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When was the last time you prayed Salaat Jimca?

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It has been quite a while when I went to Salaat Jimca. Sometimes I go to Magrib prayers.


But Today I am off, and I thought its time to remember Allah, distentiate myself from Aduunyo and remember Akhiro. So I am prebaring to go to the mosque. I am wearing my black khamiis with white cimamad, UAE style!


Jimcal kheyr ya jamaca


Sheick Carafaat

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Just came back from Salaat. It was great maanshallah. Every time I pray, I feel somekind of a relief, as if I am relieved froma burdon, the burdon of the shaytaan.


I went to the Turkish mosque. In my town we have a turkish, maroccan and a Indonesian mosque. The maroccans always ask for money donations, the indonesians have a weird smell, so I prefer the Turkish Mosque, eventhough I cant understand what the imaam is saying in turkish. Only understood the words 'Dunya' and 'ramadan'. So I guessed he is warning us from Aduunyo and remembers us for a the upcoming month of ramadan. The Turkish are a fine people, the whole prayer last even less then 15minutes, while the Maroccan Imam tends to speech 2 hours in Berber language.


How was your Jimce brother Alpha?

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i woke up at 13:30pm. it was a long night, lets just say! manshallah that your jimce was brilliant. it is said a muslim who doesnt go to friday jummmah for 3 or 4 times isnt a muslim.

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Alpha Blondy;850522 wrote:
i woke up at 13:30pm. it was a long night, lets just say! manshallah that your jimce was brilliant. it is said a muslim who doesnt go to friday jummmah for 3 or 4 times isnt a muslim.

Based on that requirement, do you really think there would be over a billion Muslim in the world?

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wyre;850524 wrote:
Jumce Wanaagsan,

Masha Allah Carafaat Do You Pray???

Brother Wyre,


Being among the non-believers its difficult to find the time to withdraw and pray. Now and then I tend to pray Maghrib, sometimes cishaa and sometimes if I have a hard time at work, I pray subax and pray for protection against the gaalo. But I hardly pray casar, and sometimes in weekends duhur if I am near a mosque.


So my prayers are eradic. I hope Allah forgives me.

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I Don't Care What You Do, But I Only Know You Have A Hatred With Islam

Their intention is to extinguish Allah´s Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).

An Ayah

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Carafaat;850532 wrote:
Brother Wyre,


Being among the non-believers its difficult to find the time to withdraw and pray. Now and then I tend to pray Maghrib, sometimes cishaa and sometimes if I have a hard time at work, I pray subax and pray for protection against the gaalo. But I hardly pray casar, and sometimes in weekends duhur if I am near a mosque.


So my prayers are eradic. I hope Allah forgives me.

Try To Pray The Whole Five Times, Insha Allah, Allah Will Be With You

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wyre;850535 wrote:
I Don't Care What You Do, But I Only Know You Have A Hatred With Islam

An Ayah

I don't have a hatred of Islam, I have a hatred of those who feel the need to determine what the constitute sincerity of faith. Apparently, the shahada isn't enough to be Muslim today. This is a consistent problem with all of the organized religions, debate and thought is concentrated in one church or several schools and there's little reasoning.

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