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Biggest turn out:21 districts of 23 Somaliland districts including SooleasternSanaag says minister

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Xukuumadda Oo Ka Hadashay Dagaalkii Xuddun, Sheegtayna In 21 Degmo Oo Dalka Ah Ay Si Habsami Ah Uga Qabsoontay Doorashadda Deegaanku


Hargeysa (Ramaas) Nov 28,2012 – Wasiirka wasaaradda arimaha gudaha Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur), ayaa ka hadlay

sida doorashadda deegaanku uga dhacday dalka.


Wasiirku sidoo kale, waxa uu ka hadlay Maleeshiyaadka Khaatumo la baxay oo maanta degmadda Xuddun oo doorashaddu ka dhacaysay ay ka difaaceen ciidamadda qaranku ka dib markii ay soo weerareen si ay u joojiyaan doorashadda.


Wasiirka oo warbaahinta kula hadlay Hargeysa ayaa sheegay inay xukuumad ahaad ku faraxsan yihiin sida doorashaddu u dhacday “Waxa ILAAHAY mahadii ah inay maanta guulaystay doorashaddii goleyaasha deegaanku, meel walba iyo deegaan kastaba dhawaaqa ka soo yeedhayaa waa dhawaaq nabadeed iyo mid farxadeed oo ah inay doorashadii si habsami ah uga socoto”ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray "Aniguna dawlad ahaan nabadda ay ku dhacday ayaanu ku faraxsan nahay”


Wasiirka Wasaaradda arimaha gudaha Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur), waxa uu xaqiijiyey 21 degmo doorasho ay si rasmi ah doorashaddu uga dhacday “Doorashadii Goleyaasha deegaanku 23-kii degmo doorasho 21 degmo oo ka mid ah 23-ka degmo doorasho 100% ayay uga dhacday doorashadda deegaanku”ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray “Labada degmo doorasho ee kalena intii laga gaadhi karayay ayaa laga qabtay doorashadda, waana doorashadii ugu balaadhnayd ee ku wadda fiday degmooyinka dalka oo dhan”


Wasiirku waxa uu ka hadlay dagaalkii Xuddun ee maanta “Doorashadd deegaanku waa doorashadii ugu balaadhnayd waxaanay ka socotaa goobo aad u badan oo aanay doorashooyinkii hore ka dhicin oo ah Sool iyo Sanaag Bari”ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray “Degmada Xuddun waxay ka mid tahay degmooyinka aanay hore uga qabsoomi jirin doorashooyinkii hore, hase yeeshee sanadkan laga qabtay, markaa Maadaama oo ay tahay goob cusub kooxo maleeshiyaad ah ayaa meelo soo tuur-tuuray, laakiin may hakin doorashaddii oo Ciidanka qaranka ayaa difaacay”




Ramaasnews desk



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Somaliland elections held peacefully in Laas Canood, Sool (Video)



DAAWO VIDEO: Magaalada Laascaanood oo ay si nabad gelyo iyo habsami ah saaka uga bilaabantay codbixintu iyo Guddomiye kuxigeenka XAQSOOR oo ka codeeyey Goob ka mid ah Goobaha codaynta ee Lascaanood.

(Hadhwanaagnews) Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dadweynaha magaalada Laascaanod ayay noqonaysaa markii ugu horeysay ee ay si nabadgelyo ah oo bilaa rabshad ku doortaan gole deegaan oo ay iyagu doortaan.


DAAWO VIDEO: Magaalada Laascaanood oo ay si nabad gelyo iyo habsami ah saaka uga bilaabantay codbixintu iyo Guddomiye kuxigeenka XAQSOOR oo ka codeeyey Goob ka mid ah Goobaha codaynta ee Lascaanood.



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Ilaahi ka baqa, Somaliland forces didn't pass Oog, it was just on your TV wallahi, and the furthest you made it is Ceel Afweyn in Sanaag.

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Somalia;893819 wrote:
Ilaahi ka baqa, Somaliland forces didn't pass Oog, it was just on your TV wallahi, and the furthest you made it is Ceel Afweyn in Sanaag.

Elections stopped in oog wtf oog is 10 km from Caynabo in Sool all the districts voted in Sool with the exception of Taleex


Sanaag is 3 districts degmada ceelafweyn degmada ceerigaabo degmada dhahar majority of degmada dhahar elections happened all over the country only some sub districts in Eastern sanaag didn't come out to vote. So half of Buhoodle districts half of dhahar districtscan be counted as one full district and taleex district didn't vote. So the calculation of the Somaliland interior Minister is correct. 2 districts in Somaliland didn't vote still a perfect turn out.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;893841 wrote:
Elections stopped in oog wtf oog is 10 km from Caynabo in Sool all the districts voted in Sool with the exception of Taleex


Sanaag is 3 districts
degmada ceelafweyn degmada ceerigaabo
degmada dhahar majority of degmada dhahar
elections happened all over the country only some sub districts in Eastern sanaag didn't come out to vote. So half of Buhoodle districts half of dhahar districtscan be counted as one full district and taleex district didn't vote. So the calculation of the Somaliland interior Minister is correct.
2 districts in Somaliland didn't vote still a perfect turn out.

The lies are in bold. This man is deluding himself. "Majority of Dhahar voted" .... :D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;893841 wrote:
Elections stopped in oog wtf oog is 10 km from Caynabo in Sool all the districts voted in Sool with the exception of Taleex


Sanaag is 3 districts degmada ceelafweyn degmada ceerigaabo degmada dhahar majority of degmada dhahar elections happened all over the country only some sub districts in Eastern sanaag didn't come out to vote. So half of Buhoodle districts half of dhahar districtscan be counted as one full district and taleex district didn't vote. So the calculation of the Somaliland interior Minister is correct. 2 districts in Somaliland didn't vote still a perfect turn out.

Sanaag is 3 district kulaha,,, honestly Xaaji hw old were u when Aabe Siyaad government collapsed? do u even know the oldest district in Sanaag?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;893841 wrote:
Elections stopped in oog wtf oog is 10 km from Caynabo in Sool all the districts voted in Sool with the exception of Taleex


Sanaag is 3 districts degmada ceelafweyn degmada ceerigaabo degmada dhahar majority of degmada dhahar elections happened all over the country only some sub districts in Eastern sanaag didn't come out to vote. So half of Buhoodle districts half of dhahar districtscan be counted as one full district and taleex district didn't vote. So the calculation of the Somaliland interior Minister is correct. 2 districts in Somaliland didn't vote still a perfect turn out.

But Xudun didn't vote either, so that is 2 districts out of 4 unless you are counting Somaliland districting.


As for Sanaag, come on, lets be real, even your own media is telling the truth. Why did it go wrong this time do you think, I think you appealed to the wrong sub-clans like Ceelaayo people.

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I can proudly say no so called election took place in Lasqoray, Badhan, Buraan, Dhahar, Celbuh, Hadaaftimo, Yube, Xingalool, Damalaxagare, Carmale, balibusle. let the BACAAC goes on

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The Sage   

I love how it pains the spin doctors to even acknowledge the fact that the polling was even taking part in Eastern Sanaag and Sool. Putting fingers in ears doesn't change the fact that people willfully voted in all but 2 districts.


Meanwhile representatives from Puntland and the central government are diligently observing the elections so that they can replicate the governance accomplishments that Somaliland has made its own

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