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Somalia federal government too poor to even buy bullets since lifting of arms embargo

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Thursday, May 9th, 2013 at 09:15 am

Dowlada oo sheegtay ineysan hub soo iibsan tan iyo markii la qaaday Xayiraadii hubka ee saarneed Soomaaliya


London(RBC Radio) Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in ciidanka dowlada Soomaaliya ay soo foodsaartay Rasaas la’aan baahsan wasiirka gaashaandhiga xukuumada Soomaaliya C/xakiin Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi oo ka mid ah xubnaha waftiga madaxweynaha ee ka qaybgalaya shirkii London ee arimaha Soomaaliya ayaa tilmaamay ineysan dowladu wali soo iibsan wax hub ah tan iyo markii laga qaaday cunaqabateyntii hubka ee saarneed Soomaaliya.Wasiirka gaashaandhiga ayaa sheegay in ciidamada dowlada Soomaaliya ay xiligan yihiin difaaca isla markaane kooxaha ka horjeeda ay dagaal kusoo qaadaan fariisimadooda,wuxuuna u sababeeyey Rasaas la’aanta haysta ciidamada taasoo ka dhalatay in dowladu ay awood u yeelan weyso iney hub soo iibsato,kadib dhaqaalo xumo haraysay dowlada.Wasiirka ayaa tilmaamay ineysan ciidamada dowladu muddo 4 bilood ah qaadin wax hawlgalka oo ku wajahan deegaanada ay alshabaab dalka kaga sugan yihiin,wuxuuna tibaaxay in dowladu ay u baahan tahay taageero dhaqaalo si ay u hubeyso ciidankeeda qalabka sida.C/xakiin Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi ayaa sheegay in qorsha dowlada ee 3 sano ee soo socota ay tahay iney dhisto 28 kun oo askari kuwaas oo ay u dhamaystiran yihiin tababarka iyo qalabkooda,wuxuuna tilmaamay si looga miro dhaliyo arintaas iney u baahan tahay lagu maalgaliyo dhismaha ciidankaas 160 Milyan oo doolar .

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One wonders where all those million of donations since October last year went to if they don't even have

the funds to buy bullets.

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Saalax;947742 wrote:
One wonders where all those million of donations since October last year went to if they don't even have

the funds to buy bullets.

Our government is staffed full of corrupt go-getters who want to use Somalia as a tool to gain personal fortune. Where are the selfless men of our nation?


It's disgusting really. The same exact same thing happened under Siad Barre's socialist regime in the 1970's and 80's....

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You guys do realise that since that UN audit the gov. doesn't get much direct funds. It's cash-strapped because it gets so little, not necessarily because of corruption.

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Haatu;947748 wrote:
You guys do realise that since that UN audit the gov. doesn't get much direct funds. It's cash-strapped because it gets so little, not necessarily because of corruption.


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The Muqdisho port and Airport generate millions of funds. Somaliland has been using its port income to pay for the security and for the administration. Plus the goverment in Somalia gets direct funding of millions from Arab countries. Where does the money go, is the question?

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