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Siilaanyo's Gogol Nabad - Allaahu Akbar Eedaanku Waa Kaa Af Iyo Beene

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Allaahu Akbar Eedaanku Waa Kaa Af Iyo Beene ,-< This was a line from famous poety of Ali Dhuux's when discrediting Sayid Mohmed....






Laba isma qabato….weerar joogta ah dhul aanad lahayn oo dadkiisi ku ogolayn iyo Gogol Nabadeed baaqeeda, sheekhow Gogasha nabada waxaa la dhigaa marka aanad dagaal rabin in aad la gasho dad duulaan kugu ah…..Reer khaatumo kumay soo duulin Burco….Nin aad kursiga ugu soo fadhiisatay inaad dhulkiisa la wareegto oo dadkiisa laynayso ayaad nabad ugu baaqaysaa ninkow…..


Dhibka ugu wayn ma aha in aad fuliso damaca kugu jira ee aad la rabto qabiilkaagu in uu hantiyo dhulka Khaatumo, balse waxa taa ka yaab badan ummada reer shiikh isxaaq oo shiikh iyo shariifba lehi in aanay ka hadal gardarada intaa leeg marka laga reebo Ibrahim Cabdulaahi Xuseen(dhagawayne) oo ku tilmaamay in ay xukuumada Somaliland tahay dhul doon ee aanay ahayn dad doon.....taa waxa kasii yaab badan ragan u dhashay Khaatumo ee luflufka ku cuna Hargaysa, tolow tacsida mayay qarsadaan kolay dad eholo ay yihiin dagaalka way ku dhimanayaane marka kasta oo ay wax dhacaane…Taana wax aan ka idhi heestii ahayd "Ilaah baa deeq baxshee dulmiga Ehelada kadaa" ma odhan kari waayeen mise meesha hadal looma ogola….waa yaabe ayaa idinka qaylo dheeraa markii aan xamar joogay ee dawladii Maxamad Siyaad Barre ku hadli jirtay hadalada Hargaysa hada ka soo yeedha ee ah Kooxa budhcad ah oo yar yar baa soo weeraray Hargaysa iyo Burco…..Sow waxu waa isku Af..


Hadalkaa Dhagawayne waxa aan lahaa Hadraawi baa soo labaynaye waa halkii CALI MARSHAAL Alla ha u naxariistee balse may dhicin………….


Aniga oo ku hadlaaya dhamaan dadka ka dhiidhiya dibin-daabyada dadka islaamka …siiba Soomaalida waxa aan u baaqayaa dhamaan wax garadka reer Shiikh isixaaq inay odayga Siilaanyo u sheegaan wixii uu shalay diiday dhulkiisa in ay Dawladii hore kula kacdo ayuu manta reer Khaatumo ku hayaa.. labada kala daa ninkow in ay ku yidhaahdaan oo uu eedaanka saxo…..hadii kale waa halkii Maxamed Cabdirahman Xaji Jaamac(LUGOOYE) ..CASUUMADAHA QAAR LAF AAD MARAQSATAA DHAANTA…


Taa waxa xigi doonta “WAAR NINKOW NINKOW NINKOW” iyo wixii tii horeba ku baaba'day…..tayduna waxay tahay: "Mar hadaan ka gabyay..Go’aygiina ka qaatay habaryartay waxay odhan maxaa iiga gidhiish ah"



Wa Bilaahi Towfiiq.



Abdinasir M.Haji Nuur

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You wish he be like him.. The inference of the poet is analogy but Siiraanyo is old fart who attacks peaceful people early mornings and later the day calls for peace! What kind of sanity exists in the minds of successionists?

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A_Khadar;813402 wrote:
You wish he be like him.. The inference of the poet is analogy but Siiraanyo is old fart who attacks peaceful people early mornings and later the day calls for peace! What kind of sanity exists in the minds of successionists?


But that's what Ali dhuux said to the Mad Mullah


Allaahu Akbar Eedaanku Waa Kaa Af Iyo Beene

Ashahaaday gaalkubase waa ehelu naarkiiye.

Ubbo weyso waan kugu arkaa agab salaadeede.

Abtirsiinadaa waxay gashaa, eyda Reer Xamare


The same way the Mullah attacked many people somaha Khadarow:D

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A khadar Abti according to Mr Cadami Somaliland defense minister they were attacked and according 2 you Somaliland army was on the offensive so who is lying?

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What has the Mullah who died in 1920 got to do with today? Siilanyu is a warlord who is attacking civilians right now. His actions have caused death and destruction to people unarmed in the year 2012. Stick to the topic lad.

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Siilaanyo is in a quandary ; to stop the war he needs to state the obvious , which is Somaliland cannot and will not secede from Somalia. But to do that is almost a political suicide for he is a political leader of the triangle cult ...


Khatumo will capture Lasanod, that is given, it is of matter time.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;813415 wrote:
But that's what Ali dhuux said to the Mad Mullah


Allaahu Akbar Eedaanku Waa Kaa Af Iyo Beene

Ashahaaday gaalkubase waa ehelu naarkiiye.

Ubbo weyso waan kugu arkaa agab salaadeede.

Abtirsiinadaa waxay gashaa, eyda Reer Xamare


The same way the Mullah attacked many people somaha Khadarow:D

Awoow meel aan wax ku jirin baad faraha gelisaa.. The reference of above was famous poet from Ali Dhuuh and the two men had conflicts in between.. If you want shift Siiraanyo's attacks and calls fro peace in same day, too bad.. This thread is for that.


Respond about why your old dog leader is so munaafaq. Attacking town and its people and calling for peace at the same time? Are you agreed on this as well? Is cadee waxba sayid iyo ali ha ku meeraysane..

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General Duke;813419 wrote:
What has the Mullah who died in 1920 got to do with today? Siilanyu is a warlord who is attacking civilians right now. His actions have caused death and destruction to people unarmed in the year 2012. Stick to the topic lad.

Unarmed according to Liibaan they karbaashed the Somaliland army i am sure they were carrying guns

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Xaaji Xunjuf;813429 wrote:
Unarmed according to Liibaan they karbaashed the Somaliland army i am sure they were carrying guns

XX, as usual confusing the matter in his favor. Adeer Siilanyu's actions in targeting civilians has caused this armed defense by the locals. Sooner rather than later Khatumo will recapture these areas and I won't be surprised I the fighting ends up in The heart of Burco. One has to be careful of one actions.

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