Wasiirka cusub waxa uu shacabka mucaarad iyo muxaafadba ka codsaday in lala shaqeeyo oo wixii dhaliiil ah qoraal loogu soo gudbiyo balse aan warbaahinta la iska weerarin.


Sidoo kale, waxa uu ka hadlay shirka dhowaan ka dhici doonnaa Brussels ee dalka Biljam, waxaanu sheegay inay weftigii ka socay midowga Yurub ee Somaliland uu ku qanciyey in aanay isku xaalad ahayn Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya.


“Midowga Yurub waanu u sheegnay in aanan isku marxalad ahayn Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya oo soomaaliya marayso halkii Somaliland maraysay labaatan sanno ka hor, oo isku baahi ahayn,hawlaha iyaga loo qabanayo iyo kuwo aan anagu qabsanayno way kala duwan yihiin, halka ay marayso waa meel aanu bari hore ka soo gudubnay, waana u sheegnay in qadiyadda Somaliland ka duwan tahay Soomaaliya,marka waa in mid walba axdigan cusub lagu saleeyaa halka ay qolo walba marayso” ayuu yidhi wasiirka cusub Maxamed Biixi oo ka hadlayey shirka midowga Yurub u qabanayso Soomaaliya, waxaanu intaas ku daray “kama qaybgalayno shir aan u daba fadhiisanayno madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, waxaana ku qancinay weftigii midowga Yurub in laba dal oo walaalo ah oo jaar ah nahay oo kala baahi ah, marka wada hadal ayaa noo socda qoladda shirka wadda, haseyeshee waanu u sheegnay inay aad u kala fog yahay Xamar iyo Hargeysi, wayna garowsadeen, waxaana ku qancinay in laba nidaam loo kala sameeyo oo mid waliba ku salaysan yahay halka wax u marayaan iyo mid waliba qadiyadiisa gaarka ah”


Sidoo kale, waxa isaguna halkaasi ka hadlay gudoomiyaha mucaaradka ah ee UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxaanu sheegay in shirka midowga Yurub qabanqaabinayso talloqaran laga yeesho, isla markaana siyaasad cad laga yeesho ictiraaf raadinta Somaliland.

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Xaji he said the same thing farole did. Farole said


The president said Puntland government plans to submit its priorities, to be incorporated into the New Deal conference agenda.


This guy is saying the same thing.


Please when saying mogadishu and hargaysa are in two different situations, it's another mimick of farole when said hamar humantarian assitance bay uu bahan tahay, Puntland development assistance. It's relating to the united nation classification of warzones, where mogadishu is deemed as unstable and puntland in recovery.


The guy is just sad troll, leeching on faroole speeches and rehashing it. Try again pedofile

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Osman why are you calling people Pedofile Faroole said that he is going to attend the conference as Puntland , Somaliland said it will not attend a conference altogether. Maybe you have a problem reading afSomali?

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It's not about attending or not but the words used in his speech. He mimicked exactly wat farole said that it will table its priorites in the new deal, where-as somaliland is saying the same thing except it won't do it in brussells.


Don't you remember when farole was saying that puntland development assistance bay uu tahay like infrastructure and mogadishu waxay uu bahan tahay humantarian assistance?. Is the new pedofile minister here not saying the same thing?


The issue is not about attending or not but the words chosen. At least come up with something original and not copy farole words.


BTW, I called the minister a pedofile and he sure is, because his apart of an administration that is turning a blind eye to babies, women, girls being gang raped and rape every day on the streets of hargaysa. These are they're locals who pay taxes and are not being protected by it's administration. So yes he is a pedofile for joining the government.


xajigu, dont worry pedofiles, terrorists, jaad chewers, and aqoonsi seekers are all present in hargaysa but lets just deal with one issue at a time due to the small area your people inhabit. niyahow hargaysa and burco mooye everywhere is empty in your enclave and the u.n population survey went to count your nomads and towns beyond those two and FOUND NONE. LAANGAAB.


Puntland is 5 million. Somaliland(inc sool and sanaag) 1.5 million. So your triangle is even smaller then 1.5 million possibly 300k

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^^ Sasab what Sasab pirate boy didn't you lot claim Somaliland will be forced to attend the London conference just few months ago. If Somaliland says it doesn't go it doesn't go. it always looks from what is good for Somaliland, Somaliland first sadaqo second. For Koonfurians its sadaqo first and baryo Somalia second.

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Dr_Osman;970799 wrote:
It's not about attending or not but the words used in his speech. He mimicked exactly wat farole said that it will table its priorites in the new deal, where-as somaliland is saying the same thing except it won't do it in brussells.


Don't you remember when farole was saying that puntland development assistance bay uu tahay like infrastructure and mogadishu waxay uu bahan tahay humantarian assistance?. Is the new pedofile minister here not saying the same thing?


The issue is not about attending or not but the words chosen. At least come up with something original and not copy farole words.


BTW, I called the minister a pedofile and he sure is, because his apart of an administration that is turning a blind eye to babies, women, girls being gang raped and rape every day on the streets of hargaysa. These are they're locals who pay taxes and are not being protected by it's administration. So yes he is a pedofile for joining the government.


xajigu, dont worry pedofiles, terrorists, jaad chewers, and aqoonsi seekers are all present in hargaysa but lets just deal with one issue at a time due to the small area your people inhabit. niyahow hargaysa and burco mooye everywhere is empty in your enclave and the u.n population survey went to count your nomads and towns beyond those two and FOUND NONE. LAANGAAB.



Puntland is 5 million. Somaliland(inc sool and sanaag) 1.5 million. So your triangle is even smaller then 1.5 million possibly 300k


Osman the garowe clan enclave is irrelevant all it want is the attention of Culusow, his whole speech was to get the attention of culuosw because culusow said he is going to represent Somalia. No one used Faroole's words Somaliland is completely in another world than the garowe clan enclave can you specifically point out what words he copied from the garowe clan enclave leader. Osman where do you get your statistics from Puntland is 5 Million are you on drugs , Somalia and Somaliland together are close to 10 million, 3.5 million in Somaliland 6.5 million in Somalia are you than saying of those.6.5 million people. 5 million are pirates and 1.5 million people are reer Mogadishu reer galguduud and reer jubbaland. come on son , by the way Puntland is 50/50 there are more reer bay and bakool in bosaaso than reer ssdf. Your statistics is completely out of context you probably made it up.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;970804 wrote:
Osman the garowe clan enclave is irrelevant all it want is the attention of Culusow, his whole speech was to get the attention of culuosw because culusow said he is going to represent Somalia. No one used Faroole's words Somaliland is completely in another world than the garowe clan enclave can you specifically point out what words he copied from the garowe clan enclave leader. Osman where do you get your statistics from Puntland is 5 Million are you on drugs , Somalia and Somaliland together are close to 10 million, 3.5 million in Somaliland 6.5 million in Somalia are you than saying of those.6.5 million people. 5 million are pirates and 1.5 million people are reer Mogadishu reer galguduud and reer jubbaland. come on son , by the way Puntland is 50/50 there are more reer bay and bakool in bosaaso than reer ssdf. Your statistics is completely out of context you probably made it up.

War xaaji in lasasabo ayuu rabaa ee odeyga ila sasaba lol

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whatever xunjuf. for your information puntland has a majority of faro tag that you be brought to stand before puntland's high court


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XX and Datoore, where did you get your statistics? There has never been an official census done in Somalia after the Kacaan era, and eve then, although understood to be reliable, the stats were not based on a precise headcount/registration. The couple of times that SL & PL attempted to undertake one, it was riddled with problems and eventually had to be abandoned. A year or two ago, I came across a report that attempted to a put a number on the Somali-speaking people, they came about 18.5 million. Somalia is more like Nigeria, no one knows the population with certainty. People throw around figures that don't exist. 5 million Somaliland? Somaliland and Puntland combined i believe don't exceed 5 million. Here is how I would allocate the 18-19 million per region +/-10%


OGADEIN 5,000,0000

Punt-land 3,000,000

HAG territories 2,500,000 (including Xamar)

Somali-land 2,000,000

Maay-land 2,000,000

Jubba-land 1,500,000

NFD 1,000,000

Djibouti 500,000

Khaatumo/SSC 500,000

Kenya 150,000

Other Immigrants 600,000

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There you go again humoring little characters attempting to score little cyber flames. Let's stick to the major point at hand. The former Somali Republic has legally been a ward of international organizations(such as the UN) through which big powers attempt to influence the trajectory of events. SL for the first time has a Foreign Minister seasoned in the workings of these 'international organizations'. One expects that he will bring foreign policy to a steady incline while aware of just how far to push the envelope. He has his work cut out for him. Much damage was inflicted on SL through inept postings at the Foreign Ministery since SL reclaimed its independence.

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