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Laysimo la bixinayo Puntland

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Wasaaradda gadiidka iyo hawlaha guud Puntland ayaa 1,March,2012 bilaabaysa bixinta laysimada iyo dhamaan darajooyinka gadiid wadista (All grades of driving license) waxaana bixintooda lagu salayey hanaanka casriga ah ee darawalada.


Qaasim Cabdulqaadir Seefle agaasimaha waaxda Laysimada iyo tababarada oo marti ku noqday barnaamijka Rayiga dadweynaha Radio Garowe ayaa sheegay in bixinta Laysimada ay ku xiran yihiin shuruudo laga fiirsaday,waxaana waxyaabaha la eegayo ka mid ah caafimaadka qofka,naafada,da'da iyadoo wasaaraduna furtay School lagu baranayo darawlnimada.


Qaasim oo dadweynaha toos ugala hadlay idaacada su'aalo badana laga waydiiyey mawduucan oo dadka wadataabtay ayaa ku dheeraaday faa'idada ay leedahay in la helo darwal aqoon u leh kaxaynta gadiidka safarada si looga hortego shilalka gadiidka oo beryahan soo badanyey.


Dadweynaha barnaamijka ka qayb-galay ayaa soo dhaweeyey barnaamijkan oo ay ku tilmaameen mid xakamayn kara darawalada isla markaana waxweyn ka bedeli kara iskusocdaka gadiidka iskala goosha deegaanada Puntland.



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excellent and hopefully it will instill proper driving standards through-out the state. They should centralize the driver license tests like the government is doing with the educational reforms. This will bring about a massive change on the driver culture and hopefully lessen accidents in the state!!!

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Dr_Osman;796634 wrote:
excellent and hopefully it will instill proper driving standards through-out the state. They should centralize the driver license tests like the government is doing with the educational reforms. This will bring about a massive change on the driver culture and hopefully lessen accidents in the state!!!

creating a standard for all institutions is the only way for progress and economic wealth. i'm very proud of Wasaaradda gadiidka iyo hawlaha guud Puntland.

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kingking dont u love the accountability of our ministries to the constitiuents? something unseen anywhere in Somalia. I love it and it promotes good governance a key foundation of a sensible democracy

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Dr_Osman;796642 wrote:
kingking dont u love the accountability of our ministries to the constitiuents? something unseen anywhere in Somalia. I love it and it promotes good governance a key foundation of a sensible democracy


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GAROWE, Somalia Feb 29 2012 (Garowe Online) – Puntland highway authority has announced that it will be issuing driver licenses next month, Radio Garowe reports.


Director of vehicle licenses for Puntland Qassim Abdulqadir Sefle spoke to Feedback, a call in program hosted by Radio Garowe had the chance to announce to Puntland residents the initiation of driver licenses by March 1st 2012.


The director spoke about the requirements which include health, experience, and age amongst other requirements. Mr. Sefle added that candidates that do not meet the requirements could attend a driving school sponsored by the Puntland Highway authority.


Mr. Sefle spoke about the advantages that the driver license brings including accountability on both the driver and the government for the safety of pedestrians and other drivers.” Increasing car accidents in Puntland have forced the government to act because we do not want unqualified drivers operating vehicles on our roads,” said Mr. Sefle.


The director received positive feedback from listeners who were glad to see action being done about unqualified drivers.

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