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Somali Students Scholarship Program!

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An eNuri Community Responsibility Intiative



To All the Xawaaladyaal


You have grown too rich in the past 16 years from transferring welfare money from abroad to the poor in Somalia, many of you are even physically fat, which shows how much extra unhealthy pounds ( $terling) that you should share or pump back to the communities that you have served only as a conduit for cash, but not for sustained DEVELOPMENT.


Apart from your personl Zakat, which is a must, or the Rer Qansax Qaaran, your contribution to the larger Somali communities in which you operate ( Overseas and at Home) leaves a lot more to be desired.


Brothers, you are not socially responsible!


So, I have an idea Saaxib to make you socially responsible.


Instead of using the transit money in the pipeline for your personal investments, like Real Estate projects( Major Xawaalads have millions in the pipeline daily, which in banking terms can translate into a wealth on its own, but who really owns it? and who benefits from its investment? the people who transfer these funds or the Xawalaadyaal?). For once, please think the community as your reason for existence! how about if you :


1. Announce a Scholarship Program to encourage Somali kids to attend world class higher education?


2. Support Local Schools Struggling to make ends meet? Building new class rooms, providing school supplies, sponsoring programs that help disadvantaged kids etc.


3. Sponsor Sport Activities for troubled teens


4. Sponsor Community Clubs, to help peace flourish? ( Peace does not neccessarily undermine money transfer)



Have your say!





2007 SOL eNuri Community Service

He Who Does Not Care For The Muslim Ummah ( Community) Is Not One Of Them. ( Hadeeth)

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Abdillatif Bro.


By all means bro. Go ahead, edit the post make it a formal proposal, remove the sarcasm (fat etc), and hope that we help a needy Somali student in this initaiative.


Baarakallah feek




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