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Kun doollar koofi iyo kitaab.

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This has been an interesting week in Somali politics, two ladies firing two deadly missiles from Istanbul and Brussels shattering home and creating controversies, one apologized and paid KUN DOOLLAR KOOFI IYO KITAAB as a compensation for her collateral damage. The other missile which was deadlier was fired from Brussels by a renegade old guard, and the shock & awe tactic intended has worked to its maximum damage as many Koonfurians like my self are still disoriented with her neo-facist speech which there was no walkouts like Istanbul.


Also this week has been shadowed by America's cash reward promise ($33 million in total) for any information leading to Alshabaab leaders capture or kill, and the comical reply by Alshabaab of promising to pay 10 camels and 20 chickens for any information leading to Obama and Clinton was hilarious, but the biggest looser was Mr Aweys who was left out of the WANTED squad like Rio Ferdinand, and was made worthless by the Americans, that must hurt his pride, imagine the bullying he will get from the other shabaabs.

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