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Sheick Shariif should incl Khatuma in talks with Somaliland

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Begin this year members from all sections, districts, politicians, elders,women, youth and diaspora from the SSC/Darawiish clan came together in the historic city of Taleex. For the first time in history they united around a single political agenda, structure and political leadership, which was to be called Khatuma.


The political mission of Khatuma were declared loud and clear for everyone to hear, which is (1) Preserve's Somalia's Unity, (2) Living in Peace with neighbouring clans, (3) Development of the region. they choose a a national leadership(3 President), advisory council(G9) and a guurti with representetives to execute that mission.


Khatumo is atleast in control of Bocame, Taleex, Buuhoodle districts. Area's which is also claimed by Somaliland, Therefor if Somaliland objected Puntland, then Sheick must hear the voices of the people of Khatuma and include Khatuma's leadership in the delegation that will talk with Somaliland.


Somalia and Somaliland talking without Khatumo makes no sense, isn't legitimate nor fair and just.

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Carafaat,for some one who wants to see Somaliland rejoin the union, dont u think this recommendation of yours will hurt that goal? Ofcourse the people of Khaatumo state should have a role and a say in shaping their future, but if they are included in the talks this early on while a small scare war is being fought between them and Somaliland, explain to me how that will make Somaliland any closer to rejoining the union. All this would do is make sure the talks start off on a tone marked by hostility and competition, an exercise in tit-for-tat politics. What we need instead is for the first few talks to be about warming the frigidness dividing Somaliland and Somalia, and for this we need an atmosphere that is about negotiation, reconciliation and compromise.

After this is established, then the issue of Khatumo can be brought to the forefront.

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U raise a good point. Not only Khatumo but all players in the north need to have their say for the sake of finding a lasting peace in our country.


Wadani: I don't believe these discussions are going somewhere as long as 'SL' occuppies some parts of Khatumo and claims all of it. A precondition, 'SL' has come terms with its constituents - and tell them her true capacity that is that they represent their clan alone ...wixii intaa ka soo hadha waa indho unmero uno qarnigan 21-aad.

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