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Last chance.

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Do you think the London Conference will be the last chance for Somlia to stand on its feet.

I think so. I think the world will punish us for another 20 years and leave us in lawlessness to suffer if we don't scoop this great chance.



What do you think?????

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Indeed. It's up to Somalis if they want their country divided forever and destroyed or if they want to respect each

other wishe's and live in peace.



; wrote:

David Cameroon:the problems in Somalia can only be solved by the Somali people. So we are not here to impose solutions on a country from afar. Nor are we here to tell you, the Somali people, what to do.


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Somali people have to grow up and look beyond clan allegiances. Walahi we became shame on this world switch on to any television and they will talk about Somalia and the topic will be 1) Piracy. 2) Famine. 3) Terrorism.

and we still don't feel ashamed of this.


xataa heer waxaynu gaarnay in ilmaheenii yurub ku dhashay ay na deyriyaan oo ay ka faanaan in skuulka ay ku sheegtaan inay yihiin soomaali ceeb ay dareemayaan darteed. War soomaaliyeey xishooda oo Ilahey ka cabsada oo isu tanaasula. hope London conference will open a new window.

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Mukulaalow there is always a chance there is no such thing as a last chance what will the international community do if the post august conference fails what will they do. Stop supporting a government in Mogadishu that would be suicidal for them. Terrorist linked groups will fill the vacuum and that's the last thing they want you should not believe in the empty threats of Hilary Clinton. They will support a government in Somalia even if it controls one street in Somalia they have to there is no other alternative adeer.

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ill be honoust, i have no hope for anything in Somalia. There are to many waring interests, fringe groups etc and tribes all fighting against one another all distrusting others..for a stable state to be built it must be built on the backs of educated people, Somalia as a state in my view needs to start from scratch. new flag, new peace agreement that involves everyone, it has to except the reality that Somaliland and Somalia were two seperate countries that united and have now left and work on salvaging whats left of the other half. Its that or the current state of affairs.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;793774 wrote:
Mukulaalow there is always a chance there is no such thing as a last chance what will the international community do if the post august conference fails what will they do. Stop supporting a government in Mogadishu that would be suicidal for them..

XX the world powers have so many probles in the middle east and the arab springs and will not give you their attention again for a long time, if this chance is lost and august process fails, then I think the international community will go back to the "containment" policy and statuesque for Somalia, that means another God knows years of ISKA DABAWAREEG and suffer.

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