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31st Anniversary of the SNM, what is their legacy to the Somali people.

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SNM worked for Ethiopia and Mingustu haile maryam. and 1988 they invaded their homeland. hargeysa burco which coused thousends and thousends died and more hounred thousends civilians fleeing in tho ethiopia. SNM was one most failed rebells on this Planet.

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Boondheere;815698 wrote:
SNM worked for Ethiopia and Mingustu haile maryam. and 1988 they invaded their homeland. hargeysa burco which coused thousends and thousends died and more hounred thousends civilians fleeing in tho ethiopia. SNM was one most failed rebells on this Planet.

Everyone worked with Ethiopia, Aideed had his headquarters in Mustahil.

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Somalia;815712 wrote:
Everyone worked with Ethiopia, Aideed had his headquarters in Mustahil.

its True Aidiid was in Ethiopian worker like Abdulahi yusuf and siilaanyo but actually Aidiid was not part of USC rebells who thrown down the Siad barre government so called kacdoonkii mogadishu who started 30 diseembar 1991 which coused collapse of Siad barre goverment .


Aidiid come mogadishu for last stages of the war(kacdoonkii Mogadishu). Actually Aidiid whit view body guars entering mogadishu 19 janaury 1991 just 5 days before siyaad barre goverment left villa Somalia.


USC rebells leaders were general Nero(aun) and Gen galaal. and aidiid never too part of the the war Usc rebells vs somali goverment(siyad bare)



i agree whit you all rebells USC, SSDF. SNM all of them was criminals and Ethiopia helped them to destroy Somalia.

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Boondheere actually much fighting wasn't needed in xamar in 1991 when caydiid in 1990 broke the back of ciidamada todobaad in gobolada dhexe they were totally cut off from Mogadisho a handful fled to mogadisho and a large section joined USC that was the end of the SNA.

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Sanad-guuraddii 31-aad ee ka soo wareegtay Aasaaskii Ururkii SNM oo si weyn looga xusay Somaliland


April 7th, 2012


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Munaasibad Lagu Xusayey sanad guurada 31-aad ee ka soo wareegtay aasaaskii ururkii SNM oo ku beegnayd 6 bisha April 1981-kii ayaa saaka lagu qabtay Xarunta hay’adda Shaqaalaha dawladda Somaliland ee Magaalada Hargaysa.


Munaasabadan oo ay ka soo qayb galeen mas’uuliyiin ay ka mid yahiin wasiirka warfaafinta iyo wacyigelinta JSL Mudane Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale, Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaaradda warfaafinta Mudane Faysal Cali Sheekh, Agaasimaha Xafiiska Samafalka madaxtooyada, Marwo Aamina Maxamuud Diiriye, Madaxa xafiiska Xidhiidhka dadweynaha ee madaxtooyada Cismaan Awr-Liqe iyo Mujaahidiin ka tirsan Jamciyadda Sooyaal.


Gudoomiyaha Jamciyadda Sooyaal Xasan Cabdi Axmed oo kulankaasi ka hadlay ayaa sharaxaad ka bixiyey xuska maalintaasi, waxana uu sheegay in Lixda April ay ku beegantay maalintii shalay ee Jimcaha sidaa darteedna munaasabadda xuskeeda dib loogu soo riixay maanta oo Sabti ah.


Gudoomiyahu waxuu sheegay in dal waliba ama umad waliba ay xaq u leedahay inay xusto taariikhdeeda, maantana la hadhsanayo midhihii ka dhashay aasaaskii ururkii SNM, ayna ahayd in in sidan ka badan loo soo xaadiro munaasabadahan noocan oo kale ah.


Agaasinka xafiiska samafalka ee Madaxtooyada Marwo aamina maxamuud Diiriye oo halkaasi hadal ka jeedisay ayaa uga mahadcelisay ka soo qayb galayaasha sida ay u qadarinayaan aasaaskii SNM, halka sidoo kalena ay uga mahadcelisay kaalinta ay haweenku ka qaateen halgankii SNM.


Marwo Aamina waxay ku boorisay Mujaahidiinta SNM in si kastoo cabasho u jirto hadana ay maanta ugu rajo wacan yihiin maadaama gudoomiyahoodii ugu waqtiga dheeraa uu maanta dalkan Madaxweyne ka yahay , iyagiina ay wasiiro iyo Agaasimayaal ka yihiin dawladda maanta dhisan.


Wasiirka wasaaradda warfaafinta iyo Wacyigelinta JSL Mudane Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale, oo isna munaasabadaai hadal dheer ka jeediyey ayaa tibaaxay in SNM ay ahayd jabhad balaadhan oo ay dhamaan ku wada jireen Bulshadu, isla markaana leh ahdaaf ay tiigsanayso.

Wasiir Boobe waxa uu sheegay in maanta ay tahay maalin xusuus badan , dibna loo eegayo barnaamijyadii SNM waxii ka qabsoomay iyo waxii kale, iyadoo sawirka siyaasadeed ee maanta yaallaa u badan yahay waxii laga dhaxlay qorshayaashii Ururkii SNM.


Wasiirku wuxuu soo jeediyay in daraasad balaadhan laga sameeyo baahiyaha aasaasiga ah ee ay mujaahidiintu qabaan, iyaguna ay toshaan halkii ay wax ku shuban lahaayeen, iyadoo xukuumadduna ay ballanqaadayso inay la socoto xaalada mujaahidiinta.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;815835 wrote:
Boondheere actually much fighting wasn't needed in xamar in 1991 when caydiid in 1990 broke the back of ciidamada todobaad in gobolada dhexe they were totally cut off from Mogadisho a handful fled to mogadisho and a large section joined USC that was the end of the SNA.

That's not true. siad barre was in full controll all cities of Somalia.

Hargeysa burco. berbera. boorame. Lascanod. bosaso. galkayo. baladweyne. jowhar

baydhabo and kismayo was full controll of the hands siad barre gov.

Even when siad barre run away mogadishu 26 janayo 1991 . siad barre army chief in hargeysa burco was

in controll whole waqoyi 3 more days until 29 janayo 1991.

If siad barre forces was broken why Snm could not even take hargeysa even when

goverment collapsed 26 jnaayo 1991.

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^^ Actually 23 January in 1991 the last strong hold of the SNA fell berbera that's 3 days before Siyad bare was ousted. But when Caydiid broke the back of the SNA in the middle regions in the 1990s that's when the logistics and Mogadishu was cut of from the middle regions. You also know that there was mass defections from 1989 till 1991 the Somali army was broken with in, this happened also with the formation of the SPM, the Somali patriotic movement led by Ina Omar jees many tribesmen part of the SNA defected to the SPM this was also a Major Blow to the SNA and the Government of General Siad bare.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;815992 wrote:
^^ Actually 23 January in 1991 the last strong hold of the SNA fell berbera that's 3 days before Siyad bare was ousted. But when Caydiid broke the back of the SNA in the middle regions in the 1990s that's when the logistics and Mogadishu was cut of from the middle regions. You also know that there was mass defections from 1989 till 1991 the Somali army was broken with in, this happened also with the formation of the SPM, the Somali patriotic movement led by Ina Omar jees many tribesmen part of the SNA defected to the SPM this was also a Major Blow to the SNA and the Government of General Siad bare.

again your not telling trues. Snm entered berbera hargysa burco 29 after siad barre left

xamar. aiydiid did not wage war gobolada dhexe never.

He come xamar 19 janaayo 1991 after 21 days the start of

kacdoonka shacabka which started 30 disembar 1990.

Aydid was not part of the war.he only took part the last stages. i was in xamar.

Its easy to change the history. siad barre was full controlll

All major cities of somalia when kacdoobka shacabka started (usc)

30 disebar 1990. SNM WAS TOTTALY DEFEATED already 1989.

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