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Xaaji Xunjuf

Garaad Cali yusuf of eastern sanaag warns against terrorism in the region

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Garaad Cali Yuusuf Oo Ugu Baaqay Shacbiga Bariga Sanaag In Dagaal Ay Kala Hor-tagaan Kooxaha Argagixisada Ah Ee Ku Soo Qul-qulaya Gal-gala


Laasqoray, March 1, 2012 (Haatuf) - Garaad Cali Yuusuf Cabdule oo ka mid ah Isimada Degmada Dhahar ee Bariga Sanaag ayaa ku baaqay in Dagaal ay kala hor-tagaan Dadweynaha Deegaankaasi Kooxda Al-Shabaab ee isku urur sanaysa Buuralayda Gal-gala ee Bariga Sanaag, kuna tilmaamay hadalkii dhawaan ka soo yeedhay Ninka lagu magacaabo Yaasiin Kilwe oo sheegay inuu yahay Afhayeenka Kooxda ka dagaalanta Buuralayada uu sheegay in dhawaan ay ku biireen Ururka Al-Shabaab hadal Caruureed, cadeeyayna in aan loo dul qaadan-doonin in Kooxaha Argagixisadu ay gabood ka soo dhigtaan deegaanadaasi Gal-gala, uguna baaqay Bulshada deegaanada Bariga Sanaag in dagaal hubaysan ay ku qaadaan Kooxaha Argagixisada ah ee ku soo qul-qulaya Buuralaydaasi Gal-gala.

Garaad Cali Yuusuf Cabdule waxa uu sidaasi ku sheegay xog-waraysi uu siiyay Laasqoray Online, ayaa waxa ka mid ahaa hadaladiisii Garaadka “Hadalkaa ka soo yeedhay Kooxdaasi waxaan u arkaa hadal Caruureed, Buuraha Cal-madowna waa dhul Xoolo daaqeen ah, Dadka ku dhaqana aniga ayaa Amiir u ah. Kooxdii Atam ee meeshaasi ka dagaalami jirtay-na hadday yidhaahdeen waxaanu noqonay Al-Shabaab oo ku xidhan Ururka Al-Qaacida, maanta laga bilaabo anaga maaha, Dadka ku dhaqan deegaankaasi-na waxa waajib ku ah inay ka hor-tagaan oo gacan bir ah wax kaga qabtaan Kooxdaasi maanta laga bilaabo oo aanay u kala hadhin sidii ay deegaankaasi Gal-gala uga xorayn lahaayeen, waananu ka xunahay in waxaas oo kale ka soo yeedhaan Kooxdaasi”.

Dhinaca kale Ninkan sheegtay Afhayeenka Ururka Al-Shabaab Mr Yaasiin Kilwe ayaa isagu ka mid ah Kooxdii Argagixisada ahayd ee Magaalada Tog-wajaale badhtamihii Sandkii 2006 ku dhacay Lacagta, isla markaana Xukun Maxkamaddeed ugu xidhnaa muddo lix Sanno ah Xabsiga Madheera ee Gobolka Saaxil, intaa ka dib-na markii la sii daayay tagay Magaaladda Muqdisho oo uu ka mid noqday hor-joogayaasha Ururka Al-Shabaab, halkaas oo uu ku guursaday Gabadh ay walaalo yihiin Afhayeenka Ururka Al-Shabaab Sheekh Cali Dheere.Mr Kilwe ayaa dhawaan loo soo magacaabay Hogaanka Al-Shabaab ee deegaanka Gal-gala.

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I am glad that the Garaad has realized the support his clan had for Al-Shabaab was wrong and that we must work to defeat Al-Shabaab in Galgala, Puntland.


Thank you very much for your time.

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Eastern Sanaag ya dagaa? :D


All Somali news reports have become glorified versions of SOL discussions these days. Eastern Sanaag, Western Ceergaabo, etc, etc.

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^^ Population wise ceerigaabo is the largest city of sanaag and the maakhir folks don't even consider ceerigaabo the capital city of sanaag they consider badhan the capital of sanaag either way the garaad is from dhahar which is eastern sanaag unless you say dhahar is located in western or central sanaag:D

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^^ Nonsense eastern sanaag regions is way less populated than central and western sanaag any way lets not get carried away the entire region of sanaag belongs to SL and that's what matters.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;797270 wrote:
^^ Nonsense eastern sanaag regions is way less populated than central and western sanaag any way lets not get carried away the entire region of sanaag belongs to SL and that's what matters.

Let me get this stright, while you admit in terms of land you are a minority, your claim is your clan has more people in the little area that they reside? Laughable, but hey I am speaking to an "ethnic Somalilander" after all.

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The region is the biggest region of Somaliland do you have clear statistics who lives where and how large the population is you don't. i don't think the sanaag region or the western and central regions are a small part of sanaag the most important part is the capital which is ceerigaabo. while some folks claim that ceerigaabo is not really the capital of sanaag and argue that badhan is duke calls it baran and he wants to discuss sanaag with me now that's really laughable:D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;797289 wrote:
The region is the biggest region of Somaliland do you have a clear statistics who lives where and how large the population is you don't. i don't think the sanaag region or the western and central regions are a small part of sanaag the most important part is the capital which is ceerigaabo. while some folks claim that ceerigaabo is not really the capital of sanaag and argue that badhan is duke calls it baran and he wants to discuss sanaag with me now that's really laughable:D

lool. Its clear that in SOOL, SANAAG and CAYN, the SNM are a minority to say the least, my statistics are more clearer than your confused utterances of the fiction that is "ethnic Somaliland" and so on. Also, there is no way that we will have a debate where an individual from the small SNM triangle will debate with me regarding the ownership of SANAAG.

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So now we are talking about sool and cayn aswell you are losing it Dukey i thought we were discussing sanaag you have no say when it comes to sanaag you are from Mugdi Mudug the eastern sanaag folks have a claim on the region but not you remember how you're leaders are despised in eastern Sanaag.While Somaliland politicians just receive easily a hero's welcome in eastern sanaag that's the difference.

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To add insult to injury with that nonsense about bariga Sanaag, u called the minority in a region where they are clearly the majority. Find anything comparable to Badhan, LasQoray, Dhahar, buraan, ceelbuh, ceelayo, hadaaftimo, xingalool and yube in "west Sanaag" and "central Sanaag".

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Naxar Nugaaleed;797340 wrote:
To add insult to injury with that nonsense about bariga Sanaag, u called the minority in a region where they are clearly the majority. Find anything comparable to Badhan, LasQoray, Dhahar, buraan, ceelbuh, ceelayo, hadaaftimo, xingalool and yube in "west Sanaag" and "central Sanaag".

Waxaasi wa tuulooyin saaxib waxaad tirineysid imisa qof ba u so xarooda?


what about






Gar adag



Karin turwa


Imisa qof ba u xarooda ayaad u malayn.

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Xaji Xunjuf (from Xarshin) is discussing issues regarding Sanaag, and telling General Duke to "Piss Off", because he's from Mudug.


He thinks he has MORE right in fighting for his HY cousins, then General Duke who has cousins in Ceerigaabo and Sanaag, Sool and Cayn regions as well. Xaji Xunjuf, let the minority HY (comparable to Khaatumo-Maakhir-Puntlanders combined) in terms of lineage speak for themselves.

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