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C/Samad Cali Shire oo Tukoraq weerar ku soo ah

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Waar ma anakaa waalan mise Cadan baa laga heesayaa??


XX why do you cheerlead for Khaatumo Vs Puntland??? both of them are enemies of Somaliland and if a war breaks out they will side with one another,


horta ma suufi waalan baad tahay, mise waad soo waalan doontaa?

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Wahhabis have brained washed people like you with none sense like "Sufi walan". Just wanted to point that out, lol.

FYI xaji is practicing the enemy of my enemy is my friend and he would make a heck of a better politician then u how only sees enemies.

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And how is Khaatumo the enemy of his enemy?? both are Somaliland's enemies ,silly little kids. I see XX as an embaressment to somaliland his antics are obvious and his hypocracy is a disgrace to somaliland. We don't shake our tail-bone for this or that groupe , and somaliland is better off fighting Puntland a Somalia province rather then a sub-clan within somaliland. You have no idea what strategy means , you think just been a bafoon "munaafaq" is been a politician,

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Xaji is Waa shaqsi online forum ku jira, he can't be a disgrace to a supposed state. In my personal book though, he is defentley a credit then all the qamaams in here. Also, me thinks Somaliland would be better off not fighting anybody but then again that's me.

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Lol at mr aadan, xaji and I are old verified members of SOL. Furthermore isnt sad that we come from a part of the world where what village we are from predetermines what ought to think not only of politics but people as well.

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I don't either , but what i see as a problem and embaressment is your somaliland tail-bone shaking and swinging for 2 enemies of somaliland, thats the problem.Kid stop belly dancing, at the end of the day these people are the same clan and they would rather die then accept anything thats somaliland.

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Thats now i not view things you see everything through a clannish perspective that's not how it works son. The Khatumites never ever shared an administration with the garowe boys. why do you think they created their own entity Khatumo? No one hates each other its all politics and different interests. i support Khaatumo against the Garowe boys at the end of the day the Khatumites are part and parcel of Somaliland by culture by tradition by Political culture by history and they are my people. Sure there are elements with in the khatumu entity who want larger union with the Koonfurians that's their beliefs. But don't forget more than 50 years ago it was the middle tribe of Somaliland that was really really in love with uniting with the Koonfurians calling the loudest for union. Also the Garaad clan is dissatisfied with the current regime of Somaliland when it comes to sharing power with in Somaliland and all of that. There are many factors playing a role but this is bigger than you. Adigu durbaan qabiil uun baad tumaysa sidi lugu jiro dagaaladi qarnigi sagaaliyotobnaad:D

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I think you are a confused child, what you called Khaatumites never shared an adminsteration either with Somaliland, and further confused child Garoowe and Las Anod are 80km apart how can they not share the same culture ? are you trying to convince me that you from Xaraf district of Hargaysa some 450km north west share culture and tardition with people of eastern Sool and Nugaal?? and not their kins who are merely 80km away, in fact Taleex and Qardho are even less distant then that.


suuqa ka fadhiiso ciyaal yar oo wareeray baad tahaye isla yaab. niikadan jooji, you are embaressing somaliland people.

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And who told you 50 years ago what you are calling Garaad clan were anti-somaliweyn?? out of their 12 somaliland MPs of 1958-1959 election all 11 mps of USP were pro-somaliweyn maybe Garaad Cali at one time refused the union but all was a tactical move , Garaad Cali wanted better offer from SNL party and once he got it at the expence of Micheal Mariano party which won 25000 votes VS 56000 for SNL , UNF despite the fact they got 1/3 of the votes they were only given 1 sit in Somaliland parliment meanwhile the SNL having won 2/3 gave USP 12 sits robbing Micheal Mariano out of his share, after getting 12 sits undeservingly their pro-somaliland tactics were changed and they advocated for an immediate union. As soon the 33 somaliland MPs joined the south the USP were giving further power by getting 2 ministers for their small insignificant party and both SNL and UNF which got 98% of Somaliland vote were giving 2 ministeries.


You need to be schooled kid, somaliland history can't be gleaned from few websites.

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