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oba hiloowlow

Soomaaliya oo Q/M u gudbisay Dacwad ka dhan ah Kenya

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Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa ka dacwootay Xukuumada Kenya, waxeyna Dacwadaas u gudbisay Qaramada Midoobey ayadoo Kenya ku eedeeneyso in ay faragalin ku heeyso arrimaha gudaha ee Soomaaliya.Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Qarama Midoobay Mudane Cumar Jamaal ayaa raboor Dacwaa Farta ka saaray X/Qoramada Midoobay Banki Moon.


Safiirka ayaa Kenya ku Edeeyey in ay Qalalaase ku hayso xasiloonida siyasada Soomaaliya waxayna hurineysaa Fidno Colaada iyo isku *** Bulshada Soomaaliyeed.


Maalintii Shalay ayee aheyd markii u Danjiraha Soomaaliya u fadhiya Midowga Yurub Mudane Nuur Cadee u Gudbiyey astako ka dhan ah dawlada Kenya oo ay Soomaaliya uga cabaneyso Faragalinta Kenya.


Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa Sadexdii Todobaad oo la soo dhaafay aad u saluugtay ilduufka Siyasadeed ee Dawlada Kenya oo ku wajahan Degaanka Jubbada Hoose iyo Magaalada Kismaayo kuwaas oo ah Dhul Soomaaliyeed Maamulkeeduna u xil ka saaran yahay Dawlada iyo Dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan Degaankaas.

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Prof Dhalxa “Masuuliyiinta Dowladda waa in ay kala Cadeeyaan in Kismaayo tahay Magaalo Soomaaliyeed iyo Magaalo Kenya Leedahay?


Xildhibaana Cabdulaahi Shiikh Ismaaciil oo Sheegey in Dowlada Kenya ay Qorsheryneyso in Kismaayo ku Darsato Dalkeeda.


Wasiirka Dalxiiska Kenya “Dawladda Soomaaliya haddii ay Kismaayo Wefti u soo direyso waxa loo baahnaa inay nagu soo wargeliso ka hor intaanay tegin meesha.”

Prof Maxamed Cumar Dhalxa oo ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ayaa si weyn uga Hadley Arimaha ka taagan Magaalada Kismaayo ka dib markii dhawaan ay qabsadeen Ciidamo ka tirsan Dowlada Kenya islamarkaana Gacan Siinayey Jabahada Raaskambooni, waxana uu sheegey in Dowlada Federaalka looga baahan yahay in ay kala Caddeyso Joqraafi ahaan iyo Deegaan ahaan halka ay ka tirsan tahay Kismaayo Soomaaliya Mise Kenya.

Mudane Dhalxa waxaa uu sheegey in Gobolka Jubada Hoose ay ku dhaqan yihiin Qabaail farabadan kuwaas oo uu sheegey in loo baahan yahay in ay sameystaan Maamul u gaar islamarkaana waxaa uu sheegey in Xiligaana loo baahan yahay in la raaco rabitaanka Shacabka ku nool Gobolka Jubada Hoose sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegey in Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Gobolkaas aysan marnaba aqbali doonin wax aan ka ahayn Dowlada Federaalka iyo Ciidamada Amisom.

“Baarlamaanka waxan ka Codsanayaa in arrinta Kismaayo Miiska la soo saaro Qariidadeeda Miiska la soo saaro islamarkaana Madaxda Dowlada ay kala Cadeeyaan Kismaayo ma Magaalo Soomaaliyeed baa mise waa Magaalo ka tirsdan Dalka Kenya”ayuu yiri Maxamed Cumar Dhalxa oo sheegey in shacabka ku nool Gobolkaas aysan marnaba qaadan doonin Maamul kor looga keeno.

Prof Dhalxa oo u waramayey Warbaahinta Gudaha ayaa uga Digey Dowlada Kenya in ay Kismaayo ka sameyso maamul aysan ka warqabin Beelaha Dega Gobolkaas isagoo sheegey in Gobalka ay Degaan Qabaa’il Fara badan kuwaas oo uu sheegey in labaatankii sanno ee la soo dhaafey aysan helin Maamul ku shaqeeya Rabitaankooda.

Ugu Dambeyntii Prof Maxamed Cumar Dhalxa ayaa ugu baaqey Shacabka ku nool Gobolka Jubada Hoose in ay ka hortagaan in Gobolka uu gacanta u galo Dad aan Soomaali ahayn kuwaas oo uu sheegey in ay doonayaan in Gobolka Gumeystaan , sidoo kale waxaa uu ugu baaqey Dowlada Kenya in ay faraha kala baxdo Qaddiyada Magaalada Kismaayo islamarkaana ay ku shaqeyso Go’aanada ka soo baxa Dowladda Federaalka

Dhinaca Kale Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Shiikh ismaaciil oo ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo ka soo jeeda Gobolada Jubbooyinka ayaa ka hadlay xaaladaha iminka ka jira Magaalada Kismaayo ee Gobolka Jubada hoose. Xildhibaanka ayaa Xukuumadda Kenya ku tilmaamay inay tahay mid u taagan dooneysana in ay goosato Gobol ka mid ah Gobolada Soomaaliya isla markaana ay doonayso in ay isku ballaariso Gobolka Jubada Hoose.

Xildhibaanka ayaa ka digay Colaad mar kale laga huriyo Geeska Afrika isagoona sheegay in dawladda Kenya ay iminka ka shaqaynaysa sidii halkaas Dagaal saameeya Gobolka uu uga dhici lahaa.

Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Shiikh Ismaaciil oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaa sii raaciyay in loo baahan yahay in Xukuumadda Kenya ay faraha kala baxdo arrimaha gudaha ee Soomaaliya isla markaana Dawladda Soomaaliya loo daayo wixii maamul u samayn ah ee Goboladaas loo soo dhisayo.

Si kastaba Xukuumadda Kenya ayaa waxaa si weyn loogu eedeeyaa inay faraha kula jirto arrimaha maamul u sameynta Gobolada jubbooyinka iyadoona la sheego inuu jiro maamul ay si gooni ah u taageerto doonaysana inay halkaa ka dhisto.

Dhawaan ayey ahayd markii wafti ka socda Dawladda FS laga celiyey Kismaayo, arrintaas oo laga waraysatay Wasiirka Dalxiiska ee dalka Kenya, Dansa Muwansa, ayaa sharaxay sababta waftiga dawladda Soomaaliya looga celiyey Kismaayo, waxana laga sooo xigtey in uu yiri “Dawladda Soomaaliya haddii ay Kismaayo Wefti u soo direyso waxa loo baahnaa inay nagu soo wargeliso ka hor intaanay tegin meesha.”

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There is nothing wrong with the protest of the Somali government, legally speaking. If they think Kenya is interfering in the affairs of Somalia, they can register their protest with the UN. BUT, with a big but, they should be prepared to bear the consequences if Kenya decides to withdraw today, AlShabab takes over Kismayo or inter-clan mayhem ensues. The problem with the governments behaviour here is that it is acting like a NORMAL national government when the facts on the ground make it an ABNORMAL government and hence make normal international rules irrelevant. I don't even want to talk about consistency with regard to the behavior of forien forces, notably Ethiopias, anymore. For instance, we also hear Ethiopian security agents are in Kismaayo. Is the government also protesting against this? It is clearly a foreign interference too! There is too much rat in the government's behaviour.


Ooba, yes biologically speaking there is a possiblity Nuur Cadde and Americo are HAG. With Dalxa, remember the Kamasle H thing in the 1990s? :D

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well Nuur Adde and ina Americo along with dalxa speaking against raaskambooni something is going on they are one of the few patriotic politicians in somalia with no clan agenda.


ps. what happened in the 90s kamasle H thing?

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oba hiloowlow;888208 wrote:
is Mp Dhalxa, Nuur Adde, Mohamed Ali America also members of HAG?

loooooool@Oba if they are not their wives might be!

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Kenyan minister demanding a Somalia Government delegation to ask for "clearance" to enter Kismayo has turned this deadlock in to an international incident. Buffer-zone militia supporter can spin or put a brave face but that's how things appear.*

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Turning Somali government delgation from the Airport was a big mistake. But this protest at the UN reminds me the proverbial blind man who decided to wage a gurrilla warfare. The story says he was caught in the backyard of the village he thought he run away from. Waxaan meelna gaadhayn la iskuma daaliyo.

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going to UN to get back a smuggling routes not wise sax? maybe the president and those around him know nothing else?


its better Somalis to find a way to share smuggling routes.

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This Somali president talked the talk when he took the job but he's been struggling to walk straight so far!


First, he (and his PM) tell SL that they will not use any force or political coercion when it comes to the dealings between the two sides. What does he go on and do? He hires a failed SL politician for the job of FM.


Second, he falls out with the militia (and country) that liberated Kismayo without having any powerful alternative for either.


Third, he instructs his ambassadors to lodge complaints against the country that is keeping that city safe at this point in time! (of course, there is every chance that these ambassadors acted of their own accord and the president or his PM issued no instructions on such matter, which of course makes it even worse).


It's all very silly really.

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NGONGE;888293 wrote:
This Somali president talked the talk when he took the job but he's been struggling to walk straight so far!


First, he (and his PM) tell SL that they will not use any force or
political coercion
when it comes to the dealings between the two sides. What does he go on and do? He hires a failed SL politician for the job of FM.


Second, he falls out with the militia (and country) that liberated Kismayo without having any powerful alternative for either.


Third, he instructs his ambassadors to lodge complaints against the country that is keeping that city safe at this point in time! (of course, there is every chance that these ambassadors acted of their own accord and the president or his PM issued no instructions on such matter, which of course makes it even worse).


It's all very silly really.

I AM Abtigiis and I endorse this message, every letter of it.

I blame this meditation the wadaads say they do when faced with tough decisions to make - istiqfaar- miyaa la yidhaa? basically, it is using head-or-tail kind of thing to make a huge decision. No strategic thinking behind political decisions of the man they veritably call Culusoow.

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NGONGE thats not true fawziya might have failed in somaliland politics but if she works for xaasan sheikh and the koonfurians i dont see a problem. Fawziya is not even certain about the whole unity of sl and somalia how harmful can she be.

Xassan sheikh so far didnt take any steps towards somaliland that are alarming so far. So far everything is going smoothly hassand and silanyo already had their chit chat.


As for kismayo he needs to chill out a bit there he should just make sure the federal state comes under him and not another puntland he should use gen diini and the pm as the face of the govt in those regions.

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^^ Didn't take any steps that are alarming? Mar mar waad iska hadasha, Xaaji :D


The point of honest dialogue is that both sides come to the table with the best of intentions and without having made any moves to antagonise the other side. To give the job of Somali FM to a woman who (very) recently was contesting the Somaliland local elections, looks like a clear statement of intent on the part of the Somali government (and an wful gesture for the Somali people).


What Ms Fawziya does or does not do is not really important here. It's all about the game of "gesture" politics and how it affects the honesty of these talks.

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