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Xaaji Xunjuf

Africa Conference:Somaliland and the new borders for Africa.

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Twenty years of civil war have brought the African nation of Somalia to it’s knees. The country as such has ceased to exist. Power lies in the hands of warlords, fundamentalist muslims and pirates. Yet there is still hope: in the north the nation of Somaliland was established, in separation of the fictional state of Somalia. This young nation became a beacon of stability in the Horn of Africa.


Somaliland remains a splendid example of solid nationbuilding from the will of the people, who desire to take control of their own future. Yet still the world denies Somaliland formal recognition. The Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA) believes the time to be right to say goodbye to the ill-fitting fictional borders of Africa. New nations such as Somaliland deserve a fair chance.


Flemish Member of Parliament Marc Hendrickx (N-VA) is hosting a conference on Friday 25th of May on the subject of "Somaliland – New Borders for Africa". Politicians from Flanders, the European Union and Somaliland will gather in the Flemish Parliament to discuss matters such as piracy, female genital mutilation and the rise of new African nations. Dr. Edna Adan Ismail, whose activism on topics such as infant mortality and female mutilation has brought her international recognition, will be attending, as well as mr. Abdirahman Ciro Abdalahi, president of the Somaliland Parliament.


Admission to this conference is free of charge. There will be a simultaneous translation between English and Dutch.

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uchi;832175 wrote:
the title should have been Conference on
female genital mutilation
~ come on XX

why "female genital mutilation" Ceebtaan wada qabno maxaa keenay meesha yaa UCHI

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