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Samiira goes to Hargeisa.

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I geuss that's a possibility too. In that case she was unwittingly used in a poorly made and easily exploitable doc. Fair?

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i saw earlier NG accusing you of being my script LOL in my election campaign thread. the silly gap-toothed old man.


would you do samira? and do you think she's suffered from this ancient old evil tradition?

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Wadani;891345 wrote:
No, it's not that Apo. It was the manner in which she conveyed her horror that I had issue with. Only a totally ignorant and clueless person, completely disembedded from Somali culture could react the way she did. But this couldn't be possible given the fact that she herself is a Somali, and knows that this is a deeply ingrained practise that spans millennia, and cannot be eradicated through condescending and self-rightious behaviour. Yet thats wat we unfortunately saw in this video. That's y it's nuthing but a propaganda doc intended to validate the superiority of the west at the expense of poor Somalis. These type of one-sided docs, purposely devoid of context as they are, do nothing else than to propogate benevolent racism among the bleeding heart liberals, and the continued dehumanization of 'savage' populations among right wing neocons, leading to wars and destruction.

Precisely! "Native informers" serve their purpose.


There have been campaigns against FGM for a while, the official one was documented in this



The actual advocates on the ground doing the trench work's efforts are belittled by this "Samira" or "Safy-Hallan Farah" and there are plenty others, I don't want the blame to be squarely theirs (those shrills in the NGO-industrial complex are also to blame).


Bottom line: 1) Give credit where credit is due 2) stop playing into other people's narratives.

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